
Assembly Automation

ISSN: 0144-5154

Article publication date: 27 February 2007



(2007), "Diary", Assembly Automation, Vol. 27 No. 1. https://doi.org/10.1108/aa.2007.03327aac.001



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2007, Emerald Group Publishing Limited


Key: C=Conference, E=Exhibition, S=Seminar, W=Workshop


HRI 07: ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (C)

9-11 MarchWashington DC, USAThe theme of HRI 07, Robot as Team Member, highlights the importance of building core science and understanding the social and technical issues in human-robot interaction in the context of teams and groups. HRI 07 is an interdisciplinary conference with roots in psychology, cognitive science, HCI, human factors, artificial intelligence and robotics, and we invite broad participationKeywords: Human-robot interaction, Robot-team learning, Ethnography, Remote robots, Multi-modal interaction, Assistive roboticsContact: ACM/IEEE. Tel: +1 617 452 5601; E-mail: hri2007@aic.nrl.navy.mil; web sites: http://hri2007.org/ and www.ieee-ras.org/calendar/calendartec.php

CABEX 2007: The 6th International Specialized Exhibition of Cables, Wires, Fastening Hardware, and Installation Technologies (E)

13-16 MarchMoscow, RussiaInternational specialized exhibition of cables, wires, fastening hardware, and installation technologyContact: MVK Holding Company. Tel: +7 495 982 5069; E-mail: info@mvk.ru; web sites: www.cabex.ru/2007/eng/ and www.eventseye.com/

IAENG 2007: International Conference on Computer Science (C)

21-23 MarchHong Kong, Hong KongThe IMECS conferences serve as good platforms for our members and the entire engineering community to meet with each other and to exchange ideasKeywords: Robotics, Computer systems, EngineeringContact: International Association of Engineers (IAENG). E-mail: williamyoung@iaeng.org; web sites: www.iaeng.org/IMECS2007/ICCS2007.html and www.allconferences.com

IAENG 2007: International Conference on Industrial Engineering (C)

21-23 MarchHong Kong, Hong KongThe IMECS conferences serve as good platforms for our members and the entire engineering community to meet with each other and to exchange ideasKeywords: Engineering, RoboticsContact: International Association of Engineers (IAENG). E-mail: williamyoung@iaeng.org; web sites: www.iaeng.org/IMECS2007/ICINDE2007.html and www.allconferences.com

North American Robot Safety Conference

26-28 MarchOntario, CanadaContact: Robotic Industries Association.E-mail: dvincent@robotics.org; web site: www.roboticsonline.com/public/calendar/

FASTTEC 2007 (E)

27-30 MarchMoscow, RussiaInternational specialized exhibition of machinery, materials, component parts and technologies for the production of demountable and no demountable fasteners and fastener elementsContact: MVK Holding Company. Tel: +7 495 982 5069; E-mail: info@mvk.ru; web sites: www.fasttec.ru/2007/eng/ and www.eventseye.com/

CATA2007: 22nd International Conference on Computers and Their Applications (C)

28-30 MarchHonolulu, HawaiiKeywords: Robotics, ComputersContact: International Society for Computers and Their Applications (ISCA). Tel: +1 (919) 467-5559; Fax: +1 (919) 467-3430; E-mail: isca@ipass.net; web sites: www.isca-hq.org/ISCAconf.html and www.allconferences.com

ICRA '07 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (C)

10-14 AprilRome, ItalyThe conference theme is UBIQUITOUS ROBOTICSKeywords: Robotics, Automation, Ubiquitous roboticsContact: IEEE. Tel: +38 516 129 796; Fax: +38 516 129 785; E-mail: icra07@fasiweb.com; web sites: www.icra07.org/ and www.ieee-ras.org/calendar/calendartec.php

AM EXPO 2007 (C) (E)

24-26 AprilGreenville, USAAdvanced Manufacturing & Productivity ExpositionKeyword: Robotics and manufacturing

Contact: Reed Exhibitions. Tel: +1 203 840 5672; E-mail: inquiry@am-expo.com; web sites: www.devicelink.com/expo/spack2007/at_am_expo.html and www.eventseye.com

SIMU/PMDS 2007 (C) (E)

15-17 MayMontreal, CanadaPlant Maintenance & Design Engineering ShowKeywords: Industrial controller, Robotics, Quality & maintenance, Applied computer and industrial engineering

Contact: Reed Exhibitions Canada. Tel: +1 416 491 7565; Fax: +1 416 491 5088; E-mail: canada@reedexpo.com; web sites: www.reedexpo.ca/simu-pmds/ and www.eventseye.com

SIMU/PMDS 2007: Plant Maintenance & Design Engineering Show (E)

15-17 MayMontreal, CanadaAs the leading event of its kind in the province, PMDS-Montreal attracts industrial professionals from throughout Quebec looking for a complete range of industrial solutionsKeywords: Industrial, Manufacturing, Robotics

Contact: Reed Exhibitions Pte Ltd. Tel: +1-888-322-7333; Fax: +1-888-633-3376; E-mail: rmathieu@reedexpo.com; web sites: www.pmds.ca/facts_e.asp and www.eventseye.com/

UCI2007: IEEE International Symposium on Ubiquitous Computing and Intelligence (C)

21-23 MayNiagara Falls, CanadaThe UCI-2007 symposium aims to provide a platform to bring together researchers from industry and academia in the areas of Ubiquitous Computing, Intelligent Computing and related areas to showcase their current novel research results and discuss future trends with experts in hese areasKeywords: Robotics, Intelligent computing, EngineeringContact: E-mail: ltyang@gmail.com; web sites: http://privatewww.essex.ac.uk/,hduman/uci2007 and www.allconferences.com

IAD'07: IFAC Workshop on Intelligent Assembly and Disassembly (C)

23-25 MayAlicante, SpainThis conference deals with how the rapid development observed in modern production is firmly connected with the development of new assembly and disassembly systemsKeywords: Robotics, Assembly, Virtual realityContact: Tel: +34 965 90 9491; Fax: +34 965 90 9750; E-mail: iad07@dfists.ua.es; web sites: www.aurova.ua.es:8080/iadims07/ and www.allconferences.com

IMS'07: IFAC Workshop on Intelligent Manufacturing Systems (W)

23-25 MayAlicante, SpainThis meeting will bring together representations from industry, research institutions and universities to give an overview of the state-of-art, to present new research results and to exchange ideas and experiences in the field of intelligent manufacturing systems (IMS)Keywords: Robotics, Knowledge-based systems, Learning, Reasoning, Fuzzy logic, Neural networks, Intelligent manufacturing systemsContact: E-mail: ims07@dfists.ua.es; web sites: www.aurova.ua.es:8080/iadims07/ and www.allconferences.com

CA 2007: The Ninth IASTED International Conference on Control and Applications (C)

30 May-1 JuneMontreal, CanadaThe IASTED International Conference on Control and Applications (CA 2007) will be a major forum for international researchers and practitioners interested in all areas of control and applicationsKeywords: Fuzzy control, Robotics, Modelling and simulation, Mechatronics, Systems applicationsContact: The International Association of Science and Technology for Development (IASTED). Tel: +1 403 288 1195; Fax: +1 403 247 6851; E-mail: calgary@iasted.org; web sites: www.iasted.org/conferences/cfp-568.html and www.allconferences.com

RoMoCo'07 – Sixth International Workshop on Robot Motion and Control (W)

11-13 JuneBukowy Dworek, PolandTheoretical and application aspects of robot controlKeywords: Robot control, Neural networks, Manufacturing, Civil engineeringContact: Poznan University of Technology. Tel: +48 616 652 199; Fax: +48 616 652 849; E-mail: krzysztof.kozlowski@put.poznan.pl; web sites: http://romoco.put.poznan.pl/ and www.eventseye.com

ISR 2007: International Symposium on Robotics (C) (E)

12-14 JuneIllinois, USAISR 2007 together with International Robots & Vision Show 2007Contact: Robotic Industries Association. Tel: +1 734 994 6088; Fax: +1 734 994 3338; E-mail: smotwani@robotics.org; web sites: www.roboticsonline.com/public/calendar/ and www.roboticsonline.com/public/calendar/

Med07: 15th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (C)

27-30 JuneAthens, GreeceA broad range of topics is proposed, following current trends of combining control/systems theory with software and communication technologies, as well as new developments in robotics and mechatronics, with the goal of strengthening cooperation of control and automation scientists with industryKeywords: Robotics, Mechatronics, Control and automationContact: Mediterranean Control Association/IEEE Control Systems Society/IEEE Robotics and Automation Society. Tel: +30 28210 37-040; Fax: +30 28210 37-082; E-mail: zdenko.kovacic@fer.hr; web sites: http://med07.rasip.fer.hr and www.ieee-ras.org/calendar/calendartec.php

2007 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechantronics (C)

10-13 JulyNeuchatel, SwitzerlandAdvanced Intelligent MechatronicsKeyword: Advanced intelligent mechatronicsContact: IEEE. Web sites: http://aim2007.epfl.ch/ and www.ieee-ras.org/calendar/calendartec.php

Industrial Automation 2007 (E)

18-21 JulyKuala Lumpur, MalaysiaKeywords: Industrial robotics, EngineeringContact: E-mail: enquiry@mesallworld.com; web sites: www.iamalaysia.com/ and www.eventseye.com/

ISAM: IEEE International Symposium on Assembly and Manufacturing (Formerly ISATP) (C) (E)

22-25 JulyMichigan, USAThe symposium aims at providing a forum for researchers and practitioners working on the diverse issues of assembly and manufacturing in various product sizes (nano to macro), production scales (workcell to global supply chain), and product life stages (product design to product retirement)Keywords: Macro, micro, and nano, CAD/CAM integration, Manufacturing processes and systems, Fixturing, grasping, and manipulation, Virtual assembly and prototypingContact: IEEE. Fax: +1 734 647 3170; E-mail: isam2007@umich.edu; web sites: http://me.engin.umich.edu/isam2007/ and www.ieee-ras.org/calendar/calendartec.php

Automan Global Conference 2007 (C)

SeptemberUSAGlobal automotive manufacturing and engineering congressKeywords: Automotive engineering, Industrial controllers, Machines-tools – tools, Energy production, Metal working industries, Electronic design & components, Robotics, Assembly and handling technologyContact: Ultima Media. Tel: +44 208 987 0902; Fax: +44 208 987 0948; E-mail: Alex.campos@ultimamedia.org; web sites: www.amsconferences.com/europe/ and www.eventseye.com

AIM 2007: 2007 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (C)

4-7 SeptemberNeuchatel, SwitzerlandAdvanced intelligent mechatronicsContact: Web sites: http://aim2007.epfl.ch and www.ifr.org/events/calendar.asp

AMS Global Conference 2007 (C)

13-14 SeptemberDearbourn, USAGlobal automotive manufacturing and engineering congress for senior executives, debating the future direction of the automotive industryKeywords: Industrial, Manufacturing, RoboticsContact: Ultima Media. Tel: +44 (0)1462 490609; Fax: +44 (0)1462 892904; E-mail: registrations@ultimamedia.org; web sites: www.amsconferences.com/global/ and www.eventseye.com/

International Robots & Vision Show and Conference (C)

2-4 OctoberIllinois, USAThis event is co-located with the Assembly Technology ExpoContact: Robotic Industries Association. Tel: +1 734 994 6088; Fax: +1 734 994 3338; E-mail: jburnstein@robotics.org; web sites: www.roboticsonline.com/public/calendar/ and www.roboticsonline.com/public/calendar/


9-11 OctoberParis, FranceInternational Exhibition of Boiler Making, Sheet-Iron Works, Pipes, Techniques of Assembly and WeldingKeywords: Assembly, WeldingContact: Idexpo. Tel: +33 (0)1.41 98.40.33; Fax: +33 (0); E-mail: info-chaudronnerie@etai.fr; web sites: www.chaudronnerie-expo.com/main.cfm and www.eventseye.com/

PA 2007: Automation from Sensor to Web (E)

9-11 OctoberLillestrom, NorwayExhibition of SensorsKeywords: Industrial, Manufacturing, Sensors, RoboticsContact: Norges Varemesse. Tel: +47 66 93 91 00; Fax: +47 66 93 91 01; E-mail: post@pa-messen.no; web sites: www.pa-messen.no/ and www.eventseye.com/

Scanautomatic 2007 (C) (E)

9-12 OctoberGoteborg, SwedenIndustrial controllers, and automation exhibtionKeywords: Automation, Hydraulics, Pneumatics, Transmissions, Measuring, Electronics, Industrial computer technology, Robotics, Materials handlingContact: Svenska Massan. Tel: +46 317 088 000; Fax: +46 311 603 30; E-mail: scanauto@swefair.se; web sites: www.swefair.se/scanautomatic/eng/ and www.eventseye.com

2nd International Exhibition “FETEC-Factory Equipment” (E)

12-15 OctoberAthens, GreeceThe Exhibition “FETEC-Factory Equipment” hosts constructors, representatives and importers that can propose suggestions and solutions for a modern, antagonistic industryKeywords: Automation systems, Metal treatment, Industrial equipmentContact: Technoekdotiki SA. Tel: +30 210 6800470; Fax: +30 210 6800476; E-mail: info@fetec.gr; web sites: www.fetec.gr/Index_en.htm and www.eventseye.com/


ICRA2008: IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (C)

19-23 MayCalifornia, USAKeywords: Robotics, AutomationContact: USC. E-mail: sschaal@usc.edu; web sites: www.icra2008.org/ and www.ieee-ras.org/calendar/calendartec. php

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