Author Index

Inquiry-Based Learning for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (Stem) Programs: A Conceptual and Practical Resource for Educators

ISBN: 978-1-78441-850-2, eISBN: 978-1-78441-849-6

ISSN: 2055-3641

Publication date: 12 October 2015

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(2015), "Author Index", Inquiry-Based Learning for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (Stem) Programs: A Conceptual and Practical Resource for Educators (Innovations in Higher Education Teaching and Learning, Vol. 4), Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 333-340.



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2015 Emerald Group Publishing Limited


Abraham, M. R.
, 223

The Academy of Inquiry-Based Learning
, 136

Adams, A.
, 303

Adams, S.
, 290

Ahlfeldt, S.
, 55, 242, 243, 244

Aikenhead, G. S.
, 45

Al-Ahmadi, F. M.
, 53

Alavi, C.
, 243, 245, 252

Alexander, J. G.
, 243, 252

Alkaher, A.
, 56

Allen, D. E.
, 94

Altbach, P.
, 36

Amos, E.
, 243

Anderson, J. R.
, 139

Andraos, J.
, 95

Arons, A. B.
, 59–65

Ascroft, K.
, 311

Asunta, T.
, 153, 154, 156

Atkin, J. M.
, 223

Atkinson, R. K.
, 115

Aubry, J.
, 78

Auerbach, D. I.
, 194

Baird, J. R.
, 21, 23

Baker, C. M.
, 243

Baldwin, M. S.
, 243

Barnes, D. R.
, 223

Barrett, S.
, 33, 34, 35, 38

Barrows, H. S.
, 95, 302, 307, 309

Bell, B.
, 223

Bell, D.
, 36

Bell, P.
, 155

Bell, S.
, 243

Belt, S. T.
, 94

Benezet, L. P.
, 63, 64

Benmore, G.
, 24

Benson, E. E.
, 243

Bereiter, C.
, 5, 309

Berger, W.
, 34

Bettencourt, T.
, 154, 157–162, 164, 165, 166

Biggs, J.
, 11, 26, 28, 303, 310

Biggs, J. B.
, 310

Bizzocchi, J.
, 251

Bless, A. A.
, 42

Blessinger, P.
, 4, 5, 6, 8

Bligh, D.
, 36

Bloemhof, B.
, 12, 24

Blume, G. W.
, 140, 141

Blumenfeld, P. C.
, 95

Bolden, K. J.
, 212

Bolzan, N.
, 94, 107

Bora, S.
, 152, 153, 154

Borg, K.
, 152

Bosch, M. C.
, 212

Boud, D.
, 44, 55, 308

Boyer, E. L.
, 78

Boyer Commission on Educating Undergraduates in the Research University
, 53

Boyle, S.
, 260

Bradwell, P.
, 303

Bransford, J. D.
, 5, 62, 78, 186

Bredderman, T.
, 95

Bromley, G.
, 155, 156, 158, 159, 164, 259

Brookfield, S. D.
, 25

Browitt, A.
, 94

Brown, A. L.
, 5, 62, 186

Brown, J. S.
, 302, 304, 308

Brown, L.
, 270

Bruner, J. S.
, 6, 11, 173, 306

Buerhaus, P.
, 194

Burner, K.
, 196

Butler, J.
, 33, 34, 35

Bybee, R. W.
, 223, 226, 227, 259

Byrne, J.
, 153, 154, 156

Cachapuz, A.
, 154

Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing
, 194, 195

Candy, P. C.
, 24

Carey, S.
, 221

Carfora, J. M.
, 4, 6, 8

Carlisle, C.
, 243

Carper, B.
, 208

Carr, D.
, 196

Carvalho, G.
, 153, 154, 156

Cates, E.
, 33, 34, 35, 38

Century, J.
, 259

Chan, L. C.
, 243

Chao, J. T.
, 99

Chapman, L.
, 226, 227

Chaves, J. A.
, 243, 244

Chaves, J. F.
, 243, 244

Cheary, R.
, 44, 46

Cheary, R. W.
, 48, 49, 50

Chi, M.
, 81

Chickering, A.
, 253

Chickering, A. W.
, 33, 36

Clandinin, D. J.
, 196, 200

Cocking, R. R.
, 62, 186

College of Nurses of Ontario
, 197

Collins, A.
, 308

Connelly, F. M.
, 196

Connolly, M.
, 32, 33

Cooke, M.
, 244

Cooper, E. D.
, 77

Corbin, J.
, 84

Council of Ontario Universities
, 30, 36

Council on Undergraduate Research
, 121, 133

Coyle, K.
, 259

Crites, S.
, 196

Cummins, R.
, 78

Cuneo, C.
, 8, 34

Darling-Hammond, L.
, 139, 174

Davies, D. L.
, 93, 94

Davies, M.
, 317

Davis, E. A.
, 155

Dawson, C. J.
, 223

Deakin-Crick, R.
, 303

DeBoer, G. E.
, 219

Deignan, T.
, 304

deLottinville, C.
, 33, 34, 35

Dennen, V.
, 196

Dewey, J.
, 7, 11, 78, 173, 221

Diamond, M. C.
, 62

Dillon, D.
, 154, 164

Dillon, J.
, 152, 259

Dochy, F.
, 243

Dolan, W.
, 56

Dolmans, D.
, 196

Donnally, B.
, 63

Donovan, M. S.
, 78

Donovan, S. S.
, 25

Driskell, S. O.
, 137

Driver, R.
, 220, 223

Duch, B. J.
, 94

Duffy, T. M.
, 94

Duguid, P.
, 308

Duit, R.
, 154

Dunn, J.
, 44

Duschl, R. A.
, 259

Easton, J.
, 260

Eccles, M. P.
, 212

Eddy, S. L.
, 91

Eisenhart, M.
, 62

Elliott, C.
, 78

Elster, D.
, 154

Enas, H. E.
, 94

Erickson, G. L.
, 223

Ernst, D.
, 136

Etkina, E.
, 42

Faculty of Health Sciences
, 24, 26, 29, 34

Farideh Esfandiary, K.
, 244

Felder, R.
, 174, 186, 243, 244, 305

Felder, R. M.
, 302, 304, 305

Feletti, G.
, 308

Fenwick, T. J.
, 244

Ferguson, R.
, 303

Fisher, M. L.
, 243

Fleming, L.
, 260

Flowers, P.
, 261

Foos, L.
, 78

Ford, E. D.
, 222

Ford, N.
, 9, 259

Forero-Shelton, M.
, 54

Forneris, S. G.
, 242

Freeman, D. M.
, 77

Freeman, S.
, 78, 286

Freyberg, P.
, 220

Gamson, Z.
, 253

Gamson, Z. F.
, 33, 36

Gatt, S.
, 152, 153, 154

Gaved, M.
, 303

Gay, M.
, 152, 153, 154

Gijbels, D.
, 243

Gillespie, M. P.
, 305, 307

Glew, R.
, 94

Goodlad, J. I.
, 64

Gosper, M. V.
, 46

Grandy, R. E.
, 259

Green, D. C.
, 48, 49, 50

Green, W.
, 78

Groh, S. E.
, 94

Grol, R. P. T. M.
, 212

Grossman, R. W.
, 61

Guesne, E.
, 220

Guzdial, M.
, 95

Haggerty, C.
, 253

Hake, R. R.
, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64–65

Hall, C. D.
, 137

Halpern, D. F.
, 310

Handelsman, J.
, 64

Hanif, M.
, 53

Harlen, W.
, 155, 258, 259

Harnish, D.
, 22, 25

Harnish, D. G.
, 23, 35

Harper, S. R.
, 137

Harris, J.
, 94

Haskell, P.
, 59

Havu-Nuutinen, S.
, 153, 156

Hazel, E.
, 44, 46

Healey, M.
, 54, 77

Heckman, D. S.
, 140, 141

Hegarty-Hazel, E.
, 44

Hendry, H.
, 94

Hernandez, C.
, 54

Herrmann, L.
, 152, 153, 154

Heycox, K.
, 94, 107

Hmelo-Silver, C. E.
, 5, 6, 114, 309

Hodge, M. A.
, 212

Holliday, W.
, 48, 49, 50

Holloway, K.
, 252

Howe, K.
, 62

Hudspith, B.
, 24, 32

Huijser, H.
, 308, 311

Hulscher, M. E. J. I.
, 212

Hung, D.
, 308

Hung, W.
, 307

Hunter, E. S.
, 121

Hutchings, W.
, 304, 305

Hutchison, L.
, 152, 153, 154

Ibbotson, T.
, 243

Inglis, S.
, 8

Inquire Educative European Project
, 156, 158

Isaacs, D.
, 270

Ishida, D.
, 212

Itano, J.
, 212

Jamar, I.
, 136

Jefferies, P.
, 248

Jenkins, A.
, 54

Jenkins, E. W.
, 258

Jenkins, H.
, 24, 32

Johns, C.
, 208

Johnson, S.
, 57

Johnston, C.
, 137

Jonassen, D. H.
, 307

Jones, S. M.
, 42

Jordan, R.
, 42

Jordana, M.
, 33, 34, 35

Jordt, H.
, 78, 286

Jorge, M.
, 154

Jossem, E. L.
, 59

Justice, C.
, 8, 24, 34

Kahn, P.
, 302, 304, 305

Kantar, L.
, 247, 250

Kapelari, S.
, 152, 154, 156, 164

Karelina, A.
, 42

Karplus, R.
, 59, 60, 220, 222, 223

Kek, M. Y. C. A.
, 308, 309, 311

Kelder, J-A.
, 42

Kenny, R. W.
, 23, 32

Kersaint, G.
, 137

King, A.
, 114

Kirkup, L.
, 44, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51

Klopfer, L. E.
, 45

Knowles, M.
, 24, 25, 31, 198

Koehler, M. J.
, 137

Kohn, A.
, 36

Kouzekanani, K.
, 24

Krajcik, J. S.
, 95

Krause, S.
, 81

Kuh, G. D.
, 6, 118, 120

Kuldell, N.
, 77, 80

Kustra, E.
, 33, 34, 35

Kyle, W. C., Jr.
, 225

Lameras, P.
, 9, 259

Landicho, J.
, 33, 34, 35

Lappan, G.
, 136

Laracy, K.
, 247

Larkin, M.
, 261

Lateef, F.
, 249

Laursen, S. L.
, 121

Lautier, K.
, 152

Lawson, A. E.
, 62, 223

Lawson, C.
, 223

Leamnson, R.
, 62

Lee, A.
, 33, 34, 35

Lee, V. S.
, 4, 6, 11, 24, 45

Leinhardt, G.
, 138, 139, 140

Lenzen, D.
, 258

Levy, A. J.
, 259

Levy, P.
, 9, 11, 259, 305, 306

Lewis, A. P.
, 212

Lindsay, G. M.
, 197

Linn, M. C.
, 155

Lopatto, D.
, 121

Lopes, L.
, 154

Love-Gray, M.
, 247

Lovric, M.
, 25

Loyens, S. M. M.
, 307

Lucas, W. A.
, 77

Luckie, D.
, 78

Luft, S.
, 307

Mack, L. G.
, 94

Magnussen, L.
, 212

Mahajan, S.
, 63, 64

Maier, U. H.
, 115

Maleszewski, J.
, 78

Mandzuk, L. L.
, 243

Manista, F. C.
, 305, 307

Mantzoukas, S.
, 306

Marengo, B.
, 78

Mariano, G. J.
, 14, 137, 139

Markman, A. B.
, 68

Marra, R. M.
, 307

Marton, F.
, 310

Martyn, J.
, 311

Marx, W. M.
, 95

Matais, D. M.
, 243

Matarasso, B.
, 244

Matthews, M. R.
, 59

Maurer, D.
, 35, 36

Maurer, H.
, 93, 97

Maxwell, J. A.
, 84

Mcandrew, P.
, 303

McCaughey, C. S.
, 249

McComas, W. F.
, 222, 223, 225, 226, 227

McCrea, E.
, 152, 153, 154

McCreedy, T.
, 94

McDaniel, G. S.
, 243

McDermott, L. C.
, 59, 62

McDonough, M.
, 78, 286

McIvor, M. J.
, 243

McKinnell, J.
, 33, 34, 35

McKinney, P.
, 9, 259

McLellan, A.
, 33, 34, 35

Mc Millan, D. E.
, 243

Mears, A.
, 51

Medin, D. L.
, 68

Mehta, S.
, 55, 243

Melton, G.
, 121

Menekse, M.
, 81

Miller, S.
, 8, 24, 34, 288, 304

Minner, D. D.
, 259

Minstrell, J.
, 59, 63

Mintzes, J. J.
, 220

Mishler, E. G.
, 196

Mishra, P.
, 137

Mitchell, R.
, 84

Mohamed, A.
, 81

Nastos, S.
, 33, 34, 35

National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
, 138

National Curriculum Board
, 42

National Environmental Education Advisory Council
, 259

National League for Nursing
, 195

National Research Council
, 6, 10, 152, 153, 155, 218

National Science Foundation
, 115, 117, 286

Neuholm, C.
, 93, 97

Newman, M. J.
, 94, 97

Niess, M. L.
, 137

Nifakis, D.
, 33, 34, 35

Nilson, L.
, 38

Novak, J. D.
, 220

Novick, S.
, 223

Nussbaum, J.
, 223

Offricht, K.
, 242

Okoroafor, N.
, 78, 286

O’rourke, K.
, 302, 304, 305

Orr, A. M.
, 200

Osborne, R.
, 220

Overton, T. L.
, 94

Page, L. M.
, 153

Paiva, I.
, 153, 158, 160, 165

Palacio, D.
, 311

Palincsar, A.
, 95

Palmer, B.
, 307

Park, S.
, 33, 34, 35

Parker, K. R.
, 99

Pask, G.
, 309

Pathway Educative European Project
, 154

Patrick, P.
, 153, 154, 156

Paul, M.
, 311

Pea, R. D.
, 308

Peden-McAlpine, C. J.
, 242

Pessoa, P.
, 157

Peterson, B. L.
, 248

Peterson, P.
, 138

Petrulis, R.
, 305, 306

Pistillo, M.
, 152, 153, 154

Pitkethly, A.
, 53

Pitts, V. R.
, 136

Pitts Bannister, V. R.
, 137, 141, 146

Pizzica, J.
, 51

Polkinghorne, D.
, 196

Posner, G. J.
, 221

Postman, N.
, 24, 26

Praia, J.
, 154

Preskill, H.
, 260

Preskill, S.
, 25

Prince, M.
, 174, 186, 243, 244, 305

Prince, M. J.
, 302, 304, 305

Profetto-McGrath, J.
, 243

Prosser, M.
, 53

Pushor, D.
, 200

Raemer, D.
, 250

Raine, D. J.
, 94, 96, 97, 103

Ramsden, P.
, 45

Randles, C. A.
, 94

Ravn, O.
, 54

Redish, E. F.
, 62

Regan, E.
, 152

Reid, N.
, 53

Reiff, R.
, 235

Reisberg, L.
, 36

Renkl, A.
, 115

Renner, J. W.
, 223

Reynolds, R.
, 24

Rice, J.
, 8, 24, 34

Rienties, B.
, 303

Ritz, S.
, 33, 34, 35

Rivkin, A.
, 78

Robinson, J. T.
, 45

Rocard, M.
, 258

Ronau, R. N.
, 137

Rosengrant, D.
, 42

Ross, G.
, 306

Rotherham, A. J.
, 310

Rothstein, D.
, 78

Rowell, J. A.
, 223

Roy, D.
, 22, 25, 34, 35, 36

Rudd, T.
, 152, 153

Rudolph, J.
, 250

Ruibal-Villasenor, M.
, 42

Rumbley, L.
, 36

Ryan, G.
, 94

Saljo, R.
, 310

Sammon, S.
, 8, 24, 34, 304

Santana, L.
, 78

Santos, J.
, 153, 158, 160, 165

Savery, J. R.
, 94, 173

Savin-Baden, M.
, 302, 304, 305, 317

Saxon, D.
, 24

Scardamalia, M.
, 5, 309

Schell, R.
, 251

Scherpbier, S.
, 196

Schon, D. A.
, 208, 310

Schwab, J. J.
, 42, 208

Secord, M.
, 33, 34, 35

Segers, M.
, 243

Sellnow, T.
, 55, 243

Shafer, K. G.
, 137

Sharples, M.
, 303

Shavelson, R. J.
, 62

Shope, R. E.
, 226, 227, 235

Shulman, L. S.
, 138

Shymansky, J. A.
, 225

Silva, S.
, 153, 157, 158, 159, 160, 162, 163, 164, 165

Simon, R.
, 250

Sims, S. L.
, 196

Slavin, R. E.
, 25

Smith, C. J.
, 108

Smith, F.
, 197

Smith, J. A.
, 261

Smith, M. K.
, 78

Sneddon, P. H.
, 53

Soloway, C.
, 95

Sparks, S. D.
, 68

Springer, L.
, 25, 34, 287

Spronken-Smith, R.
, 6, 174, 304, 306

Srinivasan, L.
, 51

Staiger, D. O.
, 194

Staley, R.
, 115

Stalmeijer, R.
, 196

Stanne, M. E.
, 25, 287

Stein, M.
, 139

Stewart, G. W.
, 212

Stone, J.
, 32

Strauss, A.
, 84

Strike, K. A.
, 221

Stump, G.
, 81

Summerfield, S.
, 94

Swenson, M. M.
, 196

Swift, P.
, 57

Symons, S. L.
, 94, 96, 97, 103

Szechtman, H.
, 33, 34, 35

Tamblyn, R.
, 173

Tamblyn, R. M.
, 302, 307

Tamir, P.
, 45, 53, 55

Tang, C.
, 303, 310

Tanner, C. A.
, 248

Tavares, A. C.
, 152–154, 156–162, 164–166

Taylor, J.
, 259

Taylor, L.
, 32

Terwijn, R.
, 311

Thier, H. D.
, 220, 222, 223

Thiry, H.
, 121

Thomas, D.
, 302, 304

Tiberghien, A.
, 220

Tobias, S.
, 61

Tobin, K.
, 238

Tomkins, S.
, 152, 153, 167

Tondora, J.
, 212

Tough, A.
, 24, 31

Towne, L.
, 62

Tracan, R.
, 153, 154, 156

Traynor, M. K.
, 249

Treagust, D. F.
, 154

Trim, K. S.
, 31, 33, 34, 35

Trimmer, W.
, 247, 250

Tunnicliffe, S. D.
, 153, 154, 156, 167

Ueckert, C.
, 153, 156

Valiela, I.
, 222

Van den Bossche, P.
, 243

Vergou, A.
, 152

Vygotsky, L. S.
, 6, 11, 225

Wainwright, P.
, 209

Waite, K.
, 51

Waite, K. M.
, 51

Walberg-Henriksson, H.
, 258

Walker, L.
, 94

Walker, R.
, 304, 306

Wandersee, J. H.
, 220

Warry, W.
, 8, 24, 34, 304

Wee, L. K. N.
, 309

Weingartner, C.
, 24, 26

Weiss, R.
, 84

Welch, W. W.
, 45

Wenderoth, M. P.
, 77, 78

Wenning, C. J.
, 51, 156

Wensing, M.
, 212

White, M. J.
, 243

Whitelock, D.
, 303

Wiggins, G. P.
, 36

Wilkins, K. L.
, 243

Williams, D. P.
, 94, 97, 107

Willison, J.
, 152

Wilson, K. G.
, 59

Wirth, S.
, 152, 153, 154

Wolfhagan, I.
, 196

Wood, D.
, 306, 308

Wood, J. C.
, 94

Woods, D. R.
, 94, 174

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
, 59

Woodward, J. R.
, 93, 94

Worrell, J.
, 243

Yager, R. E.
, 218

Yates, B. F.
, 42

Zaslavsky, O.
, 139

Zull, J. E.
, 62

Inquiry-Based Learning for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) Programs: A Conceptual and Practical Resource for Educators
Innovations in Higher Education Teaching and Learning
Inquiry-Based Learning for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (Stem) Programs: A Conceptual and Practical Resource for Educators
Copyright Page
List of Contributors
Series Editor’s Introduction
Part I: Concepts and Principles
Innovative Approaches in Teaching and Learning: An Introduction to Inquiry-Based Learning for STEM Programs
Inquiry-Based Learning in an Undergraduate Honours Program: Lessons from the Bachelor of Health Sciences Honours Program at McMaster University
Two Decades of Inquiry-Oriented Learning in First Year Undergraduate Physics Laboratories: An Australian Experience
Arnold Arons: Pioneer of Inquiry-Based Learning in Physics
Part II: Practices and Strategies
MIT’s Introduction to Biological Engineering: A Longitudinal Study of a Freshman Inquiry-Based Class
Problem Based Learning Approaches to Teaching Chemistry
An Intentional and Facilitative Student-Centered Approach to Enhance Inquiry-Based Learning through Authentic, Hypothesis-Driven Research
IBL and Mathematics: The Necessity of Flexible Knowledge
Advantages of Science Education Outdoors through IBSE Methodology
Inquiry-Based Learning in Action: Reflections on an Interdisciplinary Master’s Program in the Health and Life Sciences
A Narrative-Based Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program: Experiences and Insights
Modeling Scientific Inquiry to Guide Students in the Practices of Science: The ED3U Teaching Model of Conceptual Change in Action
Utilising Context in Learning
Evaluating European Inquiry-Based Education Projects through the Lens of Evaluation Capacity Building
Inquiry-Based Learning in Mathematics
Enhancing Inquiry-Based Learning Environments with the Power of Problem-Based Learning to Teach 21st Century Learning and Skills
About the Authors
Author Index
Subject Index