Water-based coatings

Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials

ISSN: 0003-5599

Article publication date: 1 June 2000




(2000), "Water-based coatings", Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials, Vol. 47 No. 3. https://doi.org/10.1108/acmm.2000.12847cad.002



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2000, MCB UP Limited

Water-based coatings

Keywords International Protective Coatings, Epoxy coatings, Water based

A new range of high performance water-based epoxy coatings has been launched by International Protective Coatings.

Reportedly designed to provide the same levels of long-term performance as solvent-based epoxies, the new range is the result of ten years' development and testing by International.

Globally, but with Europe taking a leading role, the coatings industry faces mounting legislation to minimise the impact of its products on the environment by removing solvents. At the same time it is under pressure to offer better protection to the skilled operators who apply coatings by eliminating known hazards from product lines. Replacing traditional solvents with water-based technology is a major development in addressing both these issues.

"Recognising the desirability of replacing solvents with water-based ingredients is one thing, developing commercially viable alternatives to traditional solvent-based products, without sacrificing performance, is quite another", explained Jim Kavanagh, International's marketing manager. "We had to revisit the basics of our heavy duty products and start from scratch. Then there were extensive field trials, with the co-operation of our major customers. Only then could we confidently claim we had achieved this objective."

The new coatings are part of International's Ecotech range, a designation we are informed only given to products that are kinder to the environment and developed without the use of various raw materials with proven or suspected human health risks.

There are three new coatings: a zinc phosphate epoxy primer (Intergard 270), a zinc rich epoxy primer (Interzinc 280) and a high-build epoxy intermediate (Intergard 401). All are reported to comply with world-wide legislation, including the 100g/l solvent directive being introduced into southern California in 2006.

"Our work to combat the problems of solvent release in other parts of our range is continuing", Jim added.

Details available from: International. Tel: +44 (0) 20 7479 6000; Fax: +44 (0) 20 7479 6555; E-mail: jim.kavanagh@uk.akzonobel.com; Web site: www.international-pc.com

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