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Commentary on “Including people with intellectual disabilities in the development of their own positive behaviour support plans”

Steven Lee (Adult Disability Service, Committee for Health and Social Care, Guernsey, Channel Islands)
Kitty Stewart (Adult Disability Service, Committee for Health and Social Care, Guernsey, Channel Islands)

Tizard Learning Disability Review

ISSN: 1359-5474

Article publication date: 14 October 2021

Issue publication date: 30 November 2021




The purpose of this paper is to broaden the discussion on some of the barriers and solutions for co-production in positive behaviour support (PBS) planning as identified in the paper “Including people with intellectual disabilities in the development of their own Positive Behaviour Support Plans”.


Drawing on the literature associated with co-production in PBS planning, this commentary will reflect on the wider systems and culture needed to enable successful implementation of this way of working.


Co-production in PBS planning is recommended as part of best practice guidelines. However, there is limited research in the area of co-production with regards to PBS and use of augmentative and alternative communication methods. Collaboration among speech and language therapy and PBS practitioners is an important factor for co-production to achieve the best outcomes for people with learning disabilities who display behaviours of concern. Along with identifying a range of communication tools/strategies needed for PBS assessment/planning, it also requires a whole systems approach and culture shift to ensure the necessary foundations are in place.


Co-production in PBS planning remains an under practiced way of working. This commentary builds on the barriers and solutions identified for co-production and provides further insight into what might be needed to achieve this in health and social care settings.



Lee, S. and Stewart, K. (2021), "Commentary on “Including people with intellectual disabilities in the development of their own positive behaviour support plans”", Tizard Learning Disability Review, Vol. 26 No. 4, pp. 206-211.



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