
Emerging Market Finance: New Challenges and Opportunities

ISBN: 978-1-83982-059-5, eISBN: 978-1-83982-058-8

ISSN: 1569-3767

Publication date: 28 September 2020

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(2020), "Index", Jeon, B.N. and Wu, J. (Ed.) Emerging Market Finance: New Challenges and Opportunities (International Finance Review, Vol. 21), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 279-287.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2020 Emerald Publishing Limited



Note: Page numbers followed by “n” indicate end notes.

Access to basic financial services
, 252, 254–257

Account ownership
, 257

Adjusted R-squared model
, 177

Adverse herding
, 188–189

, 234

Agency theory
, 233

Aggregate level analysis, econometric model for
, 115–116

Agricultural Bank of China (ABC)
, 65, 76, 81

Arab Spring
, 192

Arellano–Bond technique
, 39–40

Asian Bank of Infrastructure investments
, 77

Asian crisis (1997–1998)
, 182n2

Asian financial crisis (AFC)
, 34

Asian Pacific-Basin markets
, 166, 17

Asian stock markets
, 166

Asset structure
, 234

Augmented Dickey Fuller unit root tests (ADF unit root tests)
, 152, 193

, 59

Autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity models (ARCH models) (see also Econometric model; Generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity model ((GARCH) (1,1) model))
, 150–151

ARCH effect
, 152–153

ARCH-LM test
, 152–153

mean equation and, 156

B2B meetings
, 79

Bad management hypothesis
, 36

Bank of China (BOC)
, 65, 76, 79–80

Bank of Korea (BOK)
, 117–122

Bank-level data analysis
, 37, 117, 122–125

econometric model for
, 116–117

Bank(s) (see also Credit)

bank-based economy, 232

bank-level indicators, 38

bank-level variables, 40

bank-specific factors, 35–36, 42

bank-specific panel data
, 114–115

with costly screening technology
, 209–212

profitability, 42

Banking crisis (B-Crisis)
, 16, 24–26

and letter of credit
, 220–223

Banking system in China
, 76–77

BankScope database
, 13, 37, 44

Baseline panel data regression
, 271

Basic financial services
, 252

Benchmark interest rate (Brate)
, 60

Benchmark regressions
, 61–62

Big Four banks, 65–67
, 76

BIST100 Index
, 152

Black-Scholes-Merton structural model
, 58–59

Book-to-market ratio (B/M ratio)
, 166

Borrower screening test
, 214

Borsa Istanbul market
, 166

Branch variables
, 101


, 62–65

risk, 236

in Russia
, 81–84

transactions, 219

BVSP Index
, 152, 157, 159, 161

Capital asset pricing model (CAPM)
, 166, 190

Capital immobility
, 91

Capital mobility
, 93, 99–100

Capital structure
, 232, 236–237

Capitalist firms
, 256

, 123

Cash flows
, 133

Cash-in-advance payment system (CA payment system)
, 205, 208

Central, Eastern, and Southeastern European countries (CESE countries), 4, 11–12
, 24

descriptive statistics and control variables
, 14–16

factors lure foreign bank branches
, 18–19

foreign bank branches change lending activity in host country
, 20–26

, 16–17

number of foreign bank branches and commercial banks, 30

results, 17

, 13–14

variable descriptions
, 30–31

China (CN)
, 170

benchmark regressions
, 61–62

Big Four banks vs. other banks
, 65–67

corporate default risk effect, 61

, 59–60

empirical framework
, 58–59

empirical results, 61

firm ownership, business cycle, loan pricing
, 62–65

5-year lending rate, 57

loan pricing across industries
, 67–69

method to estimate DLI, 73

related literature
, 57–58

size of commercial loans, 56

China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission (CBIRC)
, 76

China Construction Bank (CCB)
, 65, 76, 80

China Development Bank (CDB)
, 76, 81

Chinese banks in Russia
, 75, 81–84

ABC, 81

, 77–79

Bank of China
, 79–80

banking system in China
, 76–77

CCB, 80

CDB and Eximbank of China, 81

existing credit organizations list
, 86–87

ICBC, 80

Chinese Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC)
, 59

Cholesky orderings
, 46

Classification tree
, 266

Cluster analysis
, 6–7, 264–270

Commercial banks
, 56

Commercial loans
, 57

Commonwealth Independent States (CIS)
, 76–77

Competitive risk-free market
, 57

Consumer price index (CPI)
, 44

Contract-specific data
, 58

Control variables
, 14–16

Conventional models
, 133

Cornish–Fisher expansion
, 135

Corporate governance
, 235

principles, 6

Corporate taxes
, 16, 19

Correlation analysis
, 138

Cost of financial services
, 258

Counter-cyclical trade finance premium
, 215–217


rationing, 56

supply, 90

system, 206

Crisis period (2008–2010)
, 150

Cross-sectional absolute deviation model (CSAD model)
, 187, 193

Cross-sectional standard deviation (CSSD)
, 189–190

Currency denomination
, 90, 93

Daily volatility for GARCH (1, 1) model
, 154

Data library
, 177

, 137

Default likelihood (DLI)
, 59

method to estimate, 73

Demand-side financial inclusion
, 252

, 266

, 14

Digital alternatives
, 257


payout ratio, 247

policy, 236

yield, 174

Domestic banks
, 12

Domestic investors
, 187

Dot-com crisis (2000–2001), 182n2

Downside risk premium hypothesis
, 133, 136–142

Dynamic autoregressive distributed lag model
, 122

Dynamic bank-level panel data methods
, 36, 237

Dynamic regression structure
, 136

Earnings before interests and taxes (EBIT)
, 168

Econometric model

for aggregate level analysis
, 115–116

for bank-level analysis
, 116–117

Econometric specification
, 134–136

Economic development strategies
, 3

Economic policy uncertainty (EPU)
, 132–133

Economic Statistics System
, 117

Education, 265–266
, 271

, 101, 103

EGARCH model and leverage effect
, 154

Eight-factor model
, 167, 174–177

, 5–6

results under different market conditions
, 178–179

Emerging economies
, 3

Emerging stock market indices
, 150

Entire population
, 263

Equally weighted market (EW market)
, 167

, 15

Equity-to-assets ratio
, 37

EU Fundamental Rights Agency
, 264

European Economic Area (EEA)
, 12

European Monetary Union (EMU)
, 12

European Union (EU)
, 12

EUROSTAT database
, 265, 271

Excess lending
, 36

Excluded population
, 252–253, 256–258

Expanded asset pricing model
, 171

Expansionary fiscal policy
, 132

Explanatory variables
, 239

Exponential generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity ((EGARCH) (1,1) model)
, 150–151

and leverage effect, 154
, 159–160

Export-to-domestic sales
, 221–222

Export–Import Bank of China
, 76, 81

Extended eight-factor model
, 5–6

Fama–French three-factor model
, 166–168, 170–171

Financial Analysis Information Retrieval System
, 119

Financial crisis (2008)
, 24, 204

Financial data
, 150

Financial distress, herding behavior within
, 195–196

Financial inclusion (see also Social inclusion (SI)), 3, 6–7
, 251, 253

benefits of
, 254–255

conditions for optimality in
, 256–258

critical perspectives on
, 255–256

, 253–254

optimality in
, 251–252

Financial information
, 117

Financial institutions, 76–77
, 81, 254–255

Financial market
, 6, 166, 177, 232–233

, 150–151

Financial regulators
, 251

Financial services
, 6, 257–258

Financial structure
, 232

Financial theories
, 232

Financializing society
, 256

, 3, 57

characteristics, 60

default risk
, 57–58

DLI, 59

level studies
, 204–205

ownership, 62–65, 56

Fiscal policy uncertainty (FPU) (see also Monetary policy uncertainty (MPU))
, 5, 132, 134, 137

premium hypothesis, 136

role of FPU change
, 141–144

Fisher type panel unit root tests
, 38, 44

Fixed-effect dynamic panel data estimator
, 119

Foreign bank
, 3, 5, 90, 92–94, 97–103, 113–114

bank-level analysis
, 117–118

bank-level data analysis
, 122–125

banking crises
, 24–26

banking sector
, 20–21

branches, 16, 20

data, 117

econometric model for aggregate level analysis
, 115–116

econometric model for bank-level analysis
, 116–117

interest rate differential, 118

international spillover of monetary policy shocks from Euro area to Korea
, 121–122

international spillover of monetary policy shocks from United States to Korea
, 119–121

interoffice transactions, 119

lending activity in Korea
, 114–115

macroeconomic and banking data analyses, 119

model, 115

modes of ownerships
, 22–24

, 13–14

quantitative easing, 118

real effective foreign exchange rates, 119

real GDP growth rates of Korea, 119

spillover effects in Korean economy, 114

VIXQ, 119

Foreign Currency Loan Growth
, 101

Foreign monetary shocks
, 116

Free cash flow
, 247

Frontier market
, 186

“Fuyu” (common prosperity)society
, 76

Generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity model ((GARCH) (1,1) model), 150–151
, 153

daily volatility for, 154

results, daily volatility, and volatility persistence
, 156–157

volatility persistence and half-life volatility for
, 153–154

Generalized Method of Moments (GMM), 39–40
, 45, 237

estimator, 123, 242

Global banking
, 3, 90

Global financial crisis (G-Crisis), 16, 25, 56, 63–65
, 114, 150, 275, 232

Global risk aversion
, 38

Global stock market prices response

correlation analysis, 138

data, 137

econometric specification
, 134–136

economic framework
, 133–134

, 132–133

evidence of monetary policy uncertainty change
, 138–141

monetary policy
, 131–132

role of fiscal policy uncertainty change
, 141–144

testable hypotheses
, 136–137

Glosten, Jagannathan, and Rankle model (GJR model)
, 151

Government-supported industries, loan pricing for
, 67–69

Granger causality tests
, 46

Great Depression
, 204

“Great trade collapse”
, 6

Gross domestic product (GDP), 15)
, 44, 132, 204

GDP per capita, 274

growth rate, 274

Half-life volatility
, 157–159

for GARCH (1,1) model
, 153–154

Health indicators
, 265–266

Herding behavior
, 186

within extreme market conditions
, 194–195

within financial distress during Jasmine Revolution Period
, 195–196

in Tunisia
, 187–188

within Tunisia stock market
, 193–194

Hierarchical cluster analysis
, 265

Home variables
, 100–101

Hong Kong (HK)
, 170

Identification strategy
, 45

, 263–266

immigrants-level data, 269

Impulse response functions
, 46

Individual stock returns
, 189–190

Indonesia (ID)
, 170

average loan to deposit ratio, 92

cross-border lending
, 91–92

data source
, 97–98

empirical base models
, 99–104

impacts of crisis
, 104–105

Indonesian banking sector and descriptive statistics
, 98–99

Indonesian economy, 90

literature review
, 92–93

loan outstanding by type of banks, 91

loans in
, 90–91

statistics for individual banks
, 111–112

theoretical base model
, 93–97

Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC)
, 65, 76, 80

, 262

, 36, 40–41

affect loan growth rates, 101

affect NPLs, 40, 46

rate, 44
, 131–132

rate in Korea, 123

variables of foreign banks, 104

Information risk
, 57–58

, 254

Interbank screening test
, 217

Interest rate differential
, 118

Intermediate goods
, 208

Internal capital markets, 90, 92–94
, 99, 103

International banking model, 90–91, 93–94
, 96

International Financial Statistics (IFS)
, 117

International fundamental factors
, 177–178

International spillover of monetary policy shocks

from Euro area to Korea
, 121–122

from United States to Korea
, 119–121

International trade finance
, 204–205

Interoffice transactions
, 119

Investment factors
, 171–174

IPC Index
, 152, 155, 157, 159

Japan (JP)
, 170

Jasmine revolution
, 186

crisis periods and market evolution, 192


inflation rate in Korea, 123

international spillover of monetary policy shocks from Euro area to
, 121–122

international spillover of monetary policy shocks from United States to
, 119–121

Labor market, 265–266
, 271

Letter of credit payment system (L/C payment system)
, 208, 217–219

banking crisis and letter of credit
, 220–223

optimal payment system
, 219–220

Leverage effect

EGARCH (1,1) models and
, 159–160

EGARCH model and, 154

, 101, 103, 123, 235, 247

Loan pricing
, 4, 56, 62–65

behavior, 58

for government-supported industries
, 67–69

across industries, 67

for real estate sector, 67

Loan to deposits ratios (LtD ratios)
, 14, 37, 42, 93

Loan(s) (see also Nonperforming loans (NPL))

allocation, 58

, 59–60

growth rate, 37

Logit transformation
, 38

Macro-level data
, 266

Macroeconomic analysis
, 115

Macroeconomic variables
, 38

, 60

Malaysia (MY)
, 170

Marginal benefit (MB)
, 258

Marginal cost (MC)
, 258

curve, 213

Marginal gains curve
, 213

Market finance (see also Trade finance)

economic development strategies, 3

extended eight-factor model
, 5–6

financial inclusion
, 6–7

loan pricing
, 4–5

Market stress
, 186

Market-oriented financial reform
, 56

Market-to-book ratio (MTB ratio)
, 59

Mean equation
, 156

Mean reversion, 151, 153–154
, 159

Merton model
, 73

, 255–256

Momentum investment strategies
, 166

Monetary policy
, 58, 131–132

Monetary policy uncertainty (MPU) (see also Fiscal policy uncertainty (FPU))
, 5, 132

evidence of MPU change
, 138–141

innovation, 133

premium hypothesis, 136

Monetary shocks
, 133

Monti-Klein model
, 61

Moral hazard hypothesis
, 36, 42

Mortgage-backed securities (MBS)
, 118

Multifactor asset pricing models

complete eight-factor model
, 174–177

data description
, 169–170

eight-factor model results under different market conditions
, 178–179

emerging market
, 166–167

, 165–166

formation of portfolios and fundamental factors
, 168–169

international fundamental factors
, 177–178

, 167–168

original Fama–French three-factor model
, 170–171

P/E and dividend yield, 174

profitability and investment factors
, 171–174

Multilevel hierarchy system
, 77

Multinational banks
, 12, 16

National Bureau of Statistics (NBS), 70n7

News-based uncertainty index
, 135

Non-linear model
, 190

Non-SOEs, 56–58, 62, 70n9

pricing of loans to, 63

Nonperforming loans (NPL)
, 4, 34–35

bank NPL of gross, 53

, 37–39

determinants of, 37

factors influence evolution of
, 35–36

feedback effects from, 44

literature review
, 35–37

macroeconomic and bank-level determinants, 41

, 45–46

, 39–40, 44–45

orthogonalized impulse response functions
, 47–48

pre-and post-global financial crisis analysis
, 42–44

, 44

, 40, 46

Open account payment system (OA payment system)
, 205, 208

Optimal capital structure
, 233

Optimal financial inclusion
, 257–258

Optimal investment in screening tests
, 213–215

Optimal payment system
, 219–220

Ordinary least squares (OLS)
, 17, 19

Pacific-Basin emerging markets
, 166

Panel data estimations
, 6–7

Panel regression analysis
, 59, 238–242

Panel unit root test
, 271

Panel-data analysis
, 237

Parent variables
, 101

Payment systems
, 205, 208

Pecking order theory
, 233

People’s Bank of China (PBoC)
, 76–77

People’s Republic of China (PRC)
, 34, 76

banking reform
, 77

Phillips–Perron unit root tests (PP unit root tests)
, 152

, 257

Post-crisis period (2011–2018)
, 150

Post-global financial crisis analysis
, 42–44


, 263

across European countries
, 262

financial inclusion and
, 251–253

inclusive approach and
, 264

Pre-crisis period (2002–2007)
, 150

Pre-global financial crisis analysis
, 42–44

, 252, 256, 258

Price-to-earnings ratio (P/E)
, 167–170, 174, 181

Pricing mechanism
, 3

Private firms
, 256

, 101, 103, 168, 171–174, 181, 233–234, 236

Prosperity Index
, 274–275

Quantitative easing (QE)
, 116, 118

Quantitative methods
, 237–238

Re-run model
, 177

Real effective foreign exchange rates
, 119

Real estate sector, loan pricing for
, 67

Real GDP growth rate
, 274

of Korea
, 119

Regime-switching-based CSAD model
, 187

Regression model
, 276

Required reserve ratio (RRR)
, 59

Resource productivity
, 274

Return on assets (ROA)
, 15, 123, 238

Return on equity
, 37

Return on invested capital (RO IC)
, 239

Rights-based policies
, 263


management skills
, 56

premium hypothesis
, 133

risk-adjusted loan pricing
, 56

risk-based capital
, 90

risk-return relation
, 144

risk-taking behavior
, 42

Robustness tests
, 242–247

Roma communities
, 263

Roma effect
, 271, 274–275

Roma population data
, 269

Roma social integration
, 264

Romanian firms
, 6

hypothesis validation and theory accordance
, 247

literature and hypotheses development
, 232–236

panel regression analysis
, 238–242

quantitative methods
, 237–238

robustness tests
, 242–247

sample and measures
, 236–237

univariate analysis
, 238

Russia, Chinese banks in
, 75, 81–84

, 81

, 77–79

Bank of China
, 79–80

banking system in China
, 76–77

, 80

CDB and Eximbank of China
, 81

existing credit organizations list
, 86–87

, 80

Russian-Chinese relations
, 75

Security markets
, 186

Signal theory
, 233

Singapore (SG)
, 170

‘Skimping’ hypothesis
, 36

Social inclusion (SI) (see also Financial inclusion)
, 3, 262–263

EU countries classification in social inclusiveness terms
, 264–270

exploring relationship between sustainable development indicators and
, 270–276

, 265

literature review
, 263–264

Social integration of youth
, 262

Society development
, 264

Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT)
, 224n5

, 101, 103

South Korea (KR)
, 170

Sovereign credit ratings
, 16

SSEC Index
, 151–152, 155–157, 159

State-owned enterprises (SOEs)
, 56, 62, 70n7

Stock market(s)
, 3

ARCH effect
, 152–153

daily volatility for GARCH (1,1) model
, 154

data collection
, 152

descriptive analysis
, 154–156

EGARCH (1,1) models and leverage effect
, 159–160

EGARCH model and leverage effect
, 154

GARCH (1,1) results, daily volatility, and volatility persistence
, 156–157

GARCH model
, 153

half-life volatility
, 157–159

, 150

literature review
, 150–151

mean equation and ARCH effect
, 156

, 132, 134

unit root tests
, 152

volatility persistence and half-life volatility for GARCH (1,1) model
, 153–154

Stock returns, 166–168, 171, 174–175, 177–180, 189, 191–192
, 194

Subprime mortgage crisis (2007–2009), 182n2

Supplier’s bank
, 218

Supply-side financial inclusion
, 252

Sustainable economic development
, 263

Synchronization theory
, 233

Taiwan (TW)
, 170

Tangible assets
, 60

, 16, 137, 233, 235

TGARCH (1,1) model
, 151

Thailand (TH)
, 170

Thomson Reuters Eikon database
, 152

Tobit model
, 17–18

Total debt to equity ratio
, 247

Trade credit, 224n5

Trade finance (see also Market finance), 204, 224n1

, 205–206, 209–212

baseline model
, 208–209

, 208

counter-cyclical trade finance premium
, 215–217

, 203–204

interbank dimension
, 206–207

international trade finance
, 204–205

letter of credit
, 217–223

, 207

optimal investment in screening tests
, 213–215

, 212

screening precision level
, 228–229

, 6

Trade-off theory
, 233–235

, 189

Tunisia stock exchange (TSE)
, 186, 189

adverse herding
, 188–189

contextualizing nature of herding behavior in Tunisia
, 187–188

data description
, 189

descriptive statistics
, 192–193

, 186–187

Jasmine revolution crisis periods and market evolution
, 192

, 189–192

regression coefficients of CSAD
, 197

regression results on herding behavior within extreme market conditions
, 194–195

regression results on herding behavior within financial distress
, 195–196

regression results on herding behavior within Tunisia stock market
, 193–194

Tunisian revolution
, 188

Tunisian Jasmine Revolution
, 6

Tunisian revolution
, 186–188

Two-country international lending model
, 93–99

2 × 2 sorts three-factor model
, 168–169

, 137

Unemployment rate
, 44

Unit banking model
, 94

Unit root tests
, 152

Univariate analysis
, 238

US interfirm trade
, 205

US liquidity shocks
, 90

US monetary policy
, 114, 132

Vector autoregression methods (VAR methods)
, 36, 137

, 38, 42, 44, 46, 49, 117, 123

, 119

Volatility persistence for GARCH (1,1) model
, 153–154

World Development Indicators (WDI)
, 13

“Xiaokang” (small prosperity) society
, 76

Zombie lending
, 36

Part I : An Overview
Chapter 1: Emerging Market Finance: New Challenges and Opportunities
Part II : Global Banking Activity, Risk, and Contagion
Chapter 2: Do Foreign Bank Branches Affect Lending of Foreign- and State-owned Banks? Empirical Evidence from CESEE Countries
Chapter 3: Nonperforming Loans in Asia: Determinants and Macrofinancial Linkages
Chapter 4: Corporate Default Risk and Loan Pricing Behavior in China
Chapter 5: Chinese Banks in Russia: Market Expansion Strategies and New Opportunities
Chapter 6: Global Shock and Foreign Bank Lending: Choice of Home and Local Currency Loans in Indonesia
Chapter 7: Spillover Effects of Global MonetaRy Shocks on Foreign Banks: Evidence from an Emerging Economy
Part III : Stock Market Behavior in Emerging Economies
Chapter 8: Global Stock Market Prices Response to Uncertainty Changes in US Monetary and Fiscal Policies
Chapter 9: The Asymmetry Effect and Volatility Persistence in Stock Market Returns: Evidence from Brazil, China, Mexico and Turkey
Chapter 10: Tests of Multifactor Asset Pricing Models in Asian Stock Markets
Chapter 11: Tunisian Revolution and Herd Behavior: Empirical Evidence from the Tunisia Stock Exchange
Part IV : Global financing for firms and financial inclusion
Chapter 12: A Theory of Domestic and International Trade Finance
Chapter 13: The Impact of CEO and Firm-Specific Characteristics on Capital Structure: Evidence from Romanian Firms
Chapter 14: Optimal Financial Inclusion
Chapter 15: Social Inclusion and Sustainable Economic Development: Evidence from EU Economies