School Transitions and African American Youth
Transitions Across Schools and Cultures
ISBN: 978-1-78190-291-2, eISBN: 978-1-78190-292-9
Publication date: 31 October 2012
School transitions have long been associated with drops in academic motivation. Literature is reviewed on both the transition from elementary school to middle school and the transition from middle school to high school, showing how changes in school context, combined with developmental changes in the child, may lead to either positive or negative changes in academic motivation. We summarize literature on school transitions for American youth in general as well as the limited literature on these transitions and their motivational consequences among African American youth. Contextual changes that occur with school transitions (e.g., race composition of schools and classrooms) co-occur with youths’ growing awareness of race, influencing the identity development and academic motivation of African American youth through several mechanisms. Three such mechanisms are discussed in detail. Race and gender academic stereotypes have the potential to shape youths’ self-perceptions, values, and goals. Racial discrimination occurs both at an institutional level (e.g., differences in school quality that place African American youth at a disadvantage) and at a personal level (e.g., a teacher’s failure to recommend a high-achieving Black child for an honors class). Racial identity can serve both as a protective factor and as a risk factor. Suggestions for future research include a closer study of specific aspects of school contexts that shape motivation, the role of families, ways in which school policies and pedagogical practices affect transition experiences, and the examination of ways in which school transitions are opportunities for fresh starts and positive change in African American youth.
Kurtz-Costes, B. and Rowley, S.J. (2012), "School Transitions and African American Youth", Karabenick, S.A. and Urdan, T.C. (Ed.) Transitions Across Schools and Cultures (Advances in Motivation and Achievement, Vol. 17), Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 27-54.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
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