
Perspectives on and from Institutional Ethnography

ISBN: 978-1-78714-653-2, eISBN: 978-1-78714-652-5

ISSN: 1042-3192

Publication date: 17 November 2017

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(2017), "Index", Reid, J. and Russell, L. (Ed.) Perspectives on and from Institutional Ethnography (Studies in Qualitative Methodology, Vol. 15), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 163-167.



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actor-network theory (ANT)
, 50, 54–60, 154, 156, 158

and IE
, 60–66

political relevance of
, 65–66


labor process
, 4–5

professional standards
, 3, 5–6

teacher quality
, 3, 4

Australian Curriculum (ACARA)
, 4, 22

Australian Professional Standards for Teachers (AITSL)
, 4

Australian version
, 6

Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R)
, 53

Bakhtinian analysis
, 9–16

Bakhtin, M.

dialogic process
, 32

institutional ethnography (IE)
, 52

Barron, Gary R. S.

, 58–60

IE and ANT
, 66–67

Big Brothers/Big Sisters of America (BB/BSA)
, 132

Bourdieu body hexis
, 31–32

Bourdieu, P.
, 32

, 82–83

, 77

IE and
, 84–85

sociology of
, 79

theoretical abstraction
, 81

Bourke, T.
, 6

Breakfast Club
, 129, 138–139

Callon, M., ANT
, 55

Campbell, M., institutional ethnography (IE)
, 53–54

Chouliaraki, L., CDA
, 101

Clarke, M.
, 4, 6

Clark, K.
, 11

Comber, B.
, 7

community- based participatory research (CBPR) methodologies
, 109–113

community-based research (CBR)
, 109–113

Connell, R.
, 6

Corman, Michael K.

ANT and IE
, 63–64

institutional ethnography (IE)
, 53

critical discourse analysis (CDA)
, 100–101, 104, 155

Crosstown Primary school
, 30, 32–33

Daniel, Y.
, 17–18

demonstration of evidence performance
, 15

DeVault, M.
, 11, 14–15

dialogic analysis
, 8–16, 19, 25

Doucet, A.
, 37, 38

Eagelton, T.
, 12

Education Action Zones (EAZs)
, 127

educational settlement
, 5

Effective Writing and Thinking Course
, 99

emergent research designs

institutional ethnography (IE)
, 115–118

, 51, 60

equity policy enactment
, 97, 104

, 36

institutional ethnography (IE) and
, 150

Every Child Matters (ECM)
, 134

Excellence in Cities
, 127, 128, 129, 134

Excellence in Schools
, 127

experiences influence
, 19

Fairclough, N.

, 100–101

Farrell, L., IE and habitus
, 79

“flagship” student-equity program
, 99

focus group
, 74

Foucault, M.
, 38

Frank, A.W.
, 14

Garfinkel, H.
, 51, 61

Gerrard, J.

IE and habitus
, 79

Good Practice guidelines
, 135, 140

government policy
, 3, 5, 6

Griffith, A.I.
, 2

emergent research designs
, 115–117

HEPPP policy
, 100

habitus, institutional ethnography (IE)
, 77–80, 82, 83–86

Hammersley, M.
, 158–159

Haraway, D.
, 9

Hattie, J.
, 5

Higher Education Participation and Partnerships Program (HEPPP)
, 93–94

equity policy
, 97

, 101–102

IE approach
, 97–100

Higher- Level Teaching Assistants (HLTAs)
, 133

Holquist, M.
, 11

informant specific maps (ISM)
, 16–19, 24, 25

initial interview performance
, 15

, 33–36

institutional capture
, 31, 42–45

institutional ethnography (IE)
, 8–9, 12, 16, 17, 18, 30, 50, 51–54

affordances of
, 157–158

and ANT
, 60–66, 156

, 109–113

, 100–101, 104

emergent research designs
, 115–118

, 31

equity policy enactment
, 97, 104

and ethnography
, 150

and habitus
, 77–80, 82, 83–86

HEPPP policy
, 97–100

institutional relations
, 109–113

institutional vs. experiential accounts of work
, 136–138

“I” poems
, 30–31, 37, 38–44

learning mentors (LMs)
, 127–128, 132–134

, 61–62

methodological intersection
, 159–160

, 109–113

, 109–113

potential of
, 36

, 151–153

reflexivity in
, 73, 76–77, 78–86

relations of ruling
, 79, 81, 82, 86, 87

, 153–156

social relations
, 111

social research
, 159–160

, 128–132

, 72–73, 75–77, 80–81, 113–115, 149, 152, 154, 156

student equity
, 92, 93–94, 97, 105

texts and discourses
, 94–96

theoretical abstraction
, 80–83

theory and
, 158–159

, 148–150

VCR for
, 36–37

, 118–122

interpretivist research
, 148, 154

interview analysis
, 14–15

interviews, IE
, 151–152

interview transcripts
, 12

“I” poems
, 30–31, 37, 38–44

, 9

language, IE
, 52

Latour, B., ANT
, 55, 62

Law, J.

, 56–58

political relevance of ANT
, 65–66

learning mentors (LMs)
, 127–128, 132–134

Breakfast Club
, 138–139

One-to-One Interventions
, 139–142

textual mediation
, 134–136

Listening Guide
, 36–38

“low socioeconomic status” (low SES)
, 93, 94

mapping, social relations
, 17–19

maps, coordination of teacher
, 19–25

Marx, K.

abstraction and calculation
, 108

, 32

theoretical abstraction
, 80

Maton, K., Bourdieu’s concept of habitus
, 78

Mauthner, N.S.
, 37, 38

McCoy, L.
, 11, 14–15, 41

institutional ethnography (IE)
, 54

McIlwraith HEPPP Progress Report
, 102

McIlwraith University
, 96–97

McLarnon, M., emergent research designs
, 117–118

Mead, G.
, 52

Mentor Base
, 129

methodological intersection
, 154

Moore, A.
, 6

New Labour (NL) policy
, 126, 127–128

New Public management (NPM)
, 126

Nichols, N.

emergent research designs
, 115–117

, 114–115

, 118–122

Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills
, 30

One-to-One Interventions
, 139–142

ontology, institutional ethnography (IE)
, 51

Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)
, 3

, 135–136

participatory action research (PAR)
, 109–113

Peacock, IE
, 155

peoples influence
, 19

PISA3 results
, 5

Placing, cultural contexts and social structures
, 37

policy, government
, 3, 5, 6

professional learning
, 7–8, 14, 18, 19, 22, 24, 25

“professional learning architect” (PLA)
, 24

Program for International Student Assessment (PISA)
, 3

Rankin, J.

institutional ethnography (IE)
, 53–54

Reading for Reflexivity
, 37

Reading for Relations of Ruling
, 37

Reading for Textually Mediated Relationships
, 37

Reay, D., Bourdieu’s concept of habitus
, 78

reflective interview performance
, 15

, 32, 37, 42, 44–45

institutional ethnography (IE)
, 73, 76–77, 78–86

Reid, A.
, 4, 5

Reid’s IE
, 155–156

relations of ruling

institutional ethnography (IE)
, 79, 81, 82, 86, 87

, 44

Ryan, M.
, 6

Sayes, E.

, 56–57

School Improvement Partners (SIPs)
, 30

Schools: Achieving success
, 133

Schutz, A.

embodied social world
, 83

relation and consciousness
, 82

sensitivity, nonhuman actors
, 57

Smith, D.E.
, 2, 4, 7

ANT and IE
, 64

Bourdieu’s concepts of habitus
, 77

, 32

, 36

feminist-materialist sociology
, 95–96

HEPPP policy
, 100

institutional ethnography (IE)
, 51, 52

, 62

social and conceptual relations
, 81

, 79, 111, 128–130

, 76–77

texts and discourses
, 94–96

, 38

social effect
, 10

social exclusion
, 126, 134

social organization IE
, 52–53

social relations
, 111

, 17–19

, 57–58

standards, professional
, 3, 5–6

, 30–32, 36, 37, 41, 45

institutional ethnography (IE)
, 72–73, 75–77, 80–81, 113–115, 149, 152, 154, 156

state-by-state analysis
, 5

student equity
, 92, 93–94, 97, 99, 105


, 19–25

dialogic analysis
, 8–16

, 5, 6

, 33–36

labor process
, 4–5

, 17–19

professional learning
, 7–8, 14

professional standards for
, 3

, 3, 4, 6

, 12–15, 18, 19

work of
, 7

The Teaching and Learning Wheel
, 22

text-reader conversation
, 148

textual influence
, 15, 19

textual mediation
, 74

theory, and institutional ethnography (IE)
, 158–159

transcription process
, 12

Turner, S.M.
, 17

UK versions

of professional standards
, 6

US tradition, impact
, 132–134

Voice Centered Relational (VCR) model
, 36–37

drawing on
, 38

Voloshinov, V.N.
, 10, 11

Wacquant, L.
, 32

The Wheel
, 22

Wittgenstein, L.
, 82

Woolgar, S., ANT
, 55

Work, institutional ethnography (IE)
, 118–122

work knowledge
, 149–150

WRIT 999
, 99, 102–103

Young Achievers Program
, 99, 102–103

Youth Justice System
, 133

Youth Offending Team (YOTs) workers
, 133

Youth Participatory Action Research (YPAR)
, 117