The Library World Volume 28 Issue 11
WE regret to learn that the Leyton Borough Council has followed the bad example of East Ham in transferring its library responsibilities from the ad hoc Library Committee to the Education Committee. The case is worse than that of East Ham in that the Borough Council is not the education authority and the library system, with its library staff, consisting of men of life‐long experience, will be handed over to the County Education Committee. Such transfers are not made in order to promote the efficiency of the library but because the Councils are under the delusion that by some species of financial legerdemain a library service will be provided without payment on their part. As the promoters of the 1919 Act certainly did not intend any such actions as this, we hope that the Library Association may be able to do something before the transfer takes effect. Our hope, we are bound to admit, is a faint one.
(1926), "The Library World Volume 28 Issue 11", New Library World, Vol. 28 No. 11, pp. 208-232.
Copyright © 1926, MCB UP Limited