
Reflections on Sociology of Sport

ISBN: 978-1-78714-643-3, eISBN: 978-1-78714-642-6

ISSN: 1476-2854

Publication date: 17 October 2017

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(2017), "Index", Reflections on Sociology of Sport (Research in the Sociology of Sport, Vol. 10), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 171-179.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2018 Emerald Publishing Limited


Abma, Tineke
, 50

Academic career
, 3, 10, 49, 136, 154, 155

Academic knowledge
, 61

Academic sport studies
, 160

“Accept and Respect” declaration
, 165

Amaury Sport Organization (ASO)
, 149

American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance (AAHPERD)
, 36, 37

American Sociological Association (ASA)
, 45

, 105

Andrews, David
, 3, 67, 69

Anglo-Saxon sociologist style
, 146

Anthias, Floya
, 51

, 17, 22, 27

Arbourne, Geoff
, 27

‘Art as collective activity’
, 110

Art Worlds
, 110

, 2, 4, 5, 24, 136

Astana team
, 140

, 33

Athletic directors (ADs)
, 89

Athletic mercenaries
, 71

Australian Sport Commission (ASC)
, 19, 21

Authentic learning
, 9

Bairner, A.
, 9, 10, 12

Bandy, Susan
, 154

Baudrillard, J.
, 138

Beck, Ulrich
, 71

Beckham, David
, 107

Benn, Tansin
, 154

Best, George
, 107

Blinde, E. M.
, 8

, 38, 40, 51, 104, 105

of knowledge
, 29, 55, 62–63, 69, 89

Bonk, C. J.
, 9

Boston marathon bombing (2013)
, 72

Bourdieu, Pierre
, 136–138, 145, 146

Brathwaite, Lloyd
, 120

Breedveld, Koen
, 50

Brohm, J. -M.
, 102

Bruce, Toni
, 1, 11, 12, 67, 140

mentors and influential figures
, 2–3

research trajectory
, 3–5

Buisman, Albert
, 50

Bunuel, Ana
, 50

Burawoy, Michael
, 127

Burnett, Cora
, 7, 17, 19, 25, 65

mentors and influential figures
, 17–18

research trajectory
, 19–22

Butler, Judith
, 51

Cain, Maureen
, 121

Calgary Winter Olympic Games (1988)
, 69

Cambel, Halet
, 155

Canadian Bruce Kidd
, 127

Career and academic discipline

Coakley, Jay
, 33–38

sociology of sport
, 42–44

sociology of sport in academy
, 44–46

, 38–42

Caribbean sport sociology

McCree, Roy
, 119–123

sociology of sport
, 125–128

sociology of sport in academy
, 128–130

about sport
, 123–125

Carron, Bert
, 66

Cartesian mind–body dualism
, 45

Caudwell, J.
, 7

Cause-and-effect relationship
, 97

Center for Team Sport and Health
, 167

Centre for Study of Sport in Society (CSSS)
, 120, 130n1

, 106

Chan, S-h.
, 5

Chariots of Fire
, 126

Charlton, Bobby
, 107

Cheska, Alyce
, 67

Christianity forms
, 71

Clément, Jean-Paul
, 136

Coakley, Jay
, 7, 18, 26, 33, 36, 45, 67, 91, 120

mentors and influential figures
, 34–36

research trajectory
, 36–38

Coalter, Fred
, 19, 24

Cochrane, T.
, 9

Coleman’s rational choice theory
, 21

Commercialization of sport
, 123–124

Connell, Raewyn
, 51

Contextual backdrop
, 79

Crabbe, T.
, 7

Craven, Danie
, 17, 18

Critical feminist theory
, 90

Cultural commodification
, 70

Dart, J.
, 8

Dee, A-C.
, 27

Defrance, Jacques
, 136

Denison, Jim
, 3, 67

Denzin, Norman
, 2, 3, 67

Department of Basic Education (DBE)
, 22

, 9–10, 23, 27

, 4

of difference
, 2

induced discourses
, 29

, 145

“normal” media
, 4

Donnelly, Peter
, 26, 66, 69

, 165

Double jeopardy
, 114–115

Dream Together Master’s program
, 162

Dudding, A.
, 10, 12

Dunning, Eric
, 18, 20, 67, 102–103, 104, 105

Dutch Olympic team
, 61

Dutch Sports Federation
, 54–55

Economic impact of sport
, 6

Education Act (1989)
, 10

Education-Impact Assessment Tool (E·DIAT)
, 19

Edwards, Harry
, 34, 35

Elias, Norbert
, 104–105, 110

Elite sport
, 159

Elling, Agnes
, 49

mentors and influential figures
, 49–51

research trajectory
, 51–54

, 7, 10, 13, 52, 105

, 9

, 96, 127

England World Cup
, 108–109

Eurobarometer surveys
, 158–159

Excellence in Research Australia (ERA)
, 78

Fasting, Kari
, 19, 50, 65, 154

Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA)
, 138

Federer, Roger
, 108

, 2–4, 23, 53, 160

Feminist scholar

Pfister, Gertrud
, 154–156

sociology of sport
, 163–166

sociology of sport in academy
, 166–168

about sport
, 156–162

, 6, 10, 11, 18, 23, 26, 27, 40, 43, 46

, 88, 143, 145, 147, 154

, 105

marginalization of
, 79–80

, 135, 141, 147, 150

, 143, 145

FIFA World Cup (2010)
, 22–23

Figurational/process sociology
, 104, 109–110

Fishwick, Lesley
, 3

Football Research in Enlarged Europe
, 166

Forde, S.
, 25

Foucault, Michel
, 51, 138, 146

Fountaine, S.
, 12

Frank, Arthur
, 51

Fraser, Nancy
, 51

Fricker, Miranda
, 27

Gascoigne, Paul
, 107


, 165

, 52

German Development Agency
, 21

German Development Corporation’s Youth Development through Football program (GIZ/YDF program)
, 19, 21

German Turner Federation
, 165

, 126

“Global sport development initiative” of Seoul National University, South Korea
, 162

Global sport system
, 157

, 22–23, 67, 68, 104, 105, 122, 137, 141, 157

Goffman, Irving
, 51

Gramsci, A.
, 24

Gravier, Guy
, 136

Greendorfer, Susan
, 2, 67

Grossberg, Larry
, 2, 67

Gruneau, Richard
, 67, 104, 120–122

Gubium, Jaber
, 51

, 157, 158

Hall, Ann
, 155

Hall, Stuart
, 51

Hallinan, Chris
, 65

Hand-of-god goal
, 109

Hargreaves, Jennifer
, 20, 104, 155

Hargreaves, John
, 120, 121

Hartmann-Tewes, Ilse
, 65

Hasbrook, Cynthia
, 67

Health-development Impact Assessment Tool (H·DIAT)
, 19

Hedenborg, Susanna
, 154

Heidegger, Martin
, 102

Heywood, Leslie
, 4

Hilvoorde, Ivo van
, 50

Hoch, P.
, 102

Hodge, Ken
, 67

Hofmann, Annette
, 154

Hoi-wing Wong
, 5

Hollander, Wim
, 19

Holstein, James
, 51

, 139

Howell, Jeremy
, 3, 67, 69

Hughes, Bob
, 35

Hughes, Robert H.
, 35

Human Movement Sciences
, 50, 52

Humanity service

Burnett, Cora
, 17–22

sociology of sport
, 25–27

sociology of sport in academy
, 28–29

, 22–25

, 2, 4, 38, 55, 68, 69, 116, 123, 124

Iliad, The
, 106

Impact assessments
, 19, 21, 30n9


Elling, Agnes
, 49–54

sociology of sport
, 58–61

, 54–57

Influential figures
, 2–3

Ingham, Alan
, 113, 120, 121

Innovative sport-media research
, 73

Intellectual trajectories
, 135

International Council for Sport Science and Physical Education (ICSPPE)
, 80

International Olympic Committee (IOC)
, 140, 142, 146

International Review for the Sociology of Sport
, 120

International Sociology Association (ISA)
, 80

International Sociology of Sport Association (ISSA)
, 3, 19, 51, 105, 137

Jackson, Steven J.
, 3, 10, 13, 19, 65, 80

mentors and influential figures
, 66–68

research trajectory
, 68–70

James, CLR
, 120

Janeiro, Rio de
, 61

Jennings, Andrew
, 149

Jo Kane, Mary
, 67

John Paul II, Pope
, 71

Johnson, Richard
, 73

Jong Young Lee
, 67

Justificatory standard of participatory parity
, 56

Kane, Mary Jo
, 87

mentors and influential figures
, 87–88

research trajectory
, 88–90

Karnilowicz, Wally
, 68

Katzenellenbogen, Edith
, 18

Kenyon, G.
, 34

Khoo, E.
, 9

Kierkegarrd, Søren
, 102

, 87

Kipling, Rudyard
, 108

Klein, Marie-Luise
, 155

Knop, Paul De
, 50

Knoppers, Annelies
, 50, 155


, 28

production process
, 17

Korea Sports Promotion Foundation (KSPO)
, 162

Korean Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism (MCST)
, 162

Kotzé, J. C.
, 18

Kröner, Sabine
, 154

Kuper, Simon
, 72

Lamanna, R. A.
, 36

Laner, M.
, 36

Langenfeld, Hans
, 154

Lather, P.
, 7

LaVoi, Nicole
, 89

Lawson, H.
, 113

Learning values through sport campaign
, 7

Leicester School
, 104

“Let’s move” program
, 165

LGBTI athletes
, 4, 5

Liang, X.
, 5

Liston, Katie
, 116

Louveau, Catherine
, 136

Loy, John
, 34, 67, 87, 104

Luschen, Guenther
, 34, 67

Maffesoli, Michel
, 136

Maguire, Joseph
, 19, 65, 101

mentors and influential figures
, 102–104

research trajectory
, 104–105

Malec, Michael
, 120

Mandela, Nelson
, 18

Mandle, Joan
, 120, 121

Maradona, Diego
, 109

Markula, Pirkko
, 3, 67

Marx, Karl
, 79

Marxist theory
, 104

Massive Open Online Course (MOOC)
, 145

Match fixing
, 165

Matthews, Dom Basil
, 120

Maureen Cain
, 120

May 68 events
, 138

McCree, Roy

mentors and influential figures
, 119–122

research trajectory
, 122–123

McGregor, J.
, 12

McKay, J.
, 8

McKee, A.
, 12

McPhail, Clark
, 67

McRobbie, Angela
, 51


, 139–140

“normal” media discourses
, 9–10, 23, 27

Meier, Klaus
, 51, 66

Meier, Onno
, 50

Merleau-Ponty, Maurice
, 51

Messner, Michael
, 26

Million Dollar Baby
, 126

Mills, C. Wright
, 2, 73

Ministry of Sport
, 81

Mixed Martial Arts (MMA)
, 144

Mixed methods
, 52

Mizell, Louis
, 72

“Modern sport” in England
, 157

Moore, Bobby
, 108–109

Moral entrepreneur
, 150

Morgan, William
, 51

Morris, Violette
, 155

“Mother disciplines”
, 161

Movement cultures
, 114, 157–158, 160

Mulier Institute
, 61

Multi-annual research programmes
, 62

Murphy, Patrick
, 120

Muslim women
, 56

opportunities and challenges
, 154, 167

in sport competitions
, 165

Nairn, R.
, 12

National Anti-Doping Agencies (NADOs)
, 142

National Football League (NFL)
, 69, 93

National Science Foundation (NSF)
, 78

, 78

, 62–63

Neoclassical capital theory
, 21

Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO)
, 53

Network theory
, 21

New York Times, The
, 89

Non-governmental organizations (NGOs)
, 41

Non-white/ethnic minority people
, 56–57

North American Society for Sociology of Sport (NASSS)
, 3, 37, 95, 98, 121, 127

Odyssey, The
, 106

Office on Sport for Development and Peace (UNOSDP)
, 125

Ohl, Fabien
, 65

mentors and influential figures
, 135–137

research trajectory
, 137–140

Olympic Movement Stakeholder Collaboration for Delivering on Sport Development in Eight African (SADC) Countries
, 21

, 142

On-the-field violence
, 97

Ongoing journey

McCree, Roy
, 119–123

sociology of sport
, 125–128

sociology of sport in academy
, 128–130

about sport
, 123–125

, 5, 7, 12, 36, 41, 44, 45, 156, 162, 167

Parashak, Vicky
, 3

Park, Roberta
, 155

Pearson, K.
, 8

Pearton, Bob
, 102–103

Pelak, C. F.
, 20

Performance Based Research Funding (PBRF)
, 78

Personal reflections
, 65

Jackson, Steven J.
, 65–70

Maguire, Joseph
, 101

sociology of sport
, 75–77, 112–114

sociology of sport in academy
, 78–81, 114–116

sport and
, 70–75, 105–111

Pfister, Gertrud
, 50, 51

mentors and influential figures
, 154–155

research trajectory
, 155–156

Philosophic Inquiry in Sport
, 51

Physical Education College (Copenhagen)
, 166

Physical Education curriculum
, 76

Physical education teacher (PE teacher)
, 135, 136

Pike, Elisabeth
, 10, 11, 13, 19, 65

Pociello, Christian
, 136

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
, 156

Post-apartheid South Africa
, 21, 25

“Power of sport”
, 24, 33

Pringle, R. G.
, 7

Professional World Tour Teams
, 140

Public engagement
, 96, 127

Public intellectual
, 10–11, 26–27, 43–44, 60–61, 76–77, 95–96, 127–128, 165–166

Public service announcements (PSAs)
, 93

Publicly Engaged Sociology of Sport
, 127

Publish or perish mantra
, 78

Putnam’s framework of civil engagement
, 21

Quel corps
, 138

Rail, Genevieve
, 67

Randomized Controlled Trial studies
, 61

Rankine, J.
, 12

Rauch, André
, 136

, 147

Research Excellence Framework (REF)
, 78

Research trajectory
, 3–5

Burnett, Cora
, 19–22

Coakley, Jay
, 36–38

Elling, Agnes
, 51–54

Jackson, Steven J.
, 68–70

Kane, Mary Jo
, 88–90

Maguire, Joseph
, 104–105

McCree, Roy
, 122–123

Ohl, Fabien
, 137–140

Pfister, Gertrud
, 155–156

Richardson, Laurel
, 2, 3, 5

Rigauer, B.
, 102

Rinehart, Bob
, 3, 67

Rinehart, R.
, 7

Rooney Rule
, 69

Rowe, David
, 140

Rugby World Cup (1995)
, 22–23

Safarikova, Simona
, 19

Sage, George
, 37

Sam, Gideon
, 21

Sartre, Jean-Paul
, 102, 138

Schimmel, Kim
, 65

Schultz, Alfred
, 102

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics subjects (STEM subjects)
, 78

Scraton, Sheila
, 50, 154

Selling sex
, 96

Semenya, Caster
, 27

Senior woman administrator (SWA)
, 89

Silverman, David
, 120

Silverman, David
, 121

Simmel, Georg
, 105–106

Soccer Against the Enemy
, 72

Social cohesion
, 24

Social constructivism
, 160

Social impact
, 54, 59, 62

Social inclusion
, 50, 54, 55, 125

Social Science Research Council (SSRC)
, 103

Social trajectories
, 135, 138

, 38, 39, 73, 91, 92, 123

, 163

of athletes
, 20

, 166

, 160, 163

Sociologists of sport
, 13, 23, 111

interest of
, 9–10, 26, 43, 58–59, 76, 94–95, 112–113, 126–127, 145, 164–165

public intellectual
, 10–11, 26–27, 43–44, 60–61, 76–77, 95–96, 113–114, 127–128, 146–147, 165–166

Sociology of sport
, 6–7, 18

in academy
, 96–98

facing institutional/industry barriers
, 11–12, 28, 44–46, 61–62, 78–80, 96–97, 114–115, 128–129, 147–150, 166–167

, 12–13, 29, 46, 62–63, 80–81, 97–98, 115–116, 129–130, 150, 167–168

physical educator and academic in
, 22

public intellectual
, 10–11, 26–27, 43–44

, 8–9, 25–26, 42–43, 58, 75–76, 94, 112, 125–126, 144–145, 163–164

Sociology of taste

Ohl, Fabien
, 135–140

sociologists of sport
, 145–147

sociologists of sport in academy
, 147–150

about sport
, 141–144

South Africa

challenge in new political dispensation
, 20

impact assessments and Sophie Beauvais
, 19

international sporting bodies
, 21

rugby tours to
, 18

social scientists in
, 27

sociology of sport
, 25, 28

South African Sport Commission and Olympic Committee (SASCOC)
, 21

Special Eurobarometer on Sport and Physical Activity
, 161

Spencer, Nancy
, 3

, 1, 5

, 6

panacea for social problems
, 7

, 6

, 6–7

See also Studying sport, importance of

Sport (National research programme)
, 53

“Sport city”
, 164

Sport for Development and Peace (SDP)
, 21

Sport for Development Impact Assessment Tool (S·DIAT)
, 19, 21, 30n3

Sport sciences
, 166

Sport sociology. See Sociology of sport

Sport Worlds’
, 110, 111

“Sport-for-all” facilities
, 163

“Sport-for-all” movement
, 157–159, 163

Sport-illness life histories of patients
, 53–54

Sport-related journals
, 80

Sport-themed courses
, 79

, 157

Sports Illustrated
, 89, 90

Sports in Society
, 58

Sports Process, The
, 102

Sports-medical-industrial complex
, 113, 114

, 4

Stangl, Jane
, 89

Steenbergen, Johan
, 50

Stone, A.
, 10

Stories from academic life

Bruce, Toni
, 2–5

facing institutional/industry barriers
, 11–12

, 12–13

public intellectual
, 10–11

sociologists of sport
, 9–10

about sport
, 5–7

, 8–9

“Street sports”
, 158

Studying sport, importance of
, 87

Kane, Mary Jo
, 87–90

sociology of sport
, 94–96

sociology of sport in academy
, 96–98

sport and
, 90–93

Subversive activity
, 112

Sugden, J.
, 7

Sugden, John
, 7, 19

Sui generis
, 124

Suzan Birrell’s research
, 140

Swedish gymnastics
, 157

Sydnor, Syndy
, 2

Talbot, Margaret
, 155

Tamboer, Jan
, 50

Teaching (sociology of sport)
, 8–9, 25–26, 42–43, 58, 75–76, 94, 112, 125–126, 144–145, 163–164

, 72

, 72

“Theories to proof” approaches
, 25

Third feminist wave
, 52

Thorpe, H.
, 7

Trans National Corporations (TNCs)
, 114

Turnen (German gymnastics)
, 157

Überhorst, Horst
, 154, 156

Underrepresentation of specific groups
, 55–56

Union Cycliste Internationale (UCI)
, 140, 149

United Nations Office on Sport for Development and Peace (UNOSDP)
, 75

University of Colorado in Colorado Springs (UCCS)
, 35

University of Illinois
, 69

University of London’s Institute of Education
, 102–103

University of the West Indies (UWI)
, 119–120, 122, 126

University Sport South Africa (USSA)
, 22

van der Poel, Hugo
, 50

van der Waal, Kees
, 18

van Eekeren, Frank
, 19

Verstehen sense
, 113

Vertinsky, Patricia
, 155

Vigarello, Georges
, 136

Vinnai, G.
, 102

Violence in sports
, 96, 165

, 94, 103

racial vs. religious
, 36

Voigt, Dieter
, 154, 156

Volkekunde paradigm
, 18

Vulnerable groups
, 55

Washington Post
, 89

Web 2.0 environment
, 11

Wenner, L. A.
, 10, 13

Whannel, G.
, 104

Whitson, D.
, 104

“Win-win” scenario
, 21

, 24

Women Win
, 161–162

Wong, P.
, 5

World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA)
, 140, 142

Young, Kevin
, 65

Youth sport programs
, 41, 93

Zeigler, Earle
, 66