(2000), "Multi-pen recorder series", Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology, Vol. 72 No. 4.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2000, MCB UP Limited
Multi-pen recorder series
Multi-pen recorder series
Keywords: Yokogawa Martron, Recorders
The Yokogawa LR Series is a family of intelligent, high-performance recorders which produce up to 12 high-speed traces from pens operating at up to 1,600mm/s (Plate 3).
This high performance is said to be achieved through the use of high-speed digital sampling and fast stepper-motor drivers, while the use of advanced ASIC circuitry enables a number of intelligent functions to be incorporated.
Plate 3 The
LR8100 Series recorder from the Yokogawa LR Series
A built-in printer allows date, time and measured data values to be printed alongside the recorded traces to produce a fully annotated chart. Electronic pen offset compensation is fitted as standard, eliminating the mechanical time offset normally necessary to achieve full-width recording from each pen.
Each input may be individually programmed for voltage, thermocouple or RTD (resistance temperature detector) signals. A digital display on each channel can be scaled directly in engineering units using the instrument's comprehensive built-in mathematical processing functions.
High, low and rate-of-change alarms may be programmed for each channel, and optional alarm relays can be added for activating other functions.
An optional floppy disk is available to store data and program settings. GPIB and RS-232C interfaces are also available for transmitting data to a computer for further processing.
The recorders may be used at AC supply voltages from 90 to 250V. An optional DC adapter allows operation from 10 to 32V DC, so that the instruments can be used in vehicle-based applications.
Details available from: Yokogawa Martron Limited. Tel: +44 (0)1494 459200.