(2000), "World Bank Disaster Management Facility (DMF)", Disaster Prevention and Management, Vol. 9 No. 1.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2000, MCB UP Limited
World Bank Disaster Management Facility (DMF)
World Bank Disaster Management Facility (DMF)
Because of its increasing awareness of the effects of disasters on development (and development on disasters), in July 1998 the World Bank established a new disaster management facility (DMF) to ensure that disaster prevention and mitigation are integral parts of development programs.
Key activities of the DMF include:
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the Market Incentives for Mitigation Investment (MIMI) project to establish partnerships between the insurance/reinsurance community and the world of development lending to promote market incentives for risk reduction;
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support to member countries and to World Bank staff in operations on lending and on the preparation of Country Assistance Strategies and City Assistance Strategies to reduce risks from natural disasters;
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partnerships with the international and scientific communities;
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review of the World Bank's disaster assistance portfolio to extract lessons for future operations;
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review of World Bank policy on emergency assistance;
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identification and dissemination of World Bank and other agencies' good practices; and
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training in the areas of disaster prevention, mitigation, and response.
For more information see the new DMF Web site above, or contact the Disaster Management Facility, World Bank, 1818 H Street, NW, Washington, DC20433. Tel: (202) 473-1378; Fax: (202) 522-3224 or (202) 522-2125; E-mail: