Multi-Level Governance: The Missing Linkages
ISBN: 978-1-78441-874-8, eISBN: 978-1-78441-873-1
ISSN: 2045-7944
Publication date: 6 July 2015
(2015), "Acknowledgements", Multi-Level Governance: The Missing Linkages (Critical Perspectives on International Public Sector Management, Vol. 4), Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Leeds, p. xiii.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2015 Emerald Group Publishing Limited
This book stems from the High Level Seminar entitled ‘Multi-Level Governance: The Missing Linkages’ that has been promoted and organised by the International Public Policy and Management research centre (IPPaM) of the Department of Social Sciences and Languages (Faculty of Arts, Design and Social Sciences ) of Northumbria University. The seminar was held at the Northumbria University premises in Newcastle Upon Tyne on 17–18 October 2013 and benefited of the financial support of the University of Northumbria at Newcastle and of the Public Administration Committee of the Joint University Council of the Applied Social Sciences.
Not all of the participants did eventually prepare a book chapter for this book (whilst others who could not attend but who were involved throughout joined in contributing a chapter to this volume), but all of them greatly contributed to make the event highly significant scientifically, and highly enjoyable socially and humanly.
I want to thank all those who actively participated and contributed to it, namely: Simone Baglioni, Keith Baker, Michael Bauer, Rachael Chapman, Morten Egeberg, Howard Elcock, John Fenwick, Hussein Kassim, Martin Laffin, Andrew Lewis, Joyce Liddle, Andrew Massey, Duncan McTavish, Karen Miller, Arnout Miijs, Keith Shaw, Koen Verhoest, Anthony (Tony) Zito.
I also wish to thank all those who made it possible, a long list out of which I would like to mention at least: Mike Rowe, Liz Candlish, Charlotte Branch, Suzanne Martin, Heather Robson, Katrina Hughes, Seema Patel, Marta Pyrek.
- Multi-Level Governance: The Missing Linkages
- Critical Perspectives on International Public Sector Management
- Multi-Level Governance: The Missing Linkages
- Copyright Page
- List of Contributors
- Editorial Advisory Board
- Acknowledgements
- Preface
- Multi-Level Governance: The Missing Linkages
- Multi-Level Governance, EU Public Policy and the Evasive Dependent Variable
- Revisiting the ‘Management Deficit’: Can the Commission (Still Not) Manage Europe?
- The Independent EU Commissioner: An Administrative Analysis
- EU Agencies and the European Multi-Level Administrative System
- The Interaction between Agencies, Networks, and the European Commission in Emerging Regulatory Constellations: A Comparative Analysis of the European Telecom Sector and the European Patent System
- Multi-Level Governance, the EU and Civil Society: A Missing Link?
- Administrative Reforms in the Intergovernmental Setting: Impacts on Multi-Level Governance from a Comparative Perspective
- Bridging the Gaps in Multi-Level Governance: New Spaces of Interactions and Multiple Accountabilities in English Sub-National Governance
- Metagovernance, Risk and Nuclear Power in Britain
- Politics and Political Strategies in Multi-Level Systems
- Multi-Level Governance of Hydropower in China? The Problem of Transplanting a Western Concept into the Chinese Governance Context
- Multi-Level Governance: Underplayed Features, Overblown Expectation and Missing Linkages
- Postface
- Author Biographies