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Teaching Higher Education Students with Diverse Learning Outcomes in the Virtual World of Second Life®

Transforming Virtual World Learning

ISBN: 978-1-78052-052-0, eISBN: 978-1-78052-053-7

Publication date: 28 September 2011


This chapter explores how Jass Easterman (the author's avatar name) teaches education students concurrently, both pre-service teachers and postgraduate, in Second Life. It discusses how a virtual world can be a valuable teaching and learning tool for the whole group even though they have a variety of overall goals and learning outcomes. Jass brings distant university students located around the world studying at the one institution together to liaise with each other in Second Life. She has created an innovative tutorial model where students go on virtual tours, visit other educational institutions, attend guest lectures, undertake role play activities, and go on Web quests and learn basic building and scripting skills, all from their own homes. Adult learning theories and communities of practice, in a virtual world, underpin all activities. Why Second Life was chosen for these students and what the students say about this type of learning are discussed in this chapter. The value of this tutorial model will be explored and reflected upon and conclusions made of its efficacy.



Gregory, S. (2011), "Teaching Higher Education Students with Diverse Learning Outcomes in the Virtual World of Second Life®", Hinrichs, R. and Wankel, C. (Ed.) Transforming Virtual World Learning (Cutting-Edge Technologies in Higher Education, Vol. 4), Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 327-356.



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