This paper describes the architecture of using the Mobile Agent and ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation and Durability) in Mobile e-Learning (mLearning). In the coming years, there will be an incremental amount of mobile learning experiments for the purpose of implementing mobile ICTs into mainstream education. In this article, the Replication Agent and Snapshot Agent architecture is proposed as an effective way to overcome the problem of heavy loading on the limited bandwidth used in wireless transmission for mobile learning environment merge replication process. The implementation of mobile agents as middleware for mLearning environment is to provide database replication between learners and off-site database e.g., Knowledge Management Centre's (KMC) databases using handheld devices. The approach using the combination of both these agents plays an important role in wireless transmission. It provides an intelligent solution to the limitation of the wireless bandwidth by lowering the bandwidth taken up during the bursts of mobile transactions. In this proposed technique, a mLearning database is determined as a Snapshot publisher where a compact edition of files and information is generated at the snapshot location which resides on the central database server. Learners may retrieve quick bursts of information through mobile applications wirelessly. The Replication Agent offers the flexibility to move from one site (user) to another (central database) for essential data synchronization. In order to provide learners with appropriate courses, a prototype on mLearning platform supporting three-layered structure and device adapting was put forward. The architecture of the platform discussed in this study as the mobile agent approach would facilitate more widespread use of mLearning, including in courses discussions between learners and academicians.
Chung, S.-H. and Khor, E.-T. (2011), "Mobile Agents Approach for Transaction Processing in Mobile Database Systems – Mobile Learning Environment", Asian Association of Open Universities Journal, Vol. 6 No. 1, pp. 74-83. https://doi.org/10.1108/AAOUJ-06-01-2011-B008
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
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