Foundational aspects of a new matrix holomorphic structure

Hedi Khedhiri (Department of Mathematics, IPEIM, University of Monastir, Monastir, Tunisia)
Taher Mkademi (Department of Mathematics, IPEIM, University of Monastir, Monastir, Tunisia)

Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences

ISSN: 1319-5166

Article publication date: 21 March 2024

Issue publication date: 27 January 2025




In this paper we talk about complex matrix quaternions (biquaternions) and we deal with some abstract methods in mathematical complex matrix analysis.


We introduce and investigate the complex space HC consisting of all 2 × 2 complex matrices of the form ξ=z1+iw1z2+iw2z2iw2z1+iw1, (z1,w1,z2,w2)C4.


We develop on HC a new matrix holomorphic structure for which we provide the fundamental operational calculus properties.


We give sufficient and necessary conditions in terms of Cauchy–Riemann type quaternionic differential equations for holomorphicity of a function of one complex matrix variable ξHC. In particular, we show that we have a lot of holomorphic functions of one matrix quaternion variable.



Khedhiri, H. and Mkademi, T. (2025), "Foundational aspects of a new matrix holomorphic structure", Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 31 No. 1, pp. 96-117.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2024, Hedi Khedhiri and Taher Mkademi


Published in the Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences. Published by Emerald Publishing Limited. This article is published under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) license. Anyone may reproduce, distribute, translate and create derivative works of this article (for both commercial and non-commercial purposes), subject to full attribution to the original publication and authors. The full terms of this license may be seen at

1. Introduction

The theory of quaternionic analysis was founded in 1928 and is devoted especially to the study of the so-called regular functions introduced by R. Fueter in 1935 [1] which satisfy the (left) Cauchy–Fueter equation

where {1, i, j, k} is the standard basis of the four-dimensional real algebra H of the quaternions numbers constructed in 1843 by W. R. Hamilton [2]. All such quaternion numbers have the representation
which provide in fact a foundation for simple mathematical representation of rotations. Therefore, they are powerfully used in the fields of mechanics, magnetism, aerospace, software development, etc. Thus, many mathematicians show a great interest in studying quaternionic analysis and particularly quaternionic analysis over a complex structure. Among many research papers about quaternionic analysis, for instance, we may observe the various versions of their works presented in Refs. [3–5].

In this paper, we are deeply interested in the field MH of quaternion numbers represented by all 2 × 2 complex matrices having the form

such MH will be regarded here as an R-algebra isomorphic to the R-algebra H of W. R. Hamilton. We propose to introduce the complex space HC of the so-called complex quaternion numbers of the form
so that

We present HC as the left MH-vector space of complex quaternion numbers with basis

so that HC has a splitting into the direct sum MHiMH. Moreover, we develop on HC a new matrix holomorphic structure for which we provide the fundamental operational calculus properties.

The main parts of this work are organized as follows. In Section 2, we present the construction of the space HC of the complex quaternion numbers and we prove the following.

Theorem 2.1. Let HC,+,. denote the set MH×MH equipped with the operations (+) and (.) defined such that for all (z,w),(z,w)HC, for all λ=a+ibC, we have:

  1. (z, w) + (z′, w′) = (z + z′, w + w′).

  2. λ.(z, w) = (a + ib)(z, w) = (az − bw, aw + bz).

Then, it holds that

  1. HC,+,. is a C-vector space.

  2. HC has a splitting into a direct sum H1iH1 where H1 is an R-sub-vector space of HC isomorphic to MH.

  3. If (×) denotes the usual multiplication of square matrices, then the space HC,+,.,× is a C-algebra and the space MH,+,.,× is an R-sub-algebra.

The above structure on HC has its own particular features, it induces a C-algebra structure. So, we have included in this section the basic correspondent algebraic properties. Moreover, we define a conjugation in HC for the one HC can be viewed as an inner product space. In Section 3, we give the fundamental operational calculus on functions of one complex quaternion (or complex matrix) variable that take values in a vector space E{R,C,MH,HC}. In particular, the concepts of real and complex quaternionic derivatives are introduced. In Section 4, the meaning of a quaternionic holomorphic function is given due to the following operators

ξ=ziw andξ=ziw
which act on differentiable quaternionic functions of one variable ξHC. Therefore, we provide a characterization of quaternionic holomorphic functions by means of sufficient and necessary conditions in terms of Cauchy–Riemann type equations.

Theorem 4.1. Let E{R,C,MH,HC} and Φ:DE be a complex quaternionic function of one complex quaternion variable ξ = z + iw, with (z,w)MH×MH, defined on an open subset D in HC. Suppose that


Then, Φ is holomorphic on D, if and only if the following Cauchy–Riemann type equations fz=gwandfw=gz are satisfied.

Such new version of complex structure gives an other way of studying quaternionic analysis. In addition, it is quite different from which provided in Ref. [4] and can be viewed from a complex matrix analysis viewpoint. Furthermore, several different concrete computational methods provided throughout this work show that the presented matrix (quaternionic) complex structure is flexible and is close to the standard complex structure. In fact, this can be shown with the help of Theorem 4.1, providing a non trivial example of holomorphic quaternionic function.

Theorem 4.3. Let Φ: ξξ−1 be the complex quaternionic inversion function defined for all ξHC\S, where S={ξHC:detξ=0}. Then, it holds that,

  1. Φ has a decomposition into f + ig where f and g are functions of two variables (z,w)MH×MH satisfying the Cauchy–Riemann type equations fz=gw and fw=gz.

  2. Φ is a biholomorphism from HC\S to HC\S.

Theorem 4.3 shows that we have a lot of holomorphic functions of one matrix variable. In fact, the complex matrix analysis is the theory of such functions. The other results of this paper can offer potential methods and stimulate activity in the theory of complex quaternionic analysis. On the other hand, we illustrate our abstract study by several examples to insist that the presented quaternionic holomorphic structure can induce a new aspect of pluripotential theory in quaternionic plurisubharmonic functions as provided in Ref. [6]. Moreover, it should be denoted that our paper can be useful for authors working on subjects studied in Refs. [7–9].

Finally, let us recall that according to Ref. [2], the algebra of quaternion numbers is the non-commutative field

which has a structure of a four-dimensional R-vector space, with basis {1, i, j, k}, for which a binary composition law is equipped and defined as a bilinear form, such that 1 is the unity and
on the other hand, the field H can be described as the sub-algebra MH of the R-algebra M2(C) of dimension 8 consisting of all complex square matrices (see Ref. [10]). In addition, the isomorphism
between H and MH, shows that MH is a 4-dimensional R-vector space with basis {1,J,K,L}=1001,i00i,0110,0ii0.

2. The complex quaternionic space HC

With a complexification method applied on the product R-vector space MH×MH, we shall introduce the complex quaternionic space HCto be the Cvector space consisting of all 2 × 2 complex matrices written uniquely as ξ=z+iw,(z,w)MH×MH.

Theorem 2.1.

Let HC,+,. denote the set MH×MH equipped with the operations (+) and (.) defined such that for all (z,w),(z,w)HC, for all λ=a+ibC, we have:

  • (z, w) + (z′, w′) = (z + z′, w + w′).

  • λ.(z, w) = (a + ib)(z, w) = (az − bw, aw + bz).

Then, it holds that

  • (i)

    HC,+,. is a C-vector space.

  • (ii)

    HC has a splitting into a direct sum H1iH1 where H1 is an R-sub-vector space of HC isomorphic to MH.

  • (iii)

    If (×) denotes the usual multiplication of square matrices, then the space HC,+,.,× is a C-algebra and the space MH,+,.,× is an R-sub-algebra of HC,+,.,×.

Proof. Statement (i) holds since the followings are immediately satisfied.

  1. HC,+ is an Abelian group with zero element 0=0000.

  2. The map C×HCHC(λ,ξ)λ.ξ satisfies the following rules

    • (a)

      (α,β)C2, ξHC:α.(β.ξ)=(αβ).ξ.

    • (b)


  3. λC, (ξ1,ξ2)HC×HC:λ.(ξ1+ξ2)=λ.ξ1+λ.ξ2.

  4. (λ,μ)C2, ξHC:(λ+μ).ξ=λ.ξ+μ.ξ.

Statement (ii) holds since each of the following maps

φ:MHHCzz+i0 andiφ:MHHCw0+iw
is R-linear and injective. We let H1=φ(MH) and iH1=iφ(MH). Then, we verify at once that H1iH1={0} and H1+iH1=HC. The first part of the statement (iii) holds since by statement (i), (HC,+,.) is a C-vector space and the multiplication law (×) in HC is associative with unity 1. Furthermore, the multiplication law (×) in HC is distributive over the addition law (+). Moreover, for all complex quaternion numbers (ξ,η)HC×HC and for any complex number λC, we have (λ.ξ) × η = ξ × (λ.η) = λ.(ξ × η). The second part of the statement (iii) holds since for all (z,w)MH×MH and for any real number λR, we have z+wMH,z×wMH andλ.zMH. In addition 1MH, where 1=1001 is the the square unity matrix.□

2.1 Basic algebraic properties of the space HC

Proposition 2.2.

Each of the following statements holds in HC.

  • (i)

    For all ξHC, there exists a unique (z,w)MH×MH such that ξ = z + iw. As such HC can be identified to the direct sum MHiMH.

  • (ii)

    The space HC is formed by all 2 × 2 complex matrices of the form ξ=z1+iw1z2+iw2z2iw2z+iw2 where (z1,w1,z2,w2)C4.

  • (iii)

    The space HC is 4-dimensional and admits the family

1001,i00i,0110,0ii0as a basis overC.

Proof. Statement (i) holds since the map Φ:MH×MHHC(z,w)z+iw is R-linear and injective between finite dimensional R-vector spaces. Indeed, let z=z1z2z2z1 and w=w1w2w2w1 be in MH, (z1,w1,z2,w2)C4. By a direct computation, we have


In addition, the equation z+iw=0HC is equivalent to the followings


Hence, kerΦ={(0MH,0MH)} so Φ is an isomorphism. Statement (ii) is a consequence of statement (i). Statement (iii) is also a consequence of statement (i) since any vector ξHC can be written uniquely as the form ξ=z1+iw1z2+iw2z2iw2z1+iw1,(z1,w1,z2,w2)C4. Setting zk = ak + ibk, wk = ck + idk, (ak,bk)R2, (ck,dk)R2 for k ∈ {1, 2}, we have


Hence the family 1001,i00i,0110,0ii0 generates the space HC and obviously is linearly independent.□

The following gives another specificity of the space HCMH×MH.

Proposition 2.3.

Each of the following statements holds:

  • (i)

    HC,+,× is a left MH-vector space with basis {1,i1}.

  • (ii)

    MH×MH,+,× is a left MH-vector space with basis {(1,0),(0,1)}.

Proof. Statement (i) holds since the following properties are satisfied:

  1. (z,w)MH×MH, ξHC: (z + w) × ξ = z × ξ + w × ξ.

  2. zMH, (ξ,η)HC×HC:z×(ξ+η)=z×ξ+z×η.

  3. (z,w)MH×MH, ξHC:(z×w)×ξ=z×(w×ξ).

  4. ξHC,1×ξ=ξ.

Statement (ii) holds since the following properties are satisfied:

  1. (z,w)MH×MH, (a,b)MH×MH:


  2. zMH, (a,b),(c,d)MH×MH2:


  3. (z,w)MH×MH, (a,b)MH×MH:


  4. (a,b)MH×MH,1×(a,b)=(a,b).□

Proposition 2.4.

Let θ:MHHC be the injection map and let l be an R-linear map from MH to another C-vector space F, then there is a unique C-linear map l̃ from HC to F such that the following diagram

commutes (l̃°θ=l).

Proof. Let l̃ be the map such that

l̃(ξ)=l̃(z+iw)=l(z)+il(w)for allξ=z+iwHC.

Then, for all λ=a+ibC, (a,b)R2, for all ξ=z+iwHC, we have


Hence the map l̃ is C-linear. Further, l̃ is unique since the existence of two maps l̃1 and l̃2 such that l̃1°θ=l̃2°θ=l, provides that

where is the map defined by (z) = iz for all zMH. Which makes that ker(l̃1l̃2) is an R-subspace of HC, containing both MH and iMH so that ker(l̃1l̃2)=MH+iMH=HC. Thus l̃1=l̃2.□

2.2 The conjugation in HC

Let ξ=z+iwHC be a complex quaternion (z,w)MH×MH. We define the conjugate of ξ to be the complex quaternion


Therefore, for all (z1,w1,z2,w2)C4, we have


From now on, the notation Tr(ξ) stands for the trace of ξ, while tξ stands for the transpose of ξ.

Proposition 2.5.

For all ξ = z + iw and all ξ′ = z′ + iwin HC with (z, w) and (z′, w′) in MH×MH, and for all λC, the conjugation map ξξ satisfies on HC the following rules:

  • (i)

    ξ=ξ,ξ±ξ=ξ±ξ;ξ×ξ=ξ×ξ and λ.ξ=λ.ξ.

  • (ii)

    The map ξtξ is a C-isomorphism of HC that satisfies ξt=ξt.

  • (iii)

    There exists a unique (ξ1,ξ2)HC×HC such that ξ = ξ1 + ξ2 with ξ1=iξ1 and ξ2=iξ2.

  • (iv)


  • (v)


Proof. Statements (i) and (ii) are obvious since they can be proved by a direct computation. Let us prove statement (iii). The map ξξ, on HC, induces on MH×MH, an R-linear mapping J defined by J(z, w) = (−w, z) and satisfies J2 = −Id. Thus, J has two eigenvalues {−i, + i}. Let H be the eigenspace corresponding to the eigenvalue −i and let H+ be the eigenspace corresponding to the eigenvalue + i, then HC=HH+ and hence any ξ=z+iwHC can be written as ξ = ξ1 + ξ2 where ξ1 ∈ H and ξ2 ∈ H+. Indeed, we may take ξ1=zw2+iz+w2 and ξ2=z+w2+iz+w2. Finally, statements (iv) and (v) can be obtained by simple computations.□

2.3 HC as an inner product space

Proposition 2.6.

Let ⟨,⟩ denote the map

  • (i)

    For all ηHC, the map ξ↦⟨ξ, ηis C-linear.

  • (ii)

    For all (ξ,η)HC×HC, we have ξ,η=η,ξ.

Therefore, HC;, is an inner product space.

Proof. Statement (i) holds since for all λC and all ξ1,ξ2,ηHC, we have


Statement (ii) holds since for all ξ,ηHC, we have


Proposition 2.7.

In the inner product space HC;,, each of the following statements holds.

  • (i)

    For all (ξ,η)HC×HC, if ξ = x + iv and η = y + iw with (x,v),(y,w)MH×MH, then we have

(2.1) ξ,η=x,y+v,w+i(v,yx,w).
  • (ii)

    For all (z,w)MH×MH, we have iz,iw=z,w=w,zR.

  • (iii)

    For all ξ=z+iw=z1+iw1z2+iw2z2w2z1+iw1HC, we have

(2.2) ξ,ξ=|z1+iw1|2+|z1iw1|2+|z2+iw2|2+|z2iw2|2.
  • (iv)

    For all ξ=z+iwHC, with (z,w)MH×MH, we have

(2.3) ξ,ξ=z,z+w,w.
  • (v)

    For all ξ=z+iwHC, with (z,w)MH×MH, we have

(2.4) detξ=det(z+iw)=detzdetw+iTr(ztw).

Furthermore, if for all ξHC, we put ξ=ξ,ξ, then HC;. is a C-normed vector space.

Proof. Formula (2.1) in statement (i) is a consequence of the equality


Statement (ii) holds since for z=z1z2z2z1 and w=w1w2w2w1 in MH, (z1,z2,w1,w2)C4, we have


Formula (2.2) in statement (iii) can be obtained by a direct computation of Tr(ξ×tξ). Formula (2.3) in statement (iv) holds since we have


Formula (2.4) in Statement (v) holds since we have


Remark 2.8.

(1) Since (ξ,η)HC×HC,t(ξ×η)=ηt×tξ and ξ=z1+iw1z2+iw2z2iw2z1+iw1HC, ξ,ξ=Tr(ξ×tξ), formula (2.2) can be transformed to

and gives

Indeed, let η=(z1+iw1z2+iw2z2iw2z1+iw1)HC. In vertu of the associativity of multiplication in HC, the trace proprieties and formula (2.5), we have


On the other hand, again by (2.5), we have

  • (2)

    For all (z,w)MH×MH, an easy computation provides


  • (3)

    For z=z1z2z2z1 and w=w1w2w2w1 in MH, we have Trz×tw=z1w1+z2w2+w1z1+w2z2. Then, by the Cauchy–Schwarz inequality we deduce that


Moreover, if ξ=z+iwHC, then (2.4) provides that.


Indeed, following (2.4) and (2.8), we have


3. Functions of one complex quaternion variable and complex quaternionic differentiability

3.1 Functions of one complex quaternion variable

Let E{R,C,MH,HC} and D be an open subset in HC. We say that

is a function of one complex quaternion variable ξHC (or a complex quaternionic function or a complex matrix function), if f is an association which associates to each element ξD an element f(ξ) ∈ E. In case E=HC, which means that f(ξ)HC for all ξHC, we deduce that for all (z,w)MH×MH, there exist g1(z,w)=g1(z,z,w,w)MH and g2(z,w)=g2(z,z,w,w)MH such that

3.2 Quaternionic R-differentiability

Definition 3.1.

For E{R,C,MH,HC}, let f:DE be a complex quaternionic function defined on an open subset D of HC.

  • (i)

    We say that f is quaternionic R-differentiable (or simply R-differentiable) at point ξ0D, if there exists an R-linear map f(ξ0):HCE such that


Which is equivalent to

  • (ii)

    We say that f is R-differentiable on D if it is R-differentiable at any point ξD.

Example 3.2.

Let us illustrate Definition 3.1 by the following examples:

  • (1)

    The function f:HCRξ|ξ|2 is R-differentiable and for all hHC, we have


In particular, at point h=1, we have f(ξ)(1)=Trξ+tξ. Indeed, for all hHC, we have


Further, the map h2Rh,ξ=Trh×tξ+ξ×th is R-linear on HC and the function hɛ(h) = ‖h2 satisfies limh0ε(h)h=0, so that, f is R-differentiable.

  • (2)

    The function f:HCCξdet(ξ) is R-differentiable and its differential is defined by

where h̃=h1ih2,(h1,h2)MH2. In particular, for all ξHC, at point h=1, f(ξ)(1)=ξ,1=Trξ. Indeed, by formula (2.4) in Proposition 2.7, for all h=h1+ih2HC and for all ξ=z+iwHC, we have
where ξ,h̃=Trz×th1w×th2+i(h1×tw+z×th2).

It is clear that

is an R-linear map on HC. In addition, due to (2.1), the function hɛ(h) = det h satisfies ɛ(h) = o(‖h‖) since limh0ε(h)h=0. In fact, by (2.2) in Proposition 2.7, we know that ‖h2 = |h1|2 + |h2|2. Moreover, by (2.9) given in Remark 2.8, for ‖h‖ ≠ 0, we have

Which affirms that limh0ε(h)h=0.

3.3 Quaternionic directional derivative

Definition 3.3.

For E{R,C,MH,HC}, let

be a complex quaternionic function of one variable ξ=z+iwHC defined on an open subset D of HC. If ηHC\{0} is a nonzero complex quaternion, then we say that f has a quaternionic directional derivative at point ξ0D, in the direction of the vector η, if the function of one real variable tRf(ξ0+tη) is differentiable at point 0. We denote fη(ξ0) the derivative of f at point ξ0 in the direction of η. Hence,

3.4 Quaternionic partial derivative

As we have HCMH×MH, we may suppose for the present, that D is an open subset of MH×MH. Let E{R,C,MH,HC} and

be a complex quaternionic function defined on D such that

We say that f has a quaternionic (or matrix) partial derivative fz(z,w) with respect to the variable z, if it is differentiable in the direction of the vector (1,0) and we say that f has a quaternionic partial derivative fw(z,w) with respect to the variable w, if it is differentiable in the direction of the vector (0,1). Therefore, we have


Similarly, if (z,w)D for all (z,w)D, then we say that f has a quaternionic partial derivative fz(z,w) with respect to the variable z, if the function


is differentiable in the direction of the vector (1,0) and we say that f has a partial derivative fw(z,w) with respect to the variable w, if the function


is differentiable in the direction of the vector (0,1). Therefore, we have


Example 3.4.

(1) The function f:MH×MHMH(z,w)(z+w)2 has partial derivatives such that fz(z,w)=fw(z,w)=2(z+w).

  • (2)

    The function f:MH×MHMH(z,w)(z+w)t has partial derivatives such that fz(z,w)=fw(z,w)=1.

  • (3)

    The function f:MH×MHC(z,w)Tr(ztw) satisfies the fact that f(z,w)=f(z,w)=f(w,z) and an easy computation gives

  • (4)

    The function f:MH×MHC(z,w)Tr(z+w) satisfies the fact that f(z,w)=f(z,w)=f(w,z) and an easy computation gives

Hence, the partial derivatives of f:MH×MHR+(z,w)det(z+w) are such that fz(z,w)=fw(z,w)=Tr(z+w).

3.5 Complex quaternionic derivative

For E{R,C,MH,HC}, let f:DE be a complex quaternionic function defined on an open subset D of HC. We shall define what means by a quaternionic C-differentiable function of one complex quaternion variable.

Definition 3.5.

(i). We say that f has a complex quaternionic derivative (or complex matrix derivative) at point ξ0D, if there exists a C-linear map f(ξ0):HCE such that

which means that
  • (ii).

    We say that f is complex quaternionic differentiable on D if it has a complex quaternionic derivative at any point ξD. In that case f is said to be quaternionic holomorphic (or matrix holomorphic) on D.

Remark 3.6.

Statement (i) in Definition 3.5 can be written as follows. The function f has a complex quaternionic derivative at point ξ0D, if there exists a C-linear map f(ξ0):HCE and a function hɛ(h) defined on a neighborhood V of 0 satisfying limh→0ɛ(h) = 0 and such that for all hV, we have f(ξ0 + h) = f(ξ0) + f′(ξ0)(h) + ‖hɛ(h). Moreover, a complex quaternionic differentiable function is obviously continuous.

Example 3.7.

(1) The function f:HCRξξ2 is not holomorphic on HC since it is complex differentiable only at ξ = 0. Indeed,


Moreover, hɛ(h) = ‖h2 satisfies limh0ε(h)h=0, but, for all ξHC\{0}, the map h2Rh,ξ=Tr(htξ+ξth) is not C-linear.

  • (2)

    If S={ξHC:detξ=0}, then HC\S is an open subset of HC since the function ξ↦ det ξ is continuous on HC. Let us prove that the function f:HC\SHC\Sξξ1. is C-differentiable on HC\S and f′(ξ) is such that


In particular, at point h=1, we have f(ξ)(1)=ξ2. So that f is holomorphic on HC\S. Indeed, following Example 3.2, ξHC and h=h1+ih2HC, we have


By the Cauchy–Schwarz inequality and the Example 3.2 (2), we have


So that, if ‖h‖ is small enough, then | det(h)| and |ξ,h̃| are also small enough. Hence the sum (ξ + h) is invertible in HC whenever ξ is invertible in HC and h is small enough. Furthermore, for all ξHC\S and all hHC we have


Therefore, ξHC\S and hHC small enough,


Let ɛ(h) = (ξ + h)−1−1−1, since hξ−1−1 is a C-linear map on HC, to prove that f is C-differentiable at point ξ, it is sufficient to prove that ɛ(h) = o(‖h‖). On the other hand, using inequality (2.6) in Remark 2.8 we get:

hence, limh0|ε(h)||h|=0, and so f is complex differentiable on HC\S.

3.6 Operations on complex quaternionic differentiable functions

Proposition 3.8.

Let E{R,C,MH,HC}, f:DE and g:DE be two complex quaternionic functions defined on the open subset D of HC and let λC.

  • (i)

    If f and g are both complex differentiable at ξD, then so is the function f + λg and for all hHC, we have

  • (ii)

    If f and g are both complex differentiable at ξD, then so are the functions f.g and g.f. Moreover, for all hHC, we have


Proof. Statement (i) is obvious. Let us justify statement (ii). Since f and g are both C-differentiable at point ξ, we have


Computing the product of the above equalities, gives that


Corollary 3.9.

Any quaternionic polynomial function f(ξ)=n=0danξn of degree d ≥ 1, with coefficients in HC, is C-differentiable and its complex quaternionic derivative is given at any ξHC by

(3.1) hHC,f(ξ)(h)=n=1d1ank=0n1ξkhξnk1.

Proof. By Proposition 3.8, it suffices to prove the result for a quaternionic monomial f(ξ) = ξn, which can be proved by induction on nN. First, let show the existence of a function hɛ(h) such that for all ξHC and for all hHC, we have


This is obvious for n = 1, (we take ɛ(h) = 0). Suppose the statement holds for all kN,1kn where n > 1 is a natural number. Then we have

Since the map defined on HC by
is C-linear and since limh0ε1(h)h=0. Then, f is holomorphic on HC.□
Remark 3.10.

(1) If aHC\S(deta0) and bHC, then the quaternionic polynomial function f(ξ) =  + b of degree 1, is holomorphic on HC and ξ0 = −a−1b is its unique zero.

  • (2)

    At point h=1, formula (3.1) provides f(ξ)(1)=n=1d1nanξn1.

Proposition 3.11.

Let D and D be two open subsets of HC and let f and g be complex quaternionic functions defined on D and D respectively. Suppose that f(D)D, f is complex quaternionic differentiable at ξD and g is complex quaternionic differentiable at f(ξ), then the composite function g°f is complex quaternionic differentiable at ξ and its complex quaternion derivative is given by


Proof. Since f is C-differentiable at ξ, then for all hHC we have

and since g is C-differentiable at f(ξ), for all kHC, we have
Hence by composition we find that
where, limh→0ɛ3(h) = 0. Thus, g°f is C-differentiable at ξ.□

4. Quaternionic holomorphic structure on HC

Let ξ and ξ be the operators defined on the space of differentiable quaternionic functions of one variable ξHC by


Let Φ be a complex quaternionic differentiable (complex matrix differentiable) function of one variable ξ=z+iwHC where (z,w)MH×MH. Then Φ can be written Φ(z + iw) = f(z, w) + ig(z, w) and we get


4.1 Cauchy–Riemann quaternionic differential equations

The following criterion provides a necessary and sufficient condition for the holomorphicity of complex quaternionic functions.

Theorem 4.1.

Let E{R,C,MH,HC} and Φ:DE be a complex quaternionic function of one complex quaternion variable ξ = z + iw with (z,w)MH×MH, defined on an open subset D in HC. Suppose that

then, Φ is holomorphic on D, if and only if the following Cauchy–Riemann type equations fz=gwandfw=gz are satisfied.

Proof. Since the spaces HC and its dual THC are isomorphic as two dimensional MH-vector spaces, then the family ξ,ξ constitutes a basis of the tangent space THC over MH. Therefore, the function Φ is holomorphic on D, if and only if for all ξD, the map Φ′(ξ) is C-linear. Since Φ′(ξ) can be written in the basis ξ,ξ, then the C-linearity condition of the map Φ′(ξ) is equivalent to ξΦ=0 which is equivalent to the following


Example 4.2.

Let us illustrate Theorem 4.1 with the following examples:

  1. The function Φ(ξ)=ξt satisfies for all ξ=z+iwHC,


We have fz=Tr(1)gw=Tr(1)andfw=gz=0. Thus, Φ is not holomorphic on HC.

  • (2)

    The function Φ:HCCz+iwdet(z+iw) satisfies


Since f(z,w)=f(z,w) and g(z,w)=g(z,w), then, an easy computation gives fz=gw=Tr(z) and fw=gz=Tr(w). Hence Φ is holomorphic on HC.

  • (3)

    The function Φ:HCHCξξ2 is complex differentiable on HC. Indeed, Φ can be decomposed into Φ = f + ig where f(z, w) = z2 − w2 and g(z, w) = zw + wz, (z,w)MH×MH. In addition, an easy computation shows that fz=gw=0 and fw=gz=0. Therefore, Φ is holomorphic on HC.

  • (4)

    The function Φ:HCHCξξ2 is complex differentiable only at ξ = 0. Moreover, Φ can be decomposed into Φ = f + ig such that f(z,w)=z2w2 and g(z,w)=zwwz, (z,w)MH×MH. An easy computation yields


The equations fz=gw and fw=gz are simultaneously satisfied only at ξ=(z,w)=(0MH,0MH). Hence Φ is not holomorphic.

The following result is a consequence of Theorem 4.1. It provides a principal example of complex quaternionic holomorphic function of one variable. Moreover, it shows that we have a lot of complex quaternionic holomorphic functions of one complex quaternion variable.

Theorem 4.3.

If S={ξHC:detξ=0} and Φ(ξ) = ξ−1 is the complex quaternionic inversion function defined for all ξHC\S, then it holds that,

  • (i)

    Φ has a decomposition into f + ig where f and g are functions of two variables (z,w)MH×MH satisfying the Cauchy–Riemann type equations fz=gw and fw=gz.

  • (ii)

    Φ is a biholomorphism from HC\S to HC\S.

Proof. First of all, it is clear that Φ is one-to-one since Φ°Φ=IdHC\S. Furthermore, if ξ=z1+iw1z2+iw2z2iw2z1+iw1HC\S, then ξ−1 = Φ(ξ) can be written as follows

where f and g are functions of tow variable (z,w)MH×MH such that

Furthermore, the partial derivatives of f and g are such that


Since the equations fz=gw and fw=gz induces equalities of matrices of the form abba in MH, then following (4.1), (4.2), (4.3) and (4.4), f and g satisfy simultaneously the above Cauchy–Riemann equations, if and only if each of the followings holds


An easy computation of the partial derivatives uz and vw yields


Moreover, the partial derivatives

can be obtained directly using the facts that
We get uw(z,w)=uz(w,z) andvz(z,w)=vw(w,z). Since we have (z,w)MH×MH,C(z,w)=C(w,z)>0, then formula (4.5) and (4.6) are equivalent to
On the other hand, an easy computation provides immediately the equalities
(B+B)(z,w)=2A(z,w) and(B+B)(w,z)=2A(w,z).
Which permits to conclude that (4.7) are automatically satisfied and so that
fz(z,w)=gw(z,w) andfw(z,w)=gz(z,w).
Hence, Φ and Φ−1 = Φ both are holomorphic on HC\S by Theorem 4.1.□

Financial interests: The authors declare they have no financial interests.

Conflict of interests: The authors declare they have no conflicts of interests.


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The author would like to acknowledge the anonymous referee for his valuable suggestions and careful reading that improve the quality of the paper.

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