
Climate-Induced Disasters in the Asia-Pacific Region: Response, Recovery, Adaptation

ISBN: 978-1-83909-987-8, eISBN: 978-1-83909-986-1

ISSN: 2040-7262

Publication date: 9 November 2020

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(2020), "Index", Neef, A. and Pauli, N. (Ed.) Climate-Induced Disasters in the Asia-Pacific Region: Response, Recovery, Adaptation (Community, Environment and Disaster Risk Management, Vol. 22), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 213-219.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2021 Emerald Publishing Limited


Note: Page numbers followed by “n” indicate end notes.

, 203–204

, 12

, 4

and environmental change
, 137–138

strategies in climate hazards
, 126–129

Adaptive capacity
, 115–116

Adaptive migration
, 196

Adaptive responses
, 136

Advisory Group on Climate Change and Human Mobility (AGCCHM)
, 197, 209n2

Agricultural activities
, 97

Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS)
, 168

ArcGIS 10.3
, 122

, 68

Asia-Pacific as risk-prone region
, 2–3

Asian Development Bank (ADB)
, 199

Autonomous responses
, 136

Avalanche risk
, 59

Ba River Catchment
, 61–63, 88

Black mangrove crab (Metopograpsus messor)
, 68

‘Building back better’
, 13–14, 19–22

Cambodian case study

comments on limitations of research
, 129

coping mechanisms and adaptation strategies
, 126–129

data analysis
, 122

local vulnerabilities to environmental hazards
, 124–126

methods to assess CBA
, 116–118

perceptions of environmental changes and climate-related hazards
, 122–124

, 117

research design
, 119–122

, 122

, 114–115

study area
, 118–119

vulnerability and adaptive capacity
, 115–116

Cambodian Climate Change Strategic Plan
, 139

Cancùn Adaptation Framework (2010)
, 194

, 69–70

, 203

Climate adaptation strategy, insurance as
, 168–169

Climate change
, 60–61, 88, 91, 114, 136, 196

Climate change adaptation (CCA)
, 4, 116, 168–169

political shift to planned relocation as form
, 195–196

Climate Change Division of Ministry of Finance (CDD)
, 201

Climate-induced disasters
, 3–4

in Asia-Pacific region
, 4–5

, 5–6

making of Asia-Pacific as risk-prone region
, 2–3

private household insurance
, 6–7

Climate-induced migration
, 195–196

Climate-related hazards
, 122–124

Climate-sensitive activities
, 89

Climatological events
, 3

Commune Development Plans
, 141–142

, 2

conducting assessments
, 35–36

in disaster response
, 27–28, 52–53

homogenous notions of heterogeneous communities
, 37–38

, 138

participation in NGO responses to disaster
, 39–41

responses to disaster
, 33–35

views in communities about responding agencies
, 35

Community-based adaptation (CBA)
, 116, 160, 168–169, 183, . See also Rural livelihoods adaptation

methods to assess CBA
, 116–118

strategies in SIDS
, 169–171

Coping strategies
, 116

in climate hazards
, 126–129

Customary forms of insurance in SIDS
, 175–176

Cyclone Namu (1986)
, 40

Cyclone Winston
, 70, 73, 77, 82n2, 88, 93, 95, 102–103

, 123

Dei Doh Kraom
, 118, 152

, 48–49

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ)
, 200

Development opportunity
, 194, 200, 208

, 3, 12–13, . See also Climate-induced disasters

building back better’
, 20–21

disastering genders
, 89–92

doing development differently
, 21–22

as opportunity for alternatives
, 20

, 3

situating risk
, 21

Disaster management cycle
, 27

Disaster response
, 3–4, 29

communities and NGOs in
, 33–41

communities in
, 27–28

dependency and opportunism
, 48–49

factors enhancing or constrain agencies in
, 45

insufficient contextual experience
, 45–46

roles and responsibilities
, 46–47

touting experience not appreciated
, 47–48

transitioning between community development and disaster response
, 49–50

Disaster risk reduction (DRR)
, 12

analysis of global disaster risk management frameworks
, 14–22

constructing disasters as opportunities for development
, 12

linking disasters to development
, 13–14

naturalising disaster
, 12–13

Discourse analysis
, 30–32

, 159

Diversified livelihoods
, 97–99

, 78, 122

, 58

El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO)
, 61

Engendering disasters
, 89–92

Environmental change
, 122–124, 137, 161n1

adaptation and
, 137–138

impacts of on livelihoods
, 136

local knowledge for adaptation to
, 60–61

rural livelihoods adaptation to
, 148–160

and temporal variation
, 136–137

Environmental determinism
, 12

Environmental hazards
, 168

‘Environmental refugee’ concept
, 195

, 45–48

, 176, 187–188

Feminisation of vulnerability
, 89

Fiji, planned relocation in
, 197–201

Fiji Catchment
, 61–63

Fiji Locally Managed Marine Areas (FLMA)
, 80

Fiji Meteorological Service (FMS)
, 198

Flash flooding
, 126

, 30–31, 59

risk management
, 174

Focus groups
, 32–33

Forced displacement
, 194–197

Framing migration
, 195–196

, 6

, 91

and disasters
, 104–107

diversified livelihoods and changing gender roles
, 97–99

gendered roles analysis in Fiji’s disaster landscapes
, 94

, 94

in NGO responses
, 44–45

perceptions of vulnerability to disasters
, 99–102

post-disaster recovery
, 102–104

responsibilities and livelihoods within household
, 95

roles and Cambodia
, 139

woman’s place as provider
, 95–97

Gendered vulnerability
, 107

Geographic information systems (GIS)
, 117

Global disaster risk management frameworks

analysis of
, 14

disasters as opportunity for alternatives
, 20–22

Hyogo Framework for Action (2005–2015)
, 16–18

Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (2015–2030)
, 18–20

Yokohama Strategy and plan of action for safer world
, 14–16

Global Positioning Systems
, 117

Global resilience
, 16–17

Google Earth Pro
, 68

Green mangrove crab (Scylla paramamosain)
, 68

Heterogeneous communities, homogenous notions of
, 37–38

Homogenous notions of heterogeneous communities
, 37–38


adaptation strategies
, 160

, 169

with natural Perils insurance
, 179–184

, 7

Humanitarian organisations
, 28–29

Hydrological events
, 3

Hyogo Framework for Action (2005–2015)
, 16–18

Inalienability of Indigenous land
, 199

Inclusiveness of NGO responses
, 41–45

Index-based insurance products
, 173–174

Indian Ocean tsunami
, 18

Indigenous knowledge
, 117

Individual hazards
, 58

Individual responsibility for adaptation
, 171–175

Inherent variability region in rainfall patterns
, 146

significance and interpretation
, 147–148

temporal analysis of average inter-annual rainfall
, 146–147

, 173

as climate adaptation strategy
, 168–169

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
, 116, 168, 194

Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre
, 194

International Organization for Migration (IOM)
, 194, 209n3

Interpreted disasters
, 28

Interrelated hazards
, 58

Intersectionality of exclusion
, 50–52

, 93

(In)visible agents
, 52–53

, 60–61, 63, 88, 92, 199

, 30

Kava (Piper methysticum)
, 96, 109n1

Kbal Kaoh
, 152–156

Kratie Province
, 115, 140

, 69–70

Labelling techniques
, 12

Land challenges of relocation in Fiji
, 198–200

Landscapes of multiple hazards
, 78–79

, 58–59


and disasters
, 104–107

, 92

livelihood-based challenges of relocation in Fiji
, 198–200

of multiple hazards
, 78–79

Local knowledge
, 19–20, 82n1, 117

for adaptation to environmental change
, 60–61

in preparing for and responding to hazards
, 79–81

Local vulnerabilities to environmental hazards
, 124–126

Lord Howe settlement
, 42–43

Lower Mekong Basin (LMB)
, 136, 138

, 68

Market exchange
, 160

, 199, 209n4

Mekong River
, 114–115, 118

and Cambodia
, 138–139

Meteorological droughts
, 61–62

Meteorological events
, 3

Ministry of Women, Youth, Children and Family (MWYCF)
, 41, 43

Mixed-method approaches
, 136

Moana Declaration
, 207, 209n7

, 159

Moral hazard
, 173–174

Mosquito-borne illnesses
, 124

Multiple hazards

landscapes, livelihoods and cumulative impacts of
, 78–79

qualitative approaches to understanding impact of
, 59–60

Narrative inquiry approach
, 26, 30–32

National Adaptation Plans
, 197

National Disaster Management Office (NDMO)
, 35, 49

Natural hazards
, 58

school approach
, 13

Naturalising disaster
, 12–13

, 73–77

, 68–73

Neoliberal rationality
, 16

, 174

Non-climatic factors
, 3

Non-food item kits (NFI kits)
, 44–45, 52

Non-governmental organisation (NGO)
, 5, 26, 28–29, 53

breadth of NGO consultation
, 36–37

community participation in NGO responses to disaster
, 39–41

disaster for people with disabilities
, 42

, 44–45

targeting and inclusiveness of NGO responses
, 41

and volunteers
, 38

, 41–42

Ocean earthquake
, 14

, 48–49

Ou Lung
, 118, 149–152

Pacific Conference of Churches (PCC)
, 201

Pacific Islands
, 88

Participatory approach
, 59

, 67–68

burden of disaster
, 58–59

Fiji and Ba River Catchment
, 61–63

, 68

landscapes, livelihoods and cumulative impacts of multiple hazards
, 78–79

local knowledge for adaptation to environmental change
, 60–61

local knowledge in preparing for and responding to hazards
, 79–81

, 73–77

Nawaqarua and Votua
, 68–73

participatory mapping
, 77–78

qualitative approaches to understanding impact of multiple hazards
, 59–60

research design and data collection
, 65–67

research objectives
, 61

study site
, 63–65

Participatory geospatial approaches
, 59

Participatory GIS (PGIS)
, 117

Participatory mapping
, 5, 68, 93, 117, 122

Participatory research in Kratie Province, Cambodia

adaptation and environmental change
, 137–138

daily routine diaries
, 145–146

environmental change and temporal variation
, 136–137

gender roles and Cambodia
, 139

inherent variability region in rainfall patterns
, 146–148

Mekong River and Cambodia
, 138–139

observations, farm walks and structured conversations
, 146

qualitative data gathered through participatory processes
, 144

quantitative biophysical data
, 143–144

research aim and objectives
, 139–140

research approach
, 143

rural livelihoods adaptation
, 148–160

seasonal calendar workshops
, 144–145

study site
, 140–143

People-centred approach
, 18–19

, 143–144

Place-based impacts of relocation
, 206–208

Planned relocation

in Fiji
, 197

Fiji’s relocation guidelines and link to long-term development objectives
, 200–201

, 202

land and livelihood-based challenges
, 198–200

as pathway to ‘transformative development’
, 196–197

perspectives on causality and responsibility
, 203

perspectives on place-based impacts of relocation
, 206–208

perspectives on planned relocation as ‘adaptation’
, 203–206

research methodology
, 201–202

sudden and slow-onset triggers of relocation
, 198

, 194–197

Political shift to planned relocation
, 195–196


, 102–104

response by humanitarian organisations
, 28–29

PostColonial feminism
, 89–92

Prek Prasob
, 118, 141

Private household insurance

CBA strategies in SIDS
, 169–171

customary forms of insurance in SIDS
, 175–176

, 177

and individual responsibility for adaptation
, 171–175

insurance as climate adaptation strategy
, 168–169

, 176–177

as new challenge to existing socio-cultural security networks
, 184–186

strong sense of individual responsibility for adaptation
, 177–179

technical and self-oriented approach to adaptation
, 179–184

Private household natural perils insurance
, 168

Qualitative approach
, 58–59

to understanding impact of multiple hazards
, 59–60

Quantitative biophysical data
, 143–144

Quantitative methods
, 58

Rapid-onset climatic hazards
, 3

, 200

, 4, 17, 89–90, 99, 104

engendering disasters, disastering genders
, 89–92

gender, livelihoods and disasters
, 104–107

hybrid research methodology
, 92

, 93

, 93–94

narrating disasters
, 88–89

narrating gender and resilience
, 94–104

participatory mapping sessions
, 93

, 92–93

value of social networks
, 107–108

, 174

, 203

, 114–115

, 12

Rural livelihoods adaptation.
, See also Community-based adaptation (CBA)

adaptive responses to temporal variability and environmental uncertainty
, 158–160

daily routine diaries
, 156–158

Dei Doh Kraom
, 152

Kbal Kaoh
, 152–156

key decision-making periods
, 156

Ou Lung
, 149–152

seasonal calendars
, 148–149

to seasonal variability and environmental change
, 148

Thma Reab
, 149

, 169

private household insurance effects in
, 168–186

Seasonal variability, rural livelihoods adaptation to
, 148–160

Semi-structured interviews
, 32–33

Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (2015–2030)
, 18

‘building back better’
, 19

people-centred approach
, 18–19

role of local knowledge
, 19–20

Small island developing states (SIDS)
, 168

CBA strategies in
, 169–171

customary forms of insurance in
, 175–176

Social contract
, 174

Social insurance
, 52

Social networks, value of
, 107–108

Solomon Islands
, 26

communities and NGOs in disaster response
, 33–41

communities in disaster response
, 27–28

factors enhancing or constrain agencies in disaster response
, 45–50

(in)visible agents
, 52–53

intersectionality of exclusion
, 50–52

narrative inquiry and discourse analysis
, 30–32

post-disaster response by humanitarian organisations
, 28–29

semi-structured interviews and focus groups
, 32–33

situating disaster in cultural context of
, 30

targeting and inclusiveness of NGO responses
, 41–45

, 32–33

, 4, 32–33, 67, 88, 92–93, 101, 103, 176

Temporal analysis of average inter-annual rainfall
, 146–147

Thematic analysis
, 94

Thma Reab
, 118, 149

Topographic maps
, 121

Traditional local risk reduction approaches
, 16

Transformative adaptation
, 4

Transformative development
, 196–197

Tropical Cyclone (TC)
, 88, 195

, 14, 59

Turaga-ni-koro (village headman)
, 66

, 124

, 5, 12

United Nations (UN)
, 168

United Nations Development Program (UNDP)
, 203

United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
, 171

United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA)
, 26

United Nations Refugee Agency
, 197

University of the South Pacific (USP)
, 173

, 68

, 7, 199

Voluntary planned relocation
, 194

planned relocation as pathway to ‘transformative development’
, 196–197

political shift to planned relocation as climate change adaptation form
, 195–196

, 68–73

, 4–5, 12, 15, 89–90, 115–116

, 106

gendered vulnerability
, 107

no vulnerability differentiated by gender
, 99–100

perceived through experience
, 100

perceptions of disasters
, 99

preparing for disasters
, 101–102

unprepared for vulnerable
, 100–101

Window of Opportunity
, 17–18


in development
, 90–91

, 90

place as provider
, 95–97

Yaqona ceremony
, 66, 92

Yavusa (tribal chiefs)
, 66

Yokohama Strategy

constructing culture of prevention
, 15

and plan of action for safer world
, 14

reconciling local and scientific knowledge
, 15–16

shying away from global accountability
, 16

Youth involvement in NGO responses
, 41–42