(2000), "Downloadable Informer now available online from the Natural Hazards Centre", Disaster Prevention and Management, Vol. 9 No. 2.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2000, MCB UP Limited
Downloadable Informer now available online from the Natural Hazards Centre for either version on the WWW.
To meet the unexpected demand for its new publication, the Natural Hazards Informer, the Natural Hazards Research and Applications Information Centre is providing a downloadable version of the first issue on the World Wide Web. The Natural Hazards Centre encourages the reproduction and distribution of the Informer.
Written by practitioners and researchers, each volume of the Informer summarises current knowledge about some specific aspect of natural hazards research and policy, saving readers the time and effort needed to research and update their knowledge regarding the given topic.
The Informer is intended for practitioners, researchers, public policy makers, and others interested in hazards management, and is distributed free to all subscribers of the newsletter you are currently reading, the Natural Hazards Observer. Thus, if you are already a subscriber to the Observer, you do not need to subscribe to the Informer; it will be sent to you automatically.
Additionally, as mentioned above, the first issue of the Informer - "Flood mitigation planning: the CRS approach", by French Wetmore and Gil Jamieson - is now also available from the Hazards Centre Web site in both HTML (online) and Adobe PDF (downloadable) format. The PDF format enables interested persons to print an exact version of the original publication.