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Research, Dissemination, and Activism – The Grand Challenge of Refugees' Integration: An Interview with Betina Szkudlarek

Joyce S. Osland (San Jose State University, USA)

Advances in Global Leadership

ISBN: 978-1-80071-838-8, eISBN: 978-1-80071-837-1

Publication date: 26 January 2022


Betina Szkudlarek, a highly valued member of the editor team of Advances in Global Leadership (volumes 12–14) is resigning, to our regret, to dedicate more time to her work with refugees. Based on her keynote speech at the 2021 ION meeting, the interview demonstrates how scholars can make a tangible contribution to today's highly complex problems that go beyond our research findings. Betina explains the impact of COVID-19 on migrants and refugees and provides examples by various stakeholders. She also describes how her research expanded into partnerships with multiple governments, corporations, and service organizations. Betina is a wonderful example of a scholar-practitioner who is willing to research grand challenges and also make extensive practical contributions to resolving them.

Betina is an Associate Professor of Management at the University of Sydney Business School. She publishes on the topics of cross-cultural competence, intercultural communication, and international transitions. She is a Strategic, Sustainability and Growth Consultant with the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations, where she works with the recipients of the UNAOC's and BMW Group's Intercultural Innovation Awards.



Osland, J.S. (2022), "Research, Dissemination, and Activism – The Grand Challenge of Refugees' Integration: An Interview with Betina Szkudlarek", Osland, J.S., Reiche, B.S., Szkudlarek, B. and Mendenhall, M.E. (Ed.) Advances in Global Leadership (Advances in Global Leadership, Vol. 14), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 215-220.



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