(2000), "AJ Walter Aviation to supply A300-600 & A310 spares", Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology, Vol. 72 No. 3.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2000, MCB UP Limited
AJ Walter Aviation to supply A300-600 & A310 spares
Keywords AJ Walter, Components
AJ Walter has agreed to purchase a substantial inventory of rotable and consumable spare parts for the A300-600 and A310 from a major European carrier, valued at $24m.
This widely distributed and popular aircraft has been the cornerstone of many large operators' wide-body fleets for the past 15 years. However, trends indicate that these are now being broken up and the Airbus is meeting the needs of smaller commercial and private airlines who will need to obtain their quality components from a fast and reliable source.
This new inventory enhances the large package of A310 spares that were purchased by AJ Walter last year and the Company is already negotiating contracts with airlines and maintenance customers for additional component supply and management.