
Delivering Intensive, Individualized Interventions to Children and Youth with Learning and Behavioral Disabilities

ISBN: 978-1-80262-738-1, eISBN: 978-1-80262-737-4

ISSN: 0735-004X

Publication date: 12 May 2022

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(2022), "Index", Tankersley, M., Cook, B.G. and Landrum, T.J. (Ed.) Delivering Intensive, Individualized Interventions to Children and Youth with Learning and Behavioral Disabilities (Advances in Learning and Behavioral Disabilities, Vol. 32), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 211-216.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2022 by Emerald Publishing Limited


A MeaSurement Tool to Assess systematic Reviews (AMSTAR)
, 124

Academic engaged time (AET)
, 53–54

Academic/behavioral assessments

, 22–23

fidelity of implementation
, 24–25

logistical issues
, 20–25

, 20–22


and behavior relationship
, 10

measures for universal screening and progress monitoring
, 15–17

universal screeners
, 14–15

Adaptive Behavior Inventory (ABI)
, 56–57

Adaptive Math (aMath)
, 15

Adaptive Reading (aReading)
, 14


with COMORBID reading and behavioral difficulties
, 161–163

intensive reading interventions for
, 155–157

longitudinal studies of reading interventions for
, 157–161

reader profile studies of
, 154–155

reading performance of
, 154

Age-of-acquisition information
, 141

AIMSweb System
, 15–16

American Educational Research Association (AERA)
, 21–22

American Psychological Association (APA)
, 21–22

Ancestral searches (AS)
, 115

Antecedent-behavior-consequence (A-B-C)
, 198–199

Antecedent-reinforcement-extinction components (A-R-E Components)
, 50

Antecedents, reinforcement, extinction (ARE)
, 73–74

Assessment method
, 89

Associate editor (AE)
, 126

Backward author searching
, 117–118

Backward reference searching
, 117–118

Behavior and academics relationship
, 10

Behavior Assessment System for Children 3rd Edition: Behavioral and Emotional Screening System (BASC-3 BESS)
, 18

Behavior intervention plan (BIP)
, 49–50, 196

Behavior Rating Scale
, 79


, 67

, 192–193

preparing teachers to supporting students
, 193

progress monitoring tools
, 18–20

, 18

Bidirectional model
, 10

“Brief functional analysis”
, 69–70

CBMmath Automaticity
, 15

, 15

CBMmath Process
, 15

Child Behavior Checklist-Teacher Report Form (CBCL-TRF)
, 56

Classroom climate
, 192–193

Coding protocol
, 119

Coding tools
, 120

“Coercive Cycle of Educational and Behavioral Failure” phenomenon
, 10

Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL)
, 111

Common Core Standards
, 15

Common Core State Standards (CCSS)
, 154

Competing Pathways Model
, 3, 68, 75, 77

advantages and limitations
, 77

assessment of function
, 75–76

, 76–77

supporting evidence for
, 77

Comprehensive, integrated, three-tiered models (Ci3T models)
, 46–47, 61–62, 120

Concepts and Applications (CAP)
, 15

Concreteness data
, 141–142

Contemporary intervention research
, 33–35

Contingencies for Learning Academic and Social Skills (CLASS)
, 54

Coping Planning
, 92

Correct words per minute (CWPM)
, 17

Council for Exceptional Children (CEC)
, 74–75, 111, 194

Curriculum-based measurement (CBM)
, 14

, 15

, 15

, 180–181

Data-Based Individualization (DBI)
, 4, 12–13, 163–164, 180, 182

Data-based instruction
, 85–86

Data-Based Program Modification model
, 180

Data-driven decisions
, 11–13

, 12–13

schoolwide data
, 11–12

systematic screening
, 12

Data-driven tools
, 13–20

academic measures for universal screening and progress monitoring
, 15–17

academic universal screeners
, 14–15

behavior progress monitoring tools
, 18–20

behavior screeners
, 18

, 14

Data-informed decision making
, 46

, 16–17

Decodable text
, 135–136, 149–150

DIBELS Oral Reading Fluency (DORF)
, 16–17

Direct Behavior Rating (DBR)
, 18–20

Direct observation
, 89–90

Direct observations of behavior
, 19

, 121–126

project management
, 121–124

steps and phases
, 124–126

Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills Next (DIBELS Next)
, 16–17

Early childhood special education
, 194–196

Early literacy
, 132

Early reading text
, 132, 135

characteristics of texts
, 145

FOTB book series
, 136–140

, 147–150

Kids on the Block
, 138

technical analysis
, 145–147

theoretical and empirical rationale
, 135–136

Early Screening Project (ESP)
, 53–54

Editor/expert nomination (EN)
, 115

, 30

Education for All Handicapped Children Act (EAHCA)
, 7

Educator’s Word Frequency Guide (EWFG)
, 140–141

Electronic assessments
, 23

Electronic search (ES)
, 115

Emotional and behavioral disorders (EBD)
, 47, 55–56

Endrew decision
, 40

English language learners (ELLs)
, 57–58, 61

Every Student Succeed Act (ESSA)
, 154

Evidence-based intervention
, 2

Evidence-based practices (EBPs)
, 110, 191

Exceptional Children
, 110–111

Fidelity of implementation
, 24–25

First Sound Fluency (FSF)
, 16–17

First Step NEXT program
, 53–55

First Step to Success
, 53–57

Formative Assessment System for Teachers (FAST)
, 14–15

Formative tools
, 13–14

Forward citation searching
, 117–118

Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE)
, 153–154

Friends on the Block book series (FOTB book series)
, 136–140

technical analysis of
, 140–144

, 67

Function Matrix
, 50, 73, 75

Function-based intervention
, 68

Function-based intervention decision model
, 50

Functional analysis
, 3, 49

Functional analysis model
, 68–72

advantages and limitations
, 72

assessment of function
, 69–71

design of intervention
, 71

supporting evidence for
, 71–72

Functional assessment
, 49

Functional assessment-based intervention model (FABI model)
, 3, 47–49, 53, 68, 72, 75, 197

advantages and limitations
, 75

assessment of function
, 73

design of intervention
, 73–74

supporting evidence
, 51–53

supporting evidence for
, 74

Functional behavior assessment (FBA)
, 49, 193

“Good theory”
, 38

Hand search (HS)
, 115

Helper Text
, 137–139


data-driven decisions in
, 11–13

students identification for intensive supports
, 9–11

Individualized intervention
, 159

Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
, 1–2, 8, 40

Informal information gathering
, 113

Instruction, tiered systems of support, intervention and
, 8–9

Instructional approach
, 178–179

Integrated data models
, 10–11

Intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD)
, 132–135

Intellectual disability (ID)
, 148

, 30

Intensive instruction

benefits and limitations of
, 38

and intervention
, 31

legal challenges for
, 39–41

, 39

principles and practices of
, 36–38

teaching and learning
, 41–42

Intensive intervention
, 9, 47–48

First Step to Success
, 53–57

Read 180 program
, 57–61

Tier 3 intervention grid
, 48

Intensive reading

intensive reading interventions for adolescents
, 155–157

longitudinal studies of reading interventions for
, 157–161

performance of adolescents
, 154

Intensive supports, students identification for
, 9–11

blending academics and behavior
, 10

integrated data models
, 10–11

Interconnected system framework (ISF)
, 46

Interobserver agreement (IOA)
, 199


prerequisites for
, 32–33

standard approaches to
, 31–32

tiered systems of instruction, support and
, 8–9

Journal article reporting standards (JARS)
, 124

Knowledge, confidence, and use survey (KCU Survey)
, 200–201

Least restrictive environment (LRE)
, 39–40, 153–154

Letter Naming Fluency (LNF)
, 16–17

Linguistic skills
, 169

Log response ratio (LRR)
, 51

Maladaptive Behavior Inventory (MBI)
, 56–57

Mathematics Computation (M-COMP)
, 15–16

Mathematics Concepts and Applications (M-CAP)
, 15–16

Mathematics-related learning difficulties (MLD)
, 167–168

cognitive characteristics of students with
, 168–170

domain general explanation of
, 168–170

domain specific explanation of
, 170

tiered mathematics interventions for students with
, 170–180

Meta-analysis reporting standards (MARS)
, 124

Multi-tiered system of support (MTSS)
, 2, 8, 12, 35, 46, 163

Multicomponent interventions
, 155–156

National Assessment of Educational Progress
, 154

National Center for Teacher Quality (NCTQ)
, 190–191

National Center on Intensive Intervention (NCII)
, 111

National Clearinghouse on Autism Evidence and Practice (NCAEP)
, 111

National Council on Measurement in Education (NCME)
, 21–22

National Reading Panel
, 14

Non-symbolic number sense
, 170

Nonsense Word Fluency (NWF)
, 16–17

Normal Curve Equivalent (NCE)
, 59–60

Office discipline referrals (ODRs)
, 11–12

One-way MANOVA
, 201–202

Operant behaviors
, 68

Opportunities to respond (OTRs)
, 32

Oral reading fluency (ORF)
, 39

Participants, interventions, comparisons, outcomes, and study design (PICOS)
, 125

Peer-Assisted Learning Strategies (PALS)
, 33

Percentile rank (PR)
, 167–168

Performance analysis [P analysis]
, 181

Performance feedback
, 92–93

Permanent product review
, 89

Phoneme Segmentation Fluency (PSF)
, 16–17

Positive behavior interventions and supports (PBIS)
, 2, 8, 46, 190

Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA)
, 124

Preservice teachers knowledge
, 190–192

behavioral function
, 192–193

classroom climate
, 192–193

design and statistical analysis
, 201–202

examining gains overtime
, 202–203

examining posttest perceptions and knowledge
, 203–204

examining pretest perceptions and knowledge
, 202

outcome measure
, 200–201

participants and setting
, 194–196

preparing teachers to supporting students
, 193

, 201

teacher preparation course
, 196–200

teachers with classroom management practices
, 190–192

teachers’ self-rated scores
, 194

Prevent-teach-reinforce model (PTR Model)
, 3, 68, 77, 80

advantages and limitations
, 80

assessment of function
, 78

, 79

supporting evidence for
, 79

PRISMA individual participant data (PRISMA-IPD)
, 124

PRISMA protocols (PRISMA-P)
, 124

, 113–118

project management
, 113–117

steps and phases matrix
, 116–118

Project management
, 119–120

PTR for Families (PTR-Families)
, 78

PTR for Young Children (PTR-YC)
, 78

Quality appraisal procedures
, 111–112

Quality indicators (QIs)
, 51, 110–111

Randomized controlled trial (RCT)
, 56, 59–60

Read 180 program
, 57–61

Reading Curriculum-Based Measurement (R-CBM)
, 15–16

, 71

, 67

Research assistant (RA)
, 201

Response to Intervention model (RTI model)
, 1–2, 8, 46, 85–86, 93, 157, 170–171

Schema-based approaches
, 175

Schoolwide data
, 11–12

Schoolwide Information Systems (SWIS)
, 11–12

Secondary intervention
, 158–159

, 92

Self-Regulated Strategy Development (SRSD)
, 33–34

Seminal models
, 10

Single-case design (SCD)
, 55–56

Single-case research design (SCRD)
, 110–111

Social Skills Improvement System (SSIS)
, 18, 79

SSIS Performance Screening Guide
, 18

Social Skills Rating System (SSRS)
, 56–57, 79

Standard frequency index (SFI)
, 141

Standardized intervention
, 159

Stanford Achievement Test (SAT-9)
, 59–60

Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ)
, 18

Structural equation modeling (SEM)
, 155

Students with disabilities (SWD)
, 7

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMSHA)
, 111

Symbolic number sense
, 170

Systematic review (SR)
, 111–114, 121

, 113–114

Systematic screening
, 12

Systematic Screening for Behavior Disorders (SSBD)
, 53–54

Teacher preparation course
, 196–200

, 190–191

Teaching Pyramid Observation Protocol (TPOT)
, 198–199

Tertiary intervention
, 159

Test of Sentence Comprehension Fluency (TOSCRF)
, 158

Test of sentence reading efficiency (TOSRE)
, 158

Test of Word Reading Efficiency (TOWRE)
, 158

Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (TAKS)
, 158

Texas Center for Learning Disabilities (TCLD)
, 158

Text reading process
, 139–140

Tier 1 instruction
, 8–9

Tier 2 intervention
, 158–159

Tier 3 intervention
, 2, 9, 159

Tiered mathematics interventions
, 170–180

tier 2 interventions
, 171–172, 174, 177

tier 3 interventions
, 177–180

Tiered systems of instruction, intervention, and support
, 8–9

, 85–86

, 97

, 97

, 99–101

, 86–93

, 93–99

Umbreit model
, 50–51

, 141

Universal screening and progress monitoring
, 15–17

Visual analysis
, 10–11

What Works Clearinghouse (WWC)
, 47–48, 51, 161–162

Woodcock Johnson III (WJ-III)
, 158

Working memory
, 168