The powers of a party wall surveyor
It is well known that the power of a party wall surveyor appointed under the London Building Acts (Amendment) Act 1939, is great indeed. He can, by his award, bind his appointing owner to times and methods of working — indeed to works themselves — and that award cannot be questioned once 14 days have elapsed after delivery to the building and the adjoining owners by their respective surveyors. He cannot — contrary to an opinion I have just received in a letter from an irate owner, who completely misunderstands the operation of the Act — be discharged once he has been duly appointed. He is answerable to no man: only to the Act and to his professional judgment and conscience.
Anstey, J. (1984), "The powers of a party wall surveyor", Structural Survey, Vol. 2 No. 3, pp. 224-226.
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