Pedagogic Orientations of MOOC Platforms: Influence on Course Delivery

Billy Tak Ming Wong* (The Open University of Hong Kong, China)

Asian Association of Open Universities Journal

ISSN: 2414-6994

Article publication date: 1 December 2015

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This paper reports on an exploratorystudy of the influence of the pedagogic orientations of MOOC platforms on their courses. Four MOOC platforms — namely Coursera, edX, FutureLearn and OpenLearning — which illustrate their pedagogy on their websites were selected for this research.The pedagogic features of 32 courses on these platforms were examined.The results show course differences in terms of theirduration, learning activities, assessment, socialinteraction and instructors'participation. For example, while the courses on Coursera and edX used videos more extensively in general, FutureLearn and OpenLearning had more active socialinteraction. The findings confirm that the pedagogic features highlightedin each platform were realized in their courses. The implications lie in the flexibility of course developers in delivering MOOCs on the platforms, and the choices of platforms for MOOC learners.



Ming Wong* , B.T. (2015), "Pedagogic Orientations of MOOC Platforms: Influence on Course Delivery", Asian Association of Open Universities Journal, Vol. 10 No. 2, pp. 49-66.



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