
William A. Paton: A Study of his Accounting Thought

ISBN: 978-1-78756-408-4, eISBN: 978-1-78756-407-7

ISSN: 1479-3504

Publication date: 1 November 2018

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(2018), "Index", Williams, K.L. and Lawrence, H.J. (Ed.) William A. Paton: A Study of his Accounting Thought (Studies in the Development of Accounting Thought, Vol. 22), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 169-174.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2018 Emerald Publishing Limited



“A” group of postulates
, 77

Accountants’ Handbook, The
, 1, 70


as aid to management
, 126–128

, 34–37

, 50

organization influences
, 49–53

Accounting (Paton),
, 91, 94

Accounting education, Paton’s thoughts on

accounting in college curriculum
, 79–83

attacks against accounting
, 83–86

continuing education
, 85–86

Paton’s influence on University of Michigan
, 99–100

Paton’s speaking engagements
, 98–99

Paton’s students
, 88–89

Paton’s teaching experiences
, 86–88

Paton’s textbooks
, 89–97

Paton’s use of cases in classroom
, 98

reaction to Paton’s textbooks
, 97

Accounting Evolution to
, 1900, 106

Accounting postulates, Paton’s contributions to
, 55

assets equal equities
, 57–60

basic assumptions of accountant
, 55–76

cost gives value
, 68

entity concept
, 56

going concern
, 56–57

initial cost
, 66–68

losses extinguishing ownership
, 71

modern significance of Paton’s assumptions
, 76–78

recognition of revenue
, 69

representations of balance sheet
, 60–61

stability of monetary unit
, 61–66

uniformity of depreciation
, 69–71

valuation of inventory
, 71–76

Accounting Principles Board (APB)
, 34, 51, 52

Accounting Principles Board Opinion (APBO)
, 44

Accounting Research Bulletins (ARBs)
, 48, 50

, 29, 73

Accounting Research in Association
, 106–108

Accounting Research Study (ARS)
, 37

Accounting Review, The
, 1, 2, 42, 70, 84, 104–105, 111

Accounting Series Release No.
, 190, 48

Accounting Series Release No. 53 (ASR No. 53)
, 65

Accounting Theory
, 37, 39, 56, 64

Accounting Theory, with Special Reference to the Corporate Enterprise
, 91

Accounting thought
, 1

importance of understanding past
, 3–6

, 11–12

organization of study
, 7–10

purpose of study
, 6–7

study limitations
, 10–11

“Actual cost”
, 43, 47

“Ad hoc” approach
, 115

Advanced Accounting (Paton)
, 73, 91, 97, 117

American Accounting Association (AAA)
, 1, 101–104

American Accounting Review, The
, 104

American Association of Public Accountants (AAPA)
, 4, 5, 103

American Association of University Instructors in Accounting (AAUIA)
, 6, 80–81, 91, 101–102, 104

AAUIA name problems
, 102–103

American Economic Association
, 1

American Institute of Accountants (AIA)
, 49, 103

American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA)
, 1, 49, 101, 113–117, 134, 135

Committee on Education
, 81–82

An Introduction to Corporate Accounting Standards (See, Paton and Littleton Monograph)

“Analysis, planning, and control”
, 84

Appreciation of fixed assets
, 62

Arkansas Department of Public Utilities (ADPU)
, 68

Asset Accounting (Paton)
, 92, 94–96

, 42, 58

, 59

Assets equal equities
, 57–60

, 94

Assumptions of Accounting (1917)
, 62

Axiomatic approach
, 36

Ayn New Kunstlich Buech (Grammateus)
, 4

“B” group of postulates
, 77

Balance sheet
, 58

, 60–61

Base stock method of inventory valuation
, 57

“Basic Postulates of Accounting”, The
, 76

Behavioral approaches
, 36

Bierman’s dissertation
, 50

Bond discount
, 60–61

Book of the Art of Trade
, 3

Book value
, 59

Bookkeeping (defense of)
, 6, 81

Brash outsider (of education)
, 8

Business, the
, 56

“C” group of postulates
, 77

Cardano’s formula
, 4

Certified Public Accountants (CPAs)
, 5

, 79

Chapters on Money (1906)
, 23

Chartered Accountant certification
, 28–29

Classroom interactive activities
, 36

Committee on Accounting Procedure (CAP)
, 1, 50, 108, 112–113

, 113–114

, 115

research department
, 115–116

Communication theory approach
, 36

Compensation, Paton’s views on
, 128

Contemporary Accounting, a Refresher Course for Public Accountants
, 85–86

“Conventions” (of accounting)
, 49

“Copper country” of Keweenaw Point, Michigan
, 13

Corporate accountability, challenges of
, 51

Corporate Profits as Shown by Audit Reports (Paton)
, 125

“Corporate” standards
, 111

Corporation Accounts and Statements (Paton)
, 92, 96–97

Corporation influence
, 38–40

, 67

, 43, 47

, 63

gives value
, 68

, 66–68

, 65

, 73

, 64

, 47

summations of
, 42

Council on Accounting Research
, 106

Critical theory
, 36

Current-cost accounting
, 47, 62

De Computis et Scripturis
, 4

Deductive approach
, 34–35

, 47

of fixed assets
, 62

uniformity of
, 69–71

“Depreciation Deduction–LIFO Principle Should Be Extended to Cover Depreciable Plant Assets”
, 75

Dissertations (Chaired by Paton)
, 26–27

Double taxation
, 41

Earning power
, 61, 66


, 125

, 41–42

Economic and social factors impact on Paton’s thinking
, 44

accounting organization influences
, 49–53

, 47–48

pension movement
, 48–49

Efficiency (Paton’s first “E”)
, 130

Eighth-grade equivalency (Paton’s)
, 19

Encyclopedias (Read by Paton)
, 18

, 39

, 56

, 58

Environmental influences
, 38

Equity (Paton’s second “E”)
, 130

Essentials of Accounting (Paton)
, 30, 72–75, 90, 92–94, 117

Ethical approach
, 35–36

Exceptions in revenue recognition
, 69

Fairness (Applied to the Ethical Approach)
, 36

Federal Power Commission (FPC)
, 67

Federation of Societies of Public Accountants in America (FSPAA)
, 5

Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB)
, 34

Financial Reporting and Changing Prices
, 48

First-in, first out (FIFO)
, 71–75

Fluctuating price level
, 62

Foundation for Economic Education (FEE)
, 134

Freeman, The (Paton)
, 129–130

“Full cost”
, 65

Games (Childhood)
, 17

Generalized statement of theory
, 35

, 4

Going concern
, 56–57

Gordon and Howell report
, 83–84

Great Depression
, 14, 44, 45, 63, 76

Guide to the William Andrew Paton Papers, A
, 42

Handling discount method
, 60–61

Hatfield’s An Historical Defense of Bookkeeping
, 6, 81

“Hit-and-miss” bundling
, 92

Imlay City high school
, 19

Income determination model
, 51

Inductive approach
, 35

Industrial enterprise
, 93

, 47–48

“Information analysis and systems”
, 84

“Information function of management”
, 84

Initial cost
, 66–68

, 57

Institute of Accountants
, 5

Intangibles of kinds
, 59

Intermediate Accounting
, 92

Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
, 71–72

, 64

Interstate Commerce Commission
, 43

Introduction to Corporate Accounting Standards, An
, 2, 37, 39, 51, 57, 61, 62, 64, 66, 108, 112, 133

Inventory, valuation of
, 71–76

Joint Committee on the Economic Report
, 75

Journal of Accountancy
, 1, 62, 67, 68, 75, 76, 102, 105, 107, 111, 114, 117, 134

Journal of Accounting Research
, 75–76

Journal of Political Economy
, 23

Justice (applied to the ethical approach to accounting)
, 35

Kansas City Public Service Company
, 123

Keller, Thomas
, 28

“Last in, first out” method (LIFO method)
, 12, 72, 73, 74

of valuing inventories
, 41

, 39, 57–58, 60

Libro del’arte dela mercatura (see Book of the Art of Trade)

Long-term fund accumulations and investments
, 59

Losses extinguishing ownership
, 71

“Major phenomenon of depression”
, 46

Manufacturing balance
, (see Trading balance)

Marked departure
, 64

Michigan Act
, 5

Michigan Business Review
, 1

Michigan Certified Public Accountant
, 8

Michigan School of Business
, 41–42

Modern Accounting (Hatfield)
, 26

Modern Significance of Paton’s Assumptions
, 76–78

, 67

Mont Pelerin Society
, 1

National Association of Cost Accountants (NACA)
, 10, 101, 117–120

National Bureau of Economic Research
, 114

National Recovery Act
, 118

New York Telephone Company
, 43

Nonhomogeneous residuals
, 60

Paton, Andrew
, 13–17

Paton, Arthur
, 14, 17–19

Paton, Esther Gertrude
, 14

Paton, Margaret
, 21

Paton, Marian
, 14, 16, 17, 20

Paton, Mary Nowlin (mother)
, 13–18

Paton, Mary Sleator (spouse)
, 20–21

Paton, Robert
, 14–19

Paton music training
, 17

Paton, William Andrew
, 13–14, 135–136, 137

accounting as aid to management
, 126–128

, 19

advocacy of replacement-cost accounting
, 63

articles publishing by Paton in selected periodicals
, 29

brothers and sisters
, 14–15

change in attitude
, 64, 75

, 21

college years
, 19–20

consultations and testimonies
, 123–124

, 65

early childhood
, 15–17

early teaching years
, 20

economic theory
, 42

as economist
, 124–126

faculty peer influence on
, 22–25

, 13–17

, 136

impact on professional societies
, 120

influence of other accounting professionals
, 25–26

influence on others
, 28–31

influence on University of Michigan
, 99–100

, 20–21

nonteaching activities
, 121–122

partnership with Ross
, 122–123

political involvement
, 128–131

postulate approach
, 37

professional career
, 21–22

reaction to Paton’s textbooks
, 97

, 138–139

, 139–140

, 18–20

speaking engagements
, 98–99

, 26–28, 88–89

teaching experiences
, 86–88

teaching method
, 8

, 89–97

“unflinching allegiance to cost”
, 64

use of cases in classroom
, 98

views on compensation
, 128

Paton, William Jr. (Andy)
, 21, 94

Paton and Littleton Monograph
, 37, 39, 51, 61, 64, 67, 71, 81, 101, 106, 108–113

Paton approach
, 36–37

Paton Center
, 137–138

Paton Center of Accounting, The
, 84

Paton on Accounting (Howard Greer)
, 31

Paton philosophy
, 33

approaches to accounting
, 34–37

corporation influence
, 38–40

, 38–44

impact of economic and social factors on Paton’s thinking
, 44–53

economics influence
, 41–42

environmental influences
, 38

influence of regulation of public utilities
, 43–44

taxation influence
, 40–41

Paton thought
, (see also Accounting education, Paton’s thoughts on), 127

“Paton way”
, 2

Pay-as-you-go basis
, 49

Pension movement
, 48–49

Philosophy of Accounts, The
, 26

Pierson report
, 83–84

Postmodernist approach
, 36

, 37, 76

Practical approach
, 34

Preferential recognition of operating charges
, 46

Price-influencing costs
, 65

Principles of Accounting (Paton)
, 62, 90, 91, 92, 97

Principles of Economics (Frederick Taylor)
, 23, 24

, 33–53

Problems of Income Analysis
, 24

Professional societies, Paton’s contributions to

, 101, 102–104

, 101–102, 104

Accounting Research in Association
, 106–108

Accounting Review, The,
, 104–105, 111

, 101, 113–117

Impact on professional societies
, 120

, 101, 117–120

Property (Paton definition)
, 57

Proportioni et Proportionalita
, 4

Public utilities, regulation influence of
, 43–44

Railroad industry
, 43

Reaction to Paton’s Textbooks (Paton)
, 97

Alternative methods of depreciation
, 70

Recorded costs
, 64

“Reducing balance method”
, 70

Replacement cost
, 47

Repositories for funds
, 42

Research in the AAA
, 106–108

“Residual” equity
, 39

Revenue Act (1918)
, 40

Revenue recognition
, 69

Roaring twenties (effect on Paton’s thoughts)
, 78

Ross, Howard (Former Dean of McGill University)
, 28

“Rules”, (The ethical approach)
, 49

“Schools of accounting”
, 84

Scott, DR (The ethical approach)
, 35–36

Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
, 48–51, 63, 65, 115

Shirtsleeve Economics (Paton)
, 125–126

Short-Form Income Statement
, 118

Sociological approaches to accounting
, 36

Special Bulletin Series
, 70

Stability of monetary unit
, 61–66

Stanford University Graduate Study Conference
, 47

Statement of Accounting Principles, A
, 63, 72, 107–108, 112

Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 33 (SFAS No. 33)
, 48

Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 89 (SFAS No. 89)
, 48

Statement of Objectives
, 49–50

Statistical devices to smooth earnings
, 46

Stock accounts
, 71

Stockholder investment
, 71

Summa de Arithmetica,
, 4

Summations of costs
, 42

Taxation influence
, 40–41

Taxable entities
, 41

Taylor, Frederick
, 23–25

Tennessee Valley Authority
, 123

Tentative Statement
, 107, 108

Tentative Statement of Accounting Principles Affecting Corporate Reports, A
, 51, 106, 113

Theory of Accounts, The
, 62

Theory-is-truth approach
, 36

Trading balance
, 117

Truth (The ethical approach)
, 36

“Twin Es” (efficiency and equity)
, 130–131

Uniformity of depreciation
, 69–71

United Steel Workers of America
, 74

“Units of output” approach
, 70

“Units of production” method
, 70

University of Illinois
, 15, 106, 138

University of Michigan
, 24

Paton’s influence on
, 99–100

Valuation of inventory
, 71–76

Wage Stabilization Board
, 74

Ways and Means Committee of the House of Representatives
, 47

Wisconsin Public Service Commission
, 123

Zeff (on Paton’s current costing views)
, 63–66