(2000), "Large bore butterfly valves for cooling water applications", Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials, Vol. 47 No. 1.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2000, MCB UP Limited
Large bore butterfly valves for cooling water applications
Keywords Corrocoat Services, Valves
Corrocoat Services Ltd reports that it has extended its engineering capabilities to encompass the manufacture of large bore butterfly valves for cooling water applications.
Corrocoat believes that it is one of the few remaining engineering companies in the UK able to manufacture this kind of critical equipment. Recent contracts include the supply of a series of 66" diameter butterfly valves (Plate 1) for British Energy Generation Ltd, worth in excess of £400,000 and destined for use within the cooling water system at Dungeness "B" Power Station.
Plate 1 Four
of the 66" diameter butterfly valves manufactured by Corrocoat for British
Corrocoat reports that it provides a total solution, from initial design consultation through to manufacture and delivery. The company considers that the bespoke nature of this service enables it to respond to individual customer requirements, including the ability to ensure that new units will act as direct replacements for existing plant, causing minimal disruption and on-costs.
Butterfly valves from Corrocoat are available in sizes up to 78 inch nominal bore (larger "specials" also available on request), with cast iron or cast steel bodies and blades. All are protected using Corrocoat's "Corroglass" protective coatings, with trim details to customer specification.
Butterfly valves from Corrocoat are manufactured to BS 5155, in line with ISO 9002 quality control procedures practised by the company.
Details available from: Corrocoat Services Ltd. Tel: +44 (0) 113 276 0760; Fax: +44(0) 113 276 0700; e-mail: enquiries@, website: