
Age Diversity in the Workplace

ISBN: 978-1-78743-074-7, eISBN: 978-1-78743-073-0

ISSN: 1877-6361

Publication date: 1 August 2017

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(2017), "Index", Age Diversity in the Workplace (Advanced Series in Management, Vol. 17), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 189-193.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2017 Emerald Publishing Limited


AAC. See Assimilative and accommodative coping (AAC) model

Active aging, successful aging at work
, 6

Activity theory, successful aging
, 37, 41–43

Age and gender issues, in workplace

influence of
, 120

, 121–123

linkages with work outcomes
, 124–132

multiple identities
, 123–124

relation to work outcomes
, 127–129

shifting identity marker
, 129

social identity
, 121

Age-based income inequalities
, 5

Age bias, behavioral component of
, 102

Age discrimination
, 169

Age discrimination climate
, 102, 103

Age Discrimination in Employment Act, 1967
, 15

Age-diverse organizations, knowledge sharing in
, 170–179

Age-diverse workforce
, 145–146

Age diversity
, 95–96

beyond surface- categorization
, 163–165

and deep-level categorization
, 163–165

knowledge sharing
, 165–169

tailoring HRM practices to improve knowledge sharing
, 170–179

Age diversity climate (ADC)

age-focused climate constructs
, 101–104

age-focused concepts of
, 99–104

analysis, level of
, 104–109

, 97–101

evolution of
, 97–99

HRM practices
, 101

and measuring
, 100–101

, 104–112

organizational identification
, 101

, 100–101

synthesis of
, 105–108

Age identity
, 125–127

Age-related changes

cognitive changes
, 146–147

crystallized intelligence (Gc)
, 147

fluid intelligence (Gf)
, 147

personality changes
, 147

personality differences
, 146–147

Age with job design, model integrating
, 146–150

Age X job design interaction

age and
, 150–151

, 151–152

skill variety
, 150–151

and task variety
, 150–151

Aging process
, 145–146

American Bureau of Labor Statistics projects (2012–2022)
, 172

Assimilative and accommodative coping (AAC) model
, 38, 47


in aging analysis of
, 24–25

case study
, 22

labor supply against demand
, 21

labor supply scenario
, 26

in work analysis of
, 24–25

Australian Treasury’s (2015) Intergenerational Report (IGR)
, 10


labor supply against demand
, 16

labor supply scenario
, 26

Categorization-elaboration model (CEM)
, 96, 168


labor supply against demand
, 19

labor supply scenario
, 26

Chronological age
, 145

Cognitive age
, 127

Cognitive changes
, 147

Continuity theory, successful aging
, 41–43, 59

Degree of inclusion
, 98

Disengagement theory, successful aging
, 41–43, 59

Diversity climate
, 110

Double standard of aging
, 128

Employee attitudes
, 148

Family-interference-with-work (FIW)
, 124

Felt age
, 126

Feminine jobs
, 120, 131

Functional age
, 145

GDP growth function
, 11

GDP per labor force participant
, 12

Gender-based income inequalities
, 5

Gender identity
, 124–125

General Social Survey (GSS)
, 76

Generational cohorts

membership, work-related outcomes
, 69–71

psychological contracts
, 72–75

and related empirical evidence
, 68–72

silent, baby boomers, Gen X, and milennials
, 68

Generational differences
, 65–67

countervailing hypotheses
, 75–85

generational cohorts and related empirical evidence
, 68–72

psychological contracts, and the work context
, 72–75


labor supply against demand
, 17–18

labor supply scenario
, 26

Gerontological theories, successful aging

activity theory
, 37, 41–43

continuity theory
, 41–43, 59

disengagement theory
, 41–43, 59

Rowe and Kahn’s model
, 36, 37, 43

Global Financial Crisis of 2008–2009
, 23


increase in, global labor migrations
, 8

and technological advances
, 9

Global labor migrations
, 14–15

globalization increase in
, 8

Global population trends
, 13–14

Good job design
, 141

HRM practices

assimilation phase
, 176

familiarization phase
, 176

HR planning
, 170–171

and knowledge retention
, 172–173

performance appraisal
, 173–175

, 178

retirement planning
, 172–173

reward systems
, 178–179

separation phase
, 176

team age composition
, 171–172

training and development
, 175–178

HR system
, 162

Human capital theory
, 164

Human resource management (HRM)
, 162

See also HRM practices

IMF World Economic Outlook Database
, 11

Inclusive climates
, 98–99

Income inequalities

, 5

, 5


labor supply against demand
, 18

labor supply scenario
, 27

Informal economy
, 7

Information and communication technology (ICT)
, 6

Information and Decision-making Perspective (IDP)
, 165–166


labor supply against demand
, 20

labor supply scenario
, 27

Job and work design
, 140

psychological perspective of
, 141–146

Job attitudes
, 147

Job characteristics model (JCM)
, 141

Job demands-control model
, 142

Job demands-resources model
, 142

Job design, model integrating age with

by age
, 149

cognitive differences
, 146–147

lifespan development theories
, 147–148

and motivation
, 147–148

and personality differences
, 146–147

psychological implications for
, 148–150

Job distress
, 124

Job satisfaction
, 66, 124, 144

Job stress
, 66

Knowledge management processes
, 165

Knowledge sharing

age-diverse employees
, 176

, 179

integrative view
, 166–168

optimistic view
, 165–166

pessimistic view
, 168–169

tailoring HRM practices to improve
, 170–179

Labor force participation, older workers

Australian perspective
, 12–13

globalization and technological advances
, 9

globalization increase in, global labor migrations
, 8

global labor migrations
, 14–15

global population trends
, 13–14

higher participation rates
, 8

labor demand
, 11–12

labor supply
, 11

work and aging across industries
, 23–24

work and aging in Australia, analysis of
, 24–25

work structures
, 8

Labor market discrimination
, 5

Labor supply

country scenarios
, 26–28

and demand projections
, 10

, 9

, 14

, 6

Labor supply against demand

, 21

, 16

, 19

, 17–18

, 18

, 20

South Korea
, 20–21

United Kingdom
, 16–17

United States
, 15

Labor supply scenario

, 26

, 26

, 26

, 26

, 27

, 27

South Korea
, 27

United Kingdom
, 28

United States
, 28

Lifespan age
, 146

Lifespan developmental theories of

AAC model
, 47

behavior–event contingencies
, 46

comparison and critique of
, 48–50

, 46–47

resource approach
, 45

SAVI model
, 48–49

SOC model
, 45–46

, 47–48

, 176, 177

Morgeson and Humprhey’s WDQ model
, 143–144

Motivational theory of lifespan development (MTLD)
, 38, 46–47

MTLD. See Motivational theory of lifespan development (MTLD)

National Population Census
, 12

National Seniors Australia
, 9

Occupational identity
, 140

Old Age Security (OAS)
, 16

Older Workers Pilot Projects Initiative (OWPPI)
, 16

Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)
, 4, 7–9

Organizational age
, 146

Organizational age cultures
, 103, 107

Organizational behaviors
, 140, 147

Organizational Climate for Successful Aging (OCSA)
, 102, 103, 107

Organizational policy
, 4

Paid employment, full-time/part-time
, 6

Performance appraisal systems
, 173–175

Personality changes
, 147

Person-Environment (P-E) fit

alpha level considerations
, 79–81

cohort equivalency checks
, 77–78

, 79

data preparation and choice of analyses
, 79

inclusion and sample representativeness, criteria for
, 77

independent variables
, 78

, 78–79

, 76–77

negatively valenced affective outcomes
, 84–85

positively valenced affective outcomes
, 81–84

Population aging, workforce internationally
, 5–7

Protected people from work
, 4

Psychological age
, 126–127

Psychological perspective, job and work design

age-diverse workforce
, 145–146

, 145–146

job design, approaches to
, 143–145

mediating mechanisms
, 149

moderating mechanisms
, 149–150

worker well-being
, 140, 142

Psychosocial age
, 145

Public policy
, 4

developed economies
, 5

Re-employment programs
, 7

Relational demography approach
, 167

Reverse mentoring
, 176, 177

Role theory
, 142

Rowe and Kahn’s model
, 36, 37, 43

SAVI model. See Strength and vulnerability integration (SAVI) model

Selective optimization with compensation (SOC) model
, 147, 148

lifespan developmental theories of
, 45–46

successful aging
, 42

Self-categorization theory
, 167

Skilled migration programs
, 7, 14

Skill variety
, 150–151

SOC. See Selective optimization with compensation (SOC) model

Socio-emotional selectivity (SES) lifespan theory
, 163

Socioemotional selectivity theory (SST)
, 39, 47, 147, 148

SOC theory
, 131

South Korea

labor supply against demand
, 20–21

labor supply scenario
, 27

SST. See Socioemotional selectivity theory (SST)

Stop-gap strategy
, 5

Strength and vulnerability integration (SAVI) model
, 39, 48–49

Successful aging
, 36

AAC model
, 38, 47

criteria and strategies for
, 39

employees active role in
, 40

gerontological theories
, 36–43

lifespan developmental theories of
, 43–50

, 38, 46–47

resource approach
, 37

Rowe and Kahn’s model
, 36, 37, 43

SAVI model
, 39, 48–49

SOC model
, 38, 45–46

, 39, 47

, 55

theories overview of
, 37–40

at work
, 50–57

working definition and theoretical framework of
, 40

Task variety
, 150–151

Temporarily outsourcing
, 5

Theory on age

alpha level considerations
, 79–81

choice analyses
, 79

cohort equivalency checks
, 77–78

, 79

data preparation
, 79

inclusion and sample representativeness, criteria for
, 77

independent variables
, 78

, 78–79

, 76–77

negatively valenced affective outcomes
, 84–85

positively valenced affective outcomes
, 81–84

Transition To Retirement (TTR)
, 21

Underemployment, Global Financial Crisis of 2008–2009
, 23

Unemployment rates
, 8

United Kingdom

labor supply against demand
, 16–17

labor supply scenario
, 28

United States

labor supply against demand
, 15

labor supply scenario
, 28

older workers
, 120

Unsuccessful aging
, 43

US Department of Labor Women’s Bureau
, 120

Value in diversity hypothesis
, 165

Work design
, 140

Work design model
, 152–155

Worker behavior
, 144

Worker well-being, physical and psychological
, 140, 142

Workforce aging
, 4–5

protected people from work
, 4

Workplace age diversity
, 162

Workplace Intergenerational Climate Scale (WICS)
, 103, 108

Work, successful aging at

comparison and critique of
, 54–57

criteria and strategies for
, 51–52

employees active role in
, 54

working definition and framework of
, 52–54