The North Carolina Shore and its Barrier Islands: Restless Ribbons of Sands

Disaster Prevention and Management

ISSN: 0965-3562

Article publication date: 1 August 2000



(2000), "The North Carolina Shore and its Barrier Islands: Restless Ribbons of Sands", Disaster Prevention and Management, Vol. 9 No. 3.



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2000, MCB UP Limited

The North Carolina Shore and its Barrier Islands: Restless Ribbons of Sands

The North Carolina Shore and its Barrier Islands: Restless Ribbons of Sands

O.H. Pilkey, W.J. Neal, S.R. Riggs, C.A. Webb and D.M. BushDuke University Press1998319 pp.ISBN 0 8223 2208 0$54.95

This book is one of the "Living with the shore" series which argues for a policy of intelligent development which will allow both residential and commercial development to co-exist.

The book covers the topic areas that confront the ever changing topography of the shore area together with nature of hazards and vulnerability. Included are area risk maps which focus on the natural hazards of each of the islands and, together with construction guidelines, provide a basis for informed island management.

The book is well written in an easy to read style and is well illustrated with appropriate diagrams and photographs. This is one of those texts, which although is specifically written with regard to particular area, contains a wealth of information that can be easily transposed to other areas of similar risk from natural hazards.

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