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International Business in Times of Crisis: What Perspective to Take?

Rob van Tulder (Erasmus University, The Netherlands)
Alain Verbeke (University of Calgary, Canada)
Lucia Piscitello (Politecnico di Milano, Italy)
Jonas Puck (WU Vienna, Austria)

International Business in Times of Crisis: Tribute Volume to Geoffrey Jones

ISBN: 978-1-80262-164-8, eISBN: 978-1-80262-163-1

Publication date: 14 March 2022


Crises are often studied in international business (IB) research as the external “context” for business strategies, but firms can also be active participants in the unfolding of crises. The study of crises in IB could benefit greatly from studying the role of multinational enterprises (MNEs) as active participants, rather than as mere passive actors, responding to exogenous events. History shows that IB crises typically unfold partially as exogenous processes, and partly as the result of MNE strategies. A multilevel and longitudinal approach to studying crises in IB is clearly necessary. This chapter considers the extent to which smaller events that preceded the present crisis – since 1989 – point to systemic problems in global governance. It also defines five overlapping lenses through which future IB studies can further create relevant insights on how to deal with crises: historic, macro, meso, micro and exogenous. The chapter finally serves as an introduction to the whole Progress in International Business Research volume by indicating the relevance of all parts and chapters that follow.




Thanks to Ronny Reshef for her invaluable project management of the book in its entirety and literature research for this chapter. Thanks to Thom van Amersfoort for the trend analysis in this chapter.


van Tulder, R., Verbeke, A., Piscitello, L. and Puck, J. (2022), "International Business in Times of Crisis: What Perspective to Take?", van Tulder, R., Verbeke, A., Piscitello, L. and Puck, J. (Ed.) International Business in Times of Crisis: Tribute Volume to Geoffrey Jones (Progress in International Business Research, Vol. 16), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 3-24.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2022 Rob van Tulder, Alain Verbeke, Lucia Piscitello and Jonas Puck