
Building Intelligent Tutoring Systems for Teams

ISBN: 978-1-78754-474-1, eISBN: 978-1-78754-473-4

ISSN: 1534-0856

Publication date: 20 September 2018

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(2018), "Index", Building Intelligent Tutoring Systems for Teams (Research on Managing Groups and Teams, Vol. 19), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 313-325.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2018 Emerald Publishing Limited


Academically Productive Talk (APT)
, 44

Active Information Exchange
, 219

Active learning skills
, 13

Active Supporting Behavior
, 219

Adaptive instruction
, 4, 6, 7

Adaptive tutors

effective team training with, challenges and propositions for developing
, 75–94

Additive Factors Model (AFM)
, 133, 138–141

Advanced Embedded Training System (AETS)
, 218, 225–228, 238

, 225–227

, 227–228

Advanced Situation Awareness (ASA)
, 83, 84, 87–89

Aegis Combat Training Simulation (ACTS)
, 225

Aegis Weapon System (AWS)
, 225

Affect management
, 25

After action review (AAR)
, 83, 84, 86, 88–91, 217

Airborne Early Warning (AEW) E-2C aircraft
, 228–230

Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS)
, 232, 233, 239–240

Air Control Officer (ACO)
, 229, 230

Air Tasking Order (ATO)
, 233

Air Weapons Officer (AWO) Trainer
, 231–233, 239, 240

, 231

, 232

training effects
, 232–233

American Psychological Association
, 219

, 12

, 250

Anti-access and area denial (A2AD)
, 234

Apprenticeship learning
, 267

Army Expeditionary Warfare Experiment program
, 84

Artificial intelligence (AI)
, 132, 133, 144–146, 218

Assessment and Teaching of 21st Century Skills
, 178

Astronaut candidates
, 283–284

AT&T Labs Natural Voices™
, 232

, 85–86


fixed point
, 63–64

, 64

, 63

, 64

, 63

Automated assessment of CPS without and with agents
, 191–204

epistemic network analysis
, 200–203

Land Sciences simulation
, 192–193

latent semantic analysis
, 198–200

matches to expectations and misconceptions in episodic units
, 203–204

mentor speech acts in Land Science, qualitative analysis of
, 194–195

state transition networks of speech acts
, 195–198

, 8, 175, 178, 195, 198, 203

dialogue moves, automatic generation of
, 187–190

discourse structure of dialogues
, 188–190

scoring open-ended student responses with
, 182–191

student contributions, automatic evaluation of
, 183–187

tutoring versus collaborative problem solving among peers
, 190–191

Bayesian Knowledge Tracing (BKT)
, 133, 135, 136–138, 226

BBN Hark™
, 232

Behaviorally anchored rating scales (BARS)
, 87

, 86–88

Benchmarked Experiential System for Training (BEST)
, 233–234, 240–241

, 233

, 234

training effects
, 234

Bloom’s Taxonomy
, 13

Bottom-up approach
, 107

Capsule communicators (CAPCOMs)
, 284

Carnegie Learning, Inc.
, 136, 254, 260, 261

Case-Based Reasoning
, 266

Chest decompression needle (CDN)
, 89, 90

Close-air support (CAS) missions
, 233

, 26, 27

Coarse-grained intermediate neurodynamic representations of teamwork
, 154–155

Coevolutionary relational event model
, 123–124

COGNET/iGEN technology
, 226, 229

, 26, 27

interactive team
, 62–63

, 105

, 33–50

, 56, 61, 63

, 34, 35, 37, 40, 43, 45, 49, 56

and team development
, 86

Cognitive ability
, 58

Cognitive control
, 115

Cognitive Tutor Authoring Tools (CTAT)
, 251

Cognitive Tutors
, 8, 136, 260, 261, 263

Cognitive workload
, 115, 116

, 40, 179–182, 192, 198, 200, 203, 204

Collaboration Process Analysis (CoPrA)
, 38–39

Collaborative learning
, 256, 306

, 178, 252, 256

, 13

Collaborative problem solving (CPS)
, 132, 134, 173–206, 306–307

metacognitive prompting in ITSs in support of
, 42–48

Combat application tourniquet (CAT)
, 89, 90

Combat Information Center (CIC)
, 225, 228, 229

Combat Information Center Officer (CICO)
, 229, 230

Command and Staff Briefing
, 120

, 26, 27, 39, 78

analysis, in complex problem solving
, 40–42

, 284

, 292–293

, 65

, 28

in intelligent tutoring systems
, 44–45

International Space Station
, 281

, 58, 60

, 219

, 46

, 41, 42

Competency Architecture for Learning in teaMs (CALM) framework
, 133, 134, 144–147, 304

Compolational emergence
, 62

Compositional emergence
, 62

Computational Psychometrics (CP)
, 132, 134–135

Computer-based team tutoring
, 303

Computer-based training
, 292

Computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL)
, 132, 178, 252, 256

automated assessment of, without and with agents
, 191–204

by designing agents
, 204–206

PISA CPS 2015 assessment
, 174–182, 190–192, 195–197, 203, 204

point processes modeling to CPS, application of
, 141–142

scoring open-ended student responses with AutoTutor
, 182–191

Computer-supported cooperative work (CSCW)
, 132, 257

Confidence building
, 25

, 26, 27

, 25

Construct validity
, 114

Content validity
, 114

Conversational agents
, 44–45, 174, 176–178, 183, 190

Conversational skills
, 13

, 26, 27

Coordinated system, team effectiveness in
, 66–70

team ITS training from dynamic team effectiveness viewpoint, challenges for
, 68–70

, 25–27, 34–35, 104, 116

, 41

, 109, 111, 115

, 61, 109, 111–112

Creative conflict skills
, 13

Crew resource management (CRM)
, 105

Criterion-related validity
, 114

Critical competencies for teamwork
, 106

Cross-Platform Mission Visualization Tool
, 234–236, 239, 240

, 235

, 235–236

training effects
, 236

, 105

Data acquisition method
, 11

Data analysis

feedback design
, 265

Performance Metrics and Skill Development
, 260–261

team member interactions
, 256–257

team tutor challenges
, 253–254

tutor authoring
, 267–268

Data collection
, 28–29

Data dashboard creation
, 260–261

Data mining (DM)
, 134

Data source identification
, 119–123

Decision Evaluation Facility for Team Training (DEFTT)
, 219

Decision making
, 115

Deep knowledge tracing (DKT)
, 146

Deep learning
, 11

Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)

SIMNET system
, 218

Defense Readiness Reporting System (DRRS)
, 120

Design decisions, during team tutor development

team taskwork
, 304–306

teamwork skills
, 304–305

tutor from scratch or using existing tools, building
, 303–304

Designing agents, collaborative problem solving by
, 204–206

Distributed Dynamic Decision-making environment (DDD)
, 232, 234

Distributed team training
, 105

Domain modeling
, 7–8

Dynamical systems theory
, 39

Dynamic feedback, addressing complexity for
, 123–124

Dynamic simulation training
, 280

Dynamic Targeting Cells (DTC)
, 233

Dynamic team interactions for intelligent tutoring, modeling
, 131–148

Additive Factors Model
, 138–141

Bayesian Knowledge Tracing
, 136–138

CALM framework
, 144–147

Computational Psychometrics
, 134–135

generalized framework
, 142–144

Performance Factor Analysis
, 138–141

point processes modeling to collaborative problem solving, application of
, 141–142

Educational Data Mining (EDM)
, 253

, 117, 154–161

Effectiveness measures
, 8–9

Effective team training with adaptive tutors, challenges and propositions for developing
, 75–94

, 85–86

, 86–88

, 86

effective team training strategies
, 88–91

instructional framework
, 91–93

team development use case
, 82–84

team development
, 79–84

team dynamics
, 79–84

team leadership, role of
, 79–84

team tutor challenges
, 76–79

Emotion-focused actions
, 266

, 156, 158–162, 164, 165, 167

Environments of team tutoring
, 307–308

types of
, 308

Epistemic network analysis (ENA)
, 200–203

, 60

Error-sensitive feedback
, 8

Event Based Approach to Training (EBAT)
, 88, 89, 92

Expectation Maximization (EM) algorithm
, 138

Experience Application Programming Interface (xAPI)
, 237

Externalized team knowledge
, 36

Extravehicular activities, planning
, 289

, 117–118

Feedback design (FD)

data analysis
, 265

Human–Computer Interaction
, 265

Learning Sciences
, 263

science of teams
, 263–264

tutor engineering
, 262–263

Functional MRI (fMRI)
, 117

Generalized Intelligent Framework for Tutoring (GIFT)
, 8, 13, 76, 92, 93, 134, 142–144, 239, 249, 303–304

modular design architecture
, 77

Goal setting
, 45

Goal specification
, 24

, 267

Google SketchUp
, 267

Group interactions
, 257

Halo effect
, 104

Heart rate variability (HRV)
, 116–117

Help-seeking behaviors
, 81

Hidden Markov Models (HMM)
, 136

Human–Computer Interaction (HCI)

feedback design
, 265

Performance Metrics and Skill Development
, 261–262

team member interactions
, 257

team tutor challenges
, 254

tutor authoring
, 268–269

Human Exploration Research Analog (HERA)
, 285–286, 291

Human Performance Measurement Language (HPML)
, 237

Implementation of team tutoring, challenges and barriers to

data source establishment
, 309

definition of measures
, 309

technological challenges
, 309–310

Implicit coordination
, 61

Improved First Aid Kit II (IFAK II)
, 89, 90

Independent component analysis (ICA)
, 156

Individual knowledge building
, 36

Individual learner

data, acquisition of
, 11

states, assessment of
, 11–12

Information processing skills
, 39

Information provision
, 89

Information Science
, 169

Information sharing
, 41

Information theory
, 169

Inner loop
, 256, 257

Instructional environments, defined
, 4

Intact crew training
, 285–286

Integrated training approach (ITA)
, 84, 88–91

Intelligent Guided Practice
, 219

Intelligent team tutoring systems (ITTS)
, 221, 224–236, 247

Advanced Embedded Training System
, 225–228

AWO trainer
, 231–233

Benchmarked Experiential System for Training
, 233–234

Cross-Platform Mission Visualization Tool
, 234–236

Synthetic Cognition for Operational Team Training
, 228–231

Intelligent tutoring systems (ITSs)

challenges and approaches to building
, 3–14

communication and conversational agents in
, 44–45

, 4–5

domain modeling
, 7–8

fundamental concepts
, 6–7

individual learner and team interaction data, acquisition of
, 11

individual learner and team states, assessment of
, 11–12

learner modeling
, 7

pedagogical modeling and effectiveness measures
, 8–9

strategies and tactics for effect, selection and application of
, 13–14

in support of collaborative problem-solving training, metacognitive prompting in
, 42–48

team task analysis to, importance of
, 29–30

for team training
, 215–242

training from dynamic team effectiveness viewpoint, challenges for
, 68–70

tutor–user interface
, 9–10

unobtrusive strategies for
, 101–125

Interactive team cognition (ITC)
, 62–63

Internalized team knowledge
, 36

International Space Station (ISS)
, 38, 281, 282, 284, 285, 287, 290

Item Response Theory (IRT) Rasch model
, 135, 138

Job analysis
, 21

Joint Semi-Automated Forces (JSAF)
, 227

Just-in-time training
, 289

Knowledge building
, 40, 41

, 36

, 36, 37, 39, 46

KSAOs (knowledge, skills, abilities, and other personal characteristics)
, 20, 21, 24, 26, 29, 30, 77–78, 80, 82, 85

KSAs (knowledge, skills, and attitudes)
, 60, 61

Kullback–Leibler index
, 141

Land Sciences simulation
, 175, 192–193

mentor speech acts in, qualitative analysis of
, 194–195

Latent semantic analysis (LSA)
, 41, 184–186, 198–200


, 58, 61

team, role of
, 79–84

Learner experience, previewing
, 269

Learner modeling
, 7, 78, 79, 87, 93

Learning, defined
, 5

Learning Analytics (LA)
, 253

Learning and assessments systems (LASs)
, 134

Learning by Teaching theory
, 266

Learning effect model (LEM)
, 10, 11, 13, 302

Learning Sciences (LS)

feedback design
, 263

Performance Metrics and Skill Development
, 259

team member interactions
, 255–256

team tutor challenges
, 252–253

tutor authoring
, 266–267

, 140

, 140

Local-level sources of data
, 120–123

Long-duration exploration missions

characteristics of
, 280–282

training retention
, 283–289

, 58, 64–65

Machine learning (ML)
, 7, 132, 133, 144–146

, 105

Macrocognition in Teams model (MITM)
, 35–42, 45

communication analysis in complex problem solving
, 40–42

empirical base for
, 37–40

externalized team knowledge
, 36

individual knowledge building
, 36

internalized team knowledge
, 36

team knowledge building
, 36

team problem solving outcomes
, 36–37

Markov Decision Processes
, 7

Medical Simulation Training Centers (MSTC)
, 89, 90

Mental models

, 58

, 41, 61, 86, 105, 292–293

Mentor speech acts in Land Science, qualitative analysis of
, 194–195

, 33–50

theory and research
, 43–44

Metacognitive prompting in ITSs, in support of collaborative problem-solving training
, 42–48

communication and conversational agents
, 44–45

execution stage
, 46–47

preparation stage
, 45–46

reflection stage
, 47–48

theory and research
, 43–44

Metacognitive skills
, 8

Metric Manager
, 258

, 260

Military Combat Casualty Care
, 303

Military training, intelligent tutoring for
, 215–242

barriers of data collection and analysis
, 221

barriers of measurement and measures
, 222

barriers of theory and models
, 222–224

intelligent team tutoring systems
, 220–221, 224–236

R&D horizons
, 236–241

Simulation-based training, for modern team training systems
, 217–218

Tactical Decision Making Under Stress
, 219–220

Mission analysis
, 24

Monitoring progress towards goals
, 25

, 25

Multiple data streams, integrating
, 293–294


Astronaut Behavioral Health and Performance Training Events
, 291

Human Exploration Research Analog
, 285–286, 291

Human Research Program
, 293

Johnson Space Center
, 38, 286

living and working together in spaceflight multi-team system
, 289–293

Mission Control Center (MCC)
, 38, 281, 292

multiple data streams, integrating
, 293–294

training retention over long-duration exploration missions
, 283–289

Nasopharyngeal airway (NPA)
, 89, 90

National Basketball Association (NBA)
, 56, 57

National Outdoor Leadership School training
, 283

Neural responses
, 117

Neurodynamic information

, 162–164

organization of
, 154–156

, 162–164

, 162–164

Neurodynamic modeling
, 156–162


, 164–166

, 164–166

, 164–166

healthcare team organization, changing
, 167–169

, 166–168

, 170

Neurodynamic symbol space (NSS)
, 158, 159

, 169

Next Generation Threat System
, 235

North American Aerospace Defense Command
, 38

One-parameter Logistic Model (1PL)
, 135, 138

ONE-SAF model
, 218

On the Job Training (OJT)
, 92

Operational or work environments, defined
, 5

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
, 176, 177

Outcome-based measures
, 106

Outer loop
, 256, 257

Partially Observable Markov Decision Process (POMDP)
, 234

Partner-based training
, 105

Pedagogical modeling
, 8–9

Peers, tutoring versus collaborative problem solving among
, 190–191

Performance, defined
, 5

Performance Analysis System
, 230

Performance Factor Analysis (PFA)
, 133, 138–141

Performance Metrics and Skill Development (PMSD)

data analysis
, 260–261

Human–Computer Interaction
, 261–262

Learning Sciences
, 259

science of teams
, 259–260

tutor engineering
, 258

Personality traits
, 58

Perturbation training
, 63

Physiobehavioral coupling
, 116

Physiological compliance
, 116

PISA CPS 2015 assessment
, 174–182, 190–192, 195–197, 203, 204

collaborative problem solving skills, matrix of
, 179

, 12

Plan formulation
, 24

Positive interactions
, 81

Pre-mission training
, 283–287

astronaut candidates
, 283–284

intact crew training
, 285–286

intelligent tutoring systems
, 286–287

pre-assigned and assigned mission training
, 284–285

Problem solving

collaborative see Collaborative problem solving (CPS)

complex, communication analysis in
, 40–42

team outcomes
, 36–37

training, collaborative
, 42–48

Process-based measures
, 106

“Process vs. product” distinction
, 59–60

Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) see PISA CPS 2015 assessment

Proper Communications
, 219

, 12

Quantitative metrics, addressing complexity for
, 123–124

R&D horizons
, 236–241

adaptation of team training
, 240–241

diagnosis of teamwork
, 238–239

instructional strategies for teams
, 240

team measurement
, 237–238

team training models
, 239–240

Radar Officer (RO)
, 229

Rating indices
, 27–28

Rational Approach to Developing Systems-based Measures (RADSM)
, 107–115, 119, 123, 124

construct indicators, developing
, 110

constructs of interest, identifying
, 108–110

instantiating and validating measures
, 114–115

measurement components
, 110–114

system-based information, identifying
, 110

Reactive strategy adjustment planning
, 46

Recognition Activated Model Assessment (RAMA)
, 226, 229

Regular expressions
, 186–187

Relaxation time
, 58

Requirements analysis
, 21, 22

, 58

, 302

training, over long-duration exploration missions
, 283–289

Role clarification
, 45

Role structure adaptation
, 61

San Antonio Spurs
, 56–57, 69, 70

Schema-enriched communication (SEC)
, 46

Science of teams

feedback design
, 263–264

Performance Metrics and Skill Development
, 259–260

team member interactions
, 256

team tutor challenges
, 253

tutor authoring
, 267

SCUD missile launchers
, 233

Self-regulated learning (SRL)
, 143

, 81

Semi-automated force (SAF)
, 218

SEMILAR system
, 184, 190

Shared cognition
, 56, 61, 63

Shared mental models (SMMs)
, 41, 61, 86, 105, 292–293

Shared situation awareness (SSA)
, 105, 112, 118

SIMNET system
, 218

Simulation-Based Team Training (SBTT)
, 78, 84, 85, 88, 90–93

Simulation-based training
, 292

for modern team training systems
, 217–218

Situational judgment tests (SJTs)
, 147

Situational Self-Efficacy (SSE)
, 85

Situation awareness (SA)
, 117–118

Skill decay in spaceflight, training retention and
, 287–289

environmental threats to cognitive functioning
, 288–289

integrated task and team skill training
, 289

long intervals between skill training and use
, 287–288


, 90

, 90–91

collaborative learning
, 13

, 302

, 8

, 304–305

types of
, 307

Small group living
, 289–291

Social coordination
, 155

Soller’s taxonomy
, 14

Spaceflight multi-team system, living and working together in

small group living
, 289–291

space-to-ground coordination
, 292–293

Spaceflight resource management (SFRM) model of teamwork skills
, 292

Spaceflight team training
, 279–296

living and working together in multi-team system
, 289–293

long-duration exploration missions
, 280–289

multiple data streams, integrating
, 293–294

recommendations for
, 295–296

Space-to-ground coordination
, 292–293

Speech acts

mentor speech acts in Land Science, qualitative analysis of
, 194–195

state transition networks of
, 195–198

Speech-to-text translation
, 221

Squad Overmatch (SOvM)
, 76, 79, 82–87, 91, 92

, 267

State transition networks of speech acts
, 195–198

Statistical analysis
, 260

Stealth assessment
, 256

Strategy formulation
, 24

Stress Exposure Training (SET)
, 88

Stress Management (SM)
, 83, 84, 89, 90

Surveillance Task
, 248–249, 258, 261, 262

Surveillance with Sniper Task (SwS)
, 249

, 64, 116

Synthetic Cognition for Operational Team Training (SCOTT)
, 228–231, 238, 239

Synthetic Teammates for Realtime Anywhere Training and Assessment (STRATA)
, 233

Systems monitoring
, 25

System-wide sources of data and tools
, 120

Tactical combat casualty care (TC3)
, 76, 82–84, 86, 87, 89–91

Tactical Decision Making Under Stress (TADMUS)
, 219–220, 225, 228


, 78

, 28

, 78

, 28

, 28, 31

, 45

Task-oriented skills
, 280


, 5, 20

, 305–306


, 57

, 34, 35, 37, 40, 43, 45, 49, 56

, 20

, 87

, 81

coordination training
, 105

, 5

, 79–84

, 81

, 81

, 81

interaction data, acquisition of
, 11

, 23

, 25

, 170

, 264

, 64, 70, 71

problem solving outcomes
, 36–37

, 23

, 5, 6

Team-Based Learning (TBL)
, 252–253, 255

Team development
, 79–84

integrated training approach to
, 84, 88–91

use case
, 82–84

Team Dimensional Training (TDT)
, 219, 222, 240

Team effectiveness
, 6, 20

characteristics of
, 57–60

coordinated system
, 66–70

, 56–57, 60

dynamical mechanisms
, 63–65

in dynamic environments, defining and measuring
, 55–71

individual-level mechanisms
, 61–62

sources of team variation and adaptation within individual, team, and dynamical mechanisms, locating
, 65

team-level mechanisms
, 62–63

Team Evolution and Maturation framework
, 79

Team knowledge

, 36

, 36

knowledge building
, 36, 37, 39, 46

Team leadership, role of
, 79–84

Team leader skills training
, 81–82

Team-leader training
, 105

Team measurement
, 101–125

context, understanding
, 104–106

continuous team assessment and context using proxy measures
, 118–123

indicator’s development using psychophysiological data
, 115–118

quantitative metrics and dynamic feedback, addressing complexity for
, 123–124

Rational Approach to Developing Systems-based Measures
, 107–115

Team member interactions (TMI)
, 258

data analysis
, 256–257

Human–Computer Interaction
, 257

Learning Sciences
, 255–256

science of teams
, 256

tutor engineering
, 255

Team Multiple Errands Task (TMET)
, 249, 255

Team processes
, 5–6

, 24

taxonomy of
, 24–25

Team Self-Correction (TSC)
, 83, 84, 86–90, 105

Team states
, 24

assessment of
, 11–12

Team task analysis
, 19–31

considerations for implementing
, 22–29

data collection
, 28–29

, 21–22

operationalization of teamwork
, 24–26

rating indices
, 27–28

tasks and components
, 26–27

to team-based intelligent tutoring systems, importance of
, 29–30

teamwork requirement
, 22–24

Team taskwork
, 305–306

Team training, intelligent tutoring for
, 105, 215–242

barriers of data collection and analysis
, 221

barriers of measurement and measures
, 222

barriers of theory and models
, 222–224

intelligent team tutoring systems
, 220–221, 224–236

R&D horizons
, 236–241

simulation-based training, for modern team training systems
, 217–218

Tactical Decision Making Under Stress
, 219–220

Team training strategies
, 88–91

Team tutor challenges
, 247–270

data analysis
, 253–254

Human–Computer Interaction
, 254

Learning Sciences
, 252–253

science of teams
, 253

tutor engineering
, 252

Team tutor challenges
, 76–79

Team tutoring, challenges and approaches to
, 10–14

Team tutors
, 6

Team variation
, 57

Team viability
, 6, 12

, 5


, 5

operationalization of
, 24–26

, 304–305

, 12

for task analysis
, 22–24

see also individual entries

Teamwork Development (TD)
, 83, 84, 87–90

Team workflow
, 23

Technological challenges to team tutoring

data-based team performance classification
, 310

individual performance to team performance, relationship of
, 310

team information, observing and acquiring
, 309–310

Temporal inter-dynamics
, 132–133, 134

Time-sensitive targets (TSTs)
, 233

Top-down approach
, 27, 107, 134

Total Army Personnel Database (TAPDB)
, 120

Training retention
, 283–289

over long-duration exploration missions
, 283–289

pre-mission training
, 283–287

skill decay in spaceflight
, 287–289

Transactive memory
, 105

Transactive memory system (TMS)
, 61

Transfer of training
, 302

, 260

Tutor authoring (TA)

data analysis
, 267–268

Human–Computer Interaction
, 268–269

Learning Sciences
, 266–267

science of teams
, 267

tutor engineering
, 266

Tutor engineering

feedback design
, 262–263

Performance Metrics and Skill Development
, 258

team member interactions
, 255

team tutor challenges
, 252

tutor authoring
, 266

Tutor from scratch or using existing tools, building
, 303–304

Tutor–user interface (TUI)
, 9–10

Unit Risk Inventory and Command Climate Survey
, 120

Unobtrusive strategies, for intelligent tutoring systems
, 101–125

context, understanding
, 104–106

continuous team assessment and context using proxy measures
, 118–123

indicator’s development using psychophysiological data
, 115–118

quantitative metrics and dynamic feedback, addressing complexity for
, 123–124

Rational Approach to Developing Systems-based Measures
, 107–115

US Air Force
, 233

Air Force’s Nevada Test and Training Range
, 216

US Army

National Training Center at Fort Irwin
, 216

Squad Overmatch (SOvM)
, 76, 79, 82–87, 91, 92

Virtual Battlespace v3.0 (VBS3)
, 90

US Army Research Laboratory (ARL)
, 134

US Coast Guard

Maritime Interdiction Operations
, 38

US Marine Corps

Air Ground Combat Center Twenty-nine Palms
, 216

US Navy
, 225

Fallon Range Training Complex
, 216

Vehicle interfaces for feedback, designing
, 295

Virtual Battlespace v3.0 (VBS3)
, 90

Warning Order (WARNO)
, 114

Workflow analysis
, 26