(2008), "Danish air traffic controllers are getting a new tool", Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology, Vol. 80 No. 3.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2008, Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Danish air traffic controllers are getting a new tool
Article Type: Safety topics and notes From: Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology: An International Journal, Volume 80, Issue 3.
Naviair is ready for future growth in air traffic. Naviair recently took over operation of a new, modern and efficient air traffic management system and a new control tower at Copenhagen Airport. Additionally, the towers in Roskilde and Billund airports will have new technology.
The air traffic management system is the heart of monitoring and controlling the almost 2,000 aircraft that every day pass through Danish airspace or take off or land at a Danish airport. With the help of radar and advanced monitoring and communications systems, the air traffic controllers can manage all of the transit flights, takeoffs and landings in Denmark.
The new control tower is at Copenhagen Airport and the air traffic management system at Naviair headquarters at Kastrup. It is the culmination of 12 years of modernisation of technology, training and organisation aimed at increasing the capacity in the airspace over Denmark and making it possible for Naviair to participate in the work of co- ordinating and facilitating operations in the European airspace.
The new air traffic management system means greater capacity in Danish airspace. This capacity will be used in the future because air traffic is expected to increase in the coming years. The new technology means that a high level of flying safety will be maintained even though there will be more aircraft in the air simultaneously.
The control tower at Copenhagen Airport and the new control center which houses the many computers and displays that constitute the heart of the system has been ready for more than a year. The system was tested during 2007 and is currently running under test operating conditions. Test operation makes it possible for air traffic controllers and technicians to train in the use of the new, advanced, modern system.
The new system will not involve any changes in procedures or flight routes for pilots flying in Danish airspace. Air traffic will continue to be handled as pilots know it today. It is only the air traffic controllers who are getting a completely new technology for monitoring and controlling air traffic.