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Sustainable Transport and Tourism Destinations

ISBN: 978-1-83909-128-5, eISBN: 978-1-83909-127-8

Publication date: 8 February 2021


The relationship between transport and tourism is very complex to analyze due to mutual causality. Nonetheless, it is worthwhile investigating it, especially paying attention to sustainable mobility, due to the need to minimize the externalities of transport, which can otherwise reduce the attractiveness of a tourism destination. To this aim, after a brief overview of different analytical frameworks, this chapter focuses on transport at destination and sustainable mobility options, such as local public transport (PT) and active modes (walking and cycling). In particular, it provides some insights from the literature about both tourists’ mobility patterns — by taking into account both psychological aspects of tourism experience and the localization of the amenities — and specific modal choices, more focused on the impact of transport on the environment. It then concludes by presenting short summaries of each chapter of the book, in order to provide an overview of the investigated topics, which are dealing with both geographical (islands, coastal areas, natural areas) and management/administration (technical solutions, PT provision, transport demand) issues.



Zamparini, L. and Maltese, I. (2021), "Introduction", Zamparini, L. (Ed.) Sustainable Transport and Tourism Destinations (Transport and Sustainability, Vol. 13), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 1-9.



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