The Library World Volume 47 Issue 2
THE hope we expressed in recent pages, that the Library Association might resume its normal methods of life and government, remains a hope. London, where only we suppose the Council could do its work really well, has been of late no place for the meetings of people; and we dare to say that for the key people of any profession or movement to gather there at present would be unwise, even though imagination may increase the risk beyond the warrant of the facts. Nor do we know yet if the worst has been experienced. Meanwhile it is probable that the affairs of librarianship must be delegated to even fewer workers than now. Only the chronically ungracious part of our fraternity will be without gratitude to those who keep things going for us.
(1944), "The Library World Volume 47 Issue 2", New Library World, Vol. 47 No. 2, pp. 17-40.
Copyright © 1944, MCB UP Limited