(2000), "Head of Engineering", Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology, Vol. 72 No. 3.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2000, MCB UP Limited
Head of Engineering
Keywords Dunlop Aviation
Carl Trustee (Plate 1) has been appointed head of engineering at Dunlop Aviation. He is responsible for all design, analysis, development and testing within the group.
Plate 1 Carl Trustee
Previously manager - Structural Dynamics, Dunlop Aviation Braking Services, his specialist subject is the dynamic and structural interaction between brakes and landing gear. Since joining Dunlop in 1996 he has established a world beating structural dynamics test and analysis facility at Coventry.
Prior to this he was a principal investigator with McDonnell Douglas Aerospace. An American citizen, he took a BSc in Mechanical Engineering at California State University, Long Beach. His work on advanced subsonic and high speed civil transport aircraft included methods development for transient and non-linear vibration analyses; evaluation of system dynamic stability; design evaluation for optimum dynamic reliability and performance.