(2000), "Corrosion prevention at the G-Mex Centre", Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials, Vol. 47 No. 3.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2000, MCB UP Limited
Corrosion prevention at the G-Mex Centre
Keywords Winn & Coales, Pastes
The Victorian arch structure of Manchester's G-Mex Centre is supported by 34 underground bases (Plate 2). A recent inspection by G-Mex Centre structural engineers revealed signs of surface corrosion to some arches. It was therefore decided to renew the protective coating system to all the pedestal bases with Winn & Coales' Denso Protective Paste being chosen, and the preparation and application work being carried out by Alternative Access Ltd.
Plate 2 An underground base at the G-Mex Centre protected with Denso Protective Paste
Denso Protective Paste is a soft petrolatum compound which contains water-displacing, corrosion-inhibiting and flow control additives. It does not contain volatile organic compounds. It may be applied to wet surfaces by trowel, brush or roller - in this case it was by brush. It is said to be particularly recommended for the protection of iron and steel surfaces, which may remain damp or wet and where accessibility limits surface preparation.
Before application of the Denso Protective Paste, Alternative Access Ltd removed the previous protective coating where it had hardened and where there were areas of detachment with signs of surface rust underneath. In later cases these areas were power wire-brushed to obtain metallic finish to the Swedish St 2 Standard.