
Global Meaning Making

ISBN: 978-1-80117-933-1, eISBN: 978-1-80117-932-4

ISSN: 1479-3687

Publication date: 23 August 2022

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(2022), "Index", Assaf, L.C., Sowa, P. and Zammit, K. (Ed.) Global Meaning Making (Advances in Research on Teaching, Vol. 39), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 295-302.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2022 Lori Czop Assaf, Patience Sowa and Katina Zammit. Published under exclusive licence by Emerald Publishing Limited


Academic achievement
, 85

Academic essay
, 51

Academic literacies

academic circumstances
, 59

development of
, 60–61

in higher education
, 59–60

Ibero-American context
, 58

monologism and dialogism
, 63

performance and learning
, 62–63

qualitative and reflexive analysis
, 61–62

reading and writing assistance
, 66–69

triple modeling-based writing center
, 63–66

WC in faculty of teacher training
, 69–72

Acompañamiento a la Lectura y la Escritura en las Disciplinas (ALED)
, 66, 69

Adaptation process
, 70

Adolescent Literacy
, 33–35

, 11

Amazonian populations
, 13–14

Anglo-Saxon experiences
, 62

Anglo-Saxon models
, 58, 64

Aotearoa New Zealand
, 44, 103, 105

Assimilation/standardization process
, 70

Autonomous Community of Madrid
, 69

Bachelor of Teaching program (BoT program)
, 46, 49

, 185

Bilingual education
, 85, 104

in te reo Māori
, 105–106

Bilingual interventions
, 87–89

, 185

Chinese culture
, 244–245

Chinese early adolescent readers

Chinese culture
, 244–245

Chinese students perspectives
, 253–254

educational implications
, 255–257

longitudinal research project
, 246

, 244

relational model of motivation development for Chinese students
, 255–256

researcher positionality
, 245

semistructured interviews
, 246–247

students and stories
, 247–253

theoretical framework
, 245–246

Chinese relational epistemology
, 245–246, 255, 257

Collaborative autoethnography (CAE)
, 26–27

, 38

Colonized pedagogies to decolonized pedagogies
, 30–33

Communicative approach
, 60–61

Community mapping
, 140

, 145–146

critical international service learning
, 142–144

culturally based model of literacy
, 141

data collection and analysis
, 146

languages and literacies
, 150–151

multimodal texts
, 151

multiple literacies
, 147–149

, 144–145

relationships between language, literacy, and power
, 149–150

sociocultural and critical theories
, 141

sociocultural views of literacy
, 141–142

Concept-oriented reading instruction (CORI)
, 91–92

Connected learning
, 204

, 209–210

, 204

Content analysis
, 87

Content area literacy
, 80, 82

, 62

Coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19 pandemic)
, 226

data analysis
, 231

digital divide
, 237

digital divide and attendant inequities
, 231–232

emphasis on relationships and socioemotional skills
, 235–236

equitable learning opportunities
, 238

, 227, 238

Northeastern United States
, 230

, 230

rethinking learning spaces
, 240

socioemotional skills and caring relationships
, 239

student engagement
, 238

student engagement and home environment
, 234–235

teacher agency
, 236–237

teacher and student technology challenges
, 232–233

teachers’ and students’ digital skills
, 239

teaching in times of crisis
, 227–229

Cosmopolitan approach
, 180

challenges and tensions
, 195–196

connections between local and global
, 184

cosmopolitan roots
, 181

critical cosmopolitan literacies
, 183

dimensions of cosmopolitan literacies
, 182–183

educational cosmopolitanism
, 181–182

future directions for global meaning-making
, 196–197

global literacies
, 183–184

global meaning-making
, 195

glocal connections
, 190–192

intercultural collaboration
, 192–195

K-12 content areas
, 186

positionality statement
, 185

situated relevance
, 189–190

teaching literacies for global social justice
, 185

tensions between local and global
, 184–185

themes and codes from analysis
, 188

theoretical framework
, 181–183

Cosmopolitan literacies, dimensions of
, 182–183

, 181

COVID-19 pandemic
, 6, 180

Critical digital pedagogy
, 226

Critical international service learning (CISL)
, 141–142, 144

Critical literacies
, 206–207

Critical literacy
, 158

Cross-case analysis
, 212

Cross-cultural doctoral program
, 27

Cross-cultural education
, 35–36

Cross-cultural educational research
, 245

Cultural competencies framework
, 48–49

Cultural locatedness
, 48

Culturally proactive pedagogies
, 32–33, 37

Culturally responsive teachers
, 158

Curriculum and pedagogy, indigenizing
, 264–265

Curriculum reform in PNG
, 119–122

Data analysis
, 211–212

Data collection and analysis
, 46–47

, 84

Talanoa Vā
, 47

text analysis as diffractive reading
, 46–47

Deciphering expectations
, 217–218

Decolonized pedagogies
, 45

from colonized pedagogies to
, 30–33

Decolonizing perspectives in education
, 45

Decolonizing spaces
, 118–119, 204–205, 245

for learning
, 262–264

Decolonizing teacher education
, 44

Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)
, 86–87

Descriptive overview
, 86–87

, 63

, 62

Differentiating instruction
, 173–174

Diffractive methodologies
, 46–47

Diffractive readings
, 50–52

text analysis as
, 46–47

Digital divide
, 237

Disciplinary literacies
, 66, 72–73

, 205–206

Division of Education
, 45

Dynamic Indicators of Early Literacy (DIBELS)
, 14–15

Early Grade Reading Assessment (EGRA)
, 14–15

Ecological approach
, 93

Ecological interventions
, 93

Educaci´on Censal de Estudiantes (ECE)
, 14–15


decolonizing perspectives in
, 45

indigenizing perspectives in
, 45

Education Act
, 103

Educational cosmopolitanism
, 181–182

, 181

, 13–14

Emergency remote teaching (ERT)
, 226

Emphasis on relationships
, 235–236

English as Foreign Language (EFL)
, 118, 122

English medium instruction (EMI)
, 85, 123

Equitable learning opportunities
, 238

European Union (EU)
, 160

Evidence-based practices
, 14

Faculty of Teacher Training, WC in faculty of
, 69–72

First-year learning experience
, 27

Focus group discussions (FGDs)
, 125

Fostering reading environments
, 89

“Fourth grade slump” phenomenon
, 244

Game of power
, 216

Geek Camp
, 145–146

Get a first-hand perspective
, 192–195

Global Education Monitoring (GEM)
, 226

Global meaning makers
, 261

from colonized to decolonized pedagogies
, 30–33

effects of colonialism
, 38

global meaning making
, 26

language and literacy scholarship
, 37–38

, 33–36

vulnerable learning
, 28–30

vulnerable teaching
, 28–30

Global meaning making (GMM)
, 3–4, 26, 158–160, 195, 205, 226

engaging in global literacies
, 6–7

future directions for
, 196–197

global meaning makers
, 4

language of instruction policies and practices
, 5–6

literacy programs, policies and curriculum
, 5

Tierney’s framework of
, 245

Global South
, 3–4, 61, 140, 259

Green Turtle text
, 132

Gymnasium Baden context
, 159

Hauptschule programs
, 167

High-achieving student
, 251–253

Hiri Motu
, 118

Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI)
, 144–145

Hospitable imagination
, 183

, 181–182

, 58

academic literacies in higher education
, 59–60

Immersion models of education
, 104

Immigrant youth
, 167–169

long time high performing
, 166–167

teacher knowledge of
, 169–172

teacher preparation for teaching
, 172–173

, 58–62, 66

Indigenizing perspectives in education
, 45

Indigenous languages
, 102

assumptions in relation to program
, 108–110

bilingual education
, 104

current global climate
, 104–105

emergent literacy program
, 102

identifying research need
, 105–106

method of constructing
, 106–108

recommendations and reflections
, 112

subjugation of
, 103

teachers’ knowledge and practice and students
, 110–112

, 206

Initial teacher education (ITE)
, 42

Intentional noticing
, 102, 107, 112

Inter-American Reading Dialogue
, 10

Intercultural Education Project
, 13–14

Internal colonies
, 145

International collaboration
, 10, 20

International education development
, 80

International Innovative Community Group of Literacy Research Association
, 3–4

International literacy development

improving print literacies
, 17–19

Inter-American Reading Dialogue
, 10

literacy development
, 10

Peruvian policy
, 10–11

social constructionism
, 11

standardized reading assessments
, 14–17

universal validity for US evidence-based practices
, 12–14

International service learning (ISL)
, 140

Interrupting existing frames
, 158, 161–162

data collection and analysis
, 163–164

differentiating instruction
, 173–174

Gymnasium Baden context
, 159

integrating newcomer refugees in school and society
, 160–162

long time high performing immigrant youth
, 166–167

mixed reactions to immigrant and refugee populations
, 160

newcomer high performing refugee youth
, 164–166

researcher background
, 162–163

school climate for immigrant youth
, 167–169

site and participants
, 162

teacher knowledge of immigrant youth
, 169–172

teacher preparation for teaching immigrant and refugee youth
, 172–173


, 185

, 181

K-9 public school
, 246

Kaupapa Māori theory
, 107

La Araucanía Region
, 63–64


of instruction
, 82

and literacy education
, 262

, 103, 118

, 83

Language, Literacy, and Culture (LLC)
, 26

Language of teaching and learning (LoTL)
, 81–82

Latin America
, 10, 59–60

Reads Capacity Program
, 12

Latin-American perspectives
, 15


decolonizing spaces for
, 262–264

rethinking learning spaces
, 240

Line-by-line coding
, 247

, 142, 205

, 10

, 145

, 180

sociocultural views of
, 141–142

teacher education
, 53

Local and global connections (glocal connections)
, 190–192

Long time high performing immigrant youth
, 166–167

Low-achieving student
, 247–249

Low-and middle-income countries (LMICs)
, 80, 263

bilingual interventions
, 87–89

content analysis
, 87

data collection and analysis
, 84

descriptive findings
, 88–89

descriptive overview
, 86–87

ecological interventions
, 93

identifying and selecting relevant studies
, 84–85

instruction in upper primary grades
, 82–83

interventions in official/national languages
, 91–92

mapping data
, 85

Mother tongue
, 82

multilingual contexts of
, 95

multilingual nature of
, 81

selection of interventions and outcomes
, 90

teacher professional development
, 92

teaching quality
, 95

transitioning to upper primary in
, 83–84

upper primary grades of
, 93–94

Māori language
, 108

Māori-medium context
, 106

Māori-medium schools
, 42

Medium-achieving student
, 249–251

, 209, 218–219

, 159–160, 164, 172

Ministry of Education (MoE)
, 42

Mobility and border crossing
, 206

, 63

Mother tongues (MT)
, 81–82

, 91

, 244

National Assessment of Education Progress (NAEP)
, 244

National Certification of Educational Achievement (NCEA)
, 105–106

National Reading Panel (NRP)
, 11

National University of General Sarmiento (UNGS)
, 66

Native Schools Act
, 103

, 180–181

New Zealand (NZ)
, 42

New Zealand Curriculum (NZC)
, 42

New Zealand Teaching Council
, 42

Newcomer high performing refugee youth
, 164–166

Non-Māori academics
, 44

Nongovernment organization (NGO)
, 186

, 107

NVivo software
, 186

Official/national languages
, 91–92

One-on-one semistructured interview protocol
, 186

Our way vs. their way theme
, 212–213

Outcomes-based education (OBE)
, 119

PAIR program
, 209

Pandemic teaching
, 226

Papua New Guinea (PNG)
, 118

curriculum and curriculum reform in
, 119–122

data analysis
, 125

formal education
, 118

linguistic repertoires for understanding texts
, 131–133

, 125

, 124

PNG SBE English syllabus
, 125

policy vs. practice
, 128–131

qualitative methods
, 123–124

SBE English Curriculum Documents
, 126–127

Tierney’s concept of decolonizing spaces
, 118–119

translanguaging as pedagogy and practice
, 122–123

Weekly Reading Program Term
, 128

, 210

demographic information
, 210

Pasifika Education Plan (PEP)
, 42–43

Pedagogical approaches
, 82–83

Pedagogical disposition
, 260–261

Personal environment
, 229

Peruvian educators
, 13

Peruvian policy
, 10–11

Phonological awareness
, 106–107

Playing game theme
, 213–215

PNG National Department of Education (PNG NDOE)
, 124

Positionality statement
, 185

Postsecondary academic literacies
, 208–209

Postsecondary education postresettlement
, 208

Pre-Kindergarten to 12th grade (P-12)
, 226

Pre-Kindergarten to fifth grade (P-5)
, 230

Primary-level program
, 46

Program for International Student Assessment (PISA)
, 42

Programa para el Desarrollo de la Escritura en las Carreras (PRODEAC)
, 67

Qualitative methods
, 163–164

Random controlled trial (RCT)
, 87

Reading motivation
, 244–246

Realschule programs
, 167

Refugee youth

teacher preparation for
, 172–173

teacher preparation for teaching
, 172–173

teachers’ perceptions of newcomer high performing
, 164–166

Refugee-background students

border crossing
, 216–217

creating decolonizing spaces
, 215

critical literacies
, 206–207

data analysis
, 211–212

data collection
, 211

deciphering expectations
, 217–218

decolonizing spaces
, 204–205

deficit-oriented narratives
, 204

global meaning making
, 205

, 219–220

literacy expectations
, 212

, 218–219

mobility and border crossing
, 206

our way vs. their way theme
, 212–213

, 210

playing game theme
, 213–215

postsecondary academic literacies
, 208–209

postsecondary education postresettlement
, 208

refugee resettlement in United States
, 207–208

research setting
, 209–210

researcher positionality
, 211

sociocultural literacies
, 205–206

, 203–204

, 204

, 206

, 207

resettlement in United States
, 207–208

Relational model of motivation development for Chinese students
, 255–256

Research Triangle Institute (RTI)
, 14–15

Researcher positionality
, 211, 245

Response-able methodology
, 47

School Attendance Act
, 103

Second-year learning experience
, 27

, 249, 251

, 181–182

Semi-structured interviews
, 162–164, 211, 246–247

Service learning, critical international
, 142–144

“Social and political reform”
, 142–143

Social constructionism
, 11

Sociocultural literacies
, 205–206

Sociocultural theories
, 37

Socioemotional issues
, 229

Socioemotional skills
, 235–236

and caring relationships
, 239

Sociolinguistic mobility
, 105

South Africa

history of colonization
, 145

, 144

Standardized reading assessments
, 14–17

Standards Based Education (SBE)
, 118–119, 121

English Curriculum Documents
, 126–127

State-of-the-art knowledge
, 12

Student engagement and home environment
, 234–235

Students and stories
, 247–253

high-achieving student
, 251–253

low-achieving student
, 247–249

medium-achieving student
, 249–251

Sustainable Development Goal 4
, 80

, 65–66

Talanoa vā analysis
, 47, 52–53

, 42–43

cultural competencies framework
, 48–49

data collection and analysis
, 46–47

decolonizing perspectives in education
, 45

diffractive readings
, 50–52

first-year literacy class
, 49–50

in Gagana Samoa
, 43

, 52–53

indigenizing perspectives in education
, 45

literacy assessments
, 50

methodology and researcher stance
, 45–46

Ngā Turu
, 49


, 229, 236–237

perceptions of newcomer high performing refugee youth
, 164–166

preparation for teaching immigrant and refugee youth
, 172–173

professional development
, 92

and student technology challenges
, 232–233

and students digital skills
, 239

technology competency
, 239

Teacher candidates (TCs). See also Community mapping
, 140

South Africa
, 144

Teaching global literacies
, 189

Teaching immigrant, teacher preparation for
, 172–173

Teaching in times of crisis
, 227–229

Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge framework (TPACK framework)
, 33–34

Text analysis as diffractive reading
, 46–47

Thematic analysis
, 231

Tierney’s concept of decolonizing spaces
, 118–119

Tierney’s framework
, 43

Tok Pisin
, 118, 120, 130–131

Transitional bilingual education early-exit program
, 120

, 89, 133

as pedagogy and practice
, 122–123

Triple modeling-based writing center
, 63–66

, 226

United Nations
, 19

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)
, 203–204

United States (US)
, 185

doctoral degree program
, 26, 37

evidence-based practices
, 12–14

refugee resettlement in
, 207–208

United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
, 11

Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM)
, 69

Universidad Católica de Chile (UC)
, 63–64

Upper primary grades
, 82–83

USAID/Latin America and Caribbean Reads Capacity Program
, 17

Vocabulary development
, 106–107

Volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous world (VUCA)
, 228–229

Vulnerable learning
, 28–30

Vulnerable teaching
, 28–30

Western epistemological systems
, 259

Writing Center (WC)
, 63–64

in faculty of teacher training
, 69–72

Writing-oriented tutorials
, 71

Yoke of colonialism
, 36

Zero-sum concept
, 181

Section 1 Literacy Programs, Policies, and Curriculum
Introduction: Stitching a Global Meaning Making Patchwork Quilt
International Literacy Development in the Peruvian Amazon: Three Problematic Assumptions
Becoming Global Meaning Makers: The Making and Remaking of Literacy Education Expertise and Practice in Belize
Tapasā: An Invitation to Decolonize Literacy Teacher Education in Aotearoa New Zealand
Academic Literacies From the South to the South: Tensions and Advances in Three Initiatives Located in Ibero-America
Section 2 Language of Instruction Policies and Practices
Decolonizing Upper Primary Classroom Spaces: Successful Language and Literacy Interventions in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: A Scoping Review
Challenging Existing Spaces: Deconstructing Indigenous Power Imbalances Within Aotearoa New Zealand
Between Many Worlds: Which Language – Mother Tongue, Vernacular, or English for Teaching Reading?
Community Mapping in One Rural Community in South Africa: Teacher Candidates Grapple With Colonizing Influences on Language and Literacy
Section 3 Engaging in Global Literacies
Interrupting Existing Frames and Being Mindful: An Examination of Culturally Responsive Teachers of High Performing Immigrant and Refugee Youth in a German Secondary School
Cosmopolitanism to Frame Teaching Global Literacies
“My Way Is a Little Bit Wrong”: How Refugee-Background Students Negotiate the Boundaries of American Academic Literacies
School Interrupted: Issues and Perspectives From COVID-19 Remote Teaching
Voices of Chinese Early Adolescent Readers and Their Motivation to Read
Conclusion: Final Thoughts