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The Library World Volume 49 Issue 10

New Library World

ISSN: 0307-4803

Article publication date: 1 May 1947



THE Annual Meeting of the Library Association will have taken place before our nest issue is published, so, with three weeks still ahead, comment upon it here is necessary. As Mr. Berwick Sayers's reminiscent article on another page shows, it is the third conference to be held at Brighton and judging from the success the first two achieved the third should be as good. Brighton has a particularly tonic effect on its visitors which is often reflected in the debates. The subjects to be dealt with concern the aftermath in the main and are in good hands. A novelty is a paper on the first day. It is to be by Mr. T. E. Callender on the uses in libraries of punched cards; we mention this as mechanization will come in librarianship as in accountancy. All the details of the other papers have not reached us yet, which is a pity as members should always know early exactly why they confer and about what. There are, however, the difficulties of getting the papers from their writers, and the speed of publishing—need we say it?—is not what it was. There are also difficulties which exclude more excursions. Not all desire them, however, and Brighton affords as many means of diversion as members are likely to find time to enjoy.


(1947), "The Library World Volume 49 Issue 10", New Library World, Vol. 49 No. 10, pp. 153-168.




Copyright © 1947, MCB UP Limited

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