Sociological Thinking in Contemporary Organizational Scholarship
ISBN: 978-1-83549-591-9, eISBN: 978-1-83549-588-9
ISSN: 0733-558X
Publication date: 23 September 2024
(2024), "Prelims", Clegg, S., Grothe-Hammer, M. and Velarde, K.S. (Ed.) Sociological Thinking in Contemporary Organizational Scholarship (Research in the Sociology of Organizations, Vol. 90), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. i-xviii.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2024 Stewart Clegg, Michael Grothe-Hammer, and Kathia Serrano Velarde
This work is published under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) licence. Anyone may reproduce, distribute, translate and create derivative works of this work (for both commercial and non-commercial purposes), subject to full attribution to the original publication and authors. The full terms of this licence may be seen at
Half Title Page
Series Page
Series Editor: Michael Lounsbury
Recent Volumes:
Volume 61: | Routine Dynamics in Action |
Volume 62: | Thinking Infrastructures |
Volume 63: | The Contested Moralities of Markets |
Volume 64: | Managing Inter-organizational Collaborations: Process Views |
Volume 65A: | Microfoundations of Institutions |
Volume 65B: | Microfoundations of Institutions |
Volume 66: | Theorizing the Sharing Economy: Variety and Trajectories of New Forms of Organizing |
Volume 67: | Tensions and Paradoxes in Temporary Organizing |
Volume 68: | Macrofoundations: Exploring the Institutionally Situated Nature of Activity |
Volume 69: | Organizational Hybridity: Perspectives, Processes, Promises |
Volume 70: | On Practice and Institution: Theorizing the Interface |
Volume 71: | On Practice and Institution: New Empirical Directions |
Volume 72: | Organizational Imaginaries: Tempering Capitalism and Tending to Communities Through Cooperatives and Collectivist Democracy |
Volume 73A: | Interdisciplinary Dialogues on Organizational Paradox: Learning from Belief and Science |
Volume 73B: | Interdisciplinary Dialogues on Organizational Paradox: Investigating Social Structures and Human Expression |
Volume 74: | Worlds of Rankings |
Volume 75: | Organizing Creativity in the Innovation Journey |
Volume 76: | Carnegie Goes to California: Advancing and Celebrating the Work of James G. March |
Volume 77: | The Generation, Recognition and Legitimation of Novelty |
Volume 78: | The Corporation: Rethinking the Iconic Form of Business Organization |
Volume 79: | Organizing for Societal Grand Challenges |
Volume 80: | Advances in Cultural Entrepreneurship |
Volume 81: | Entrepreneurialism and Society: New Theoretical Perspectives |
Volume 82: | Entrepreneurialism and Society: Consequences and Meanings |
Volume 83: | Digital Transformation and Institutional Theory |
Volume 84: | Organizational Wrongdoing as the “Foundational” Grand Challenge: Definitions and Antecedents |
Volume 85: | Organizational Wrongdoing as the “Foundational” Grand Challenge: Consequences and Impact |
Volume 86: | University Collegiality and the Erosion of Faculty Authority |
Volume 87: | Revitalizing Collegiality: Restoring Faculty Authority in Universities |
Volume 88: | Routine Dynamics: Organizing in a World in Flux |
Volume 89: | Defining Web3: A Guide to the New Cultural Economy |
Editorial Page
Series Editor
Michael Lounsbury
University of Alberta, Canada
RSO Advisory Board
Howard E. Aldrich, University of North Carolina, USA
Shaz Ansari, Cambridge University, UK
Silvia Dorado Banacloche, University of Massachusetts Boston, USA
Christine Beckman, University of Southern California, USA
Marya Besharov, Oxford University, UK
Eva Boxenbaum, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
Ed Carberry, University of Massachusetts Boston, USA
Lisa Cohen, McGill University, Canada
Jeannette Colyvas, Northwestern University, USA
Erica Coslor, University of Melbourne, Australia
Gerald F. Davis, University of Michigan, USA
Rich Dejordy, California State University, USA
Rodolphe Durand, HEC Paris, France
Robert Eberhart, University of San Diego, USA
Fabrizio Ferraro, IESE Business School, Spain
Peer Fiss, University of Southern California, USA
Mary Ann Glynn, Boston College, USA
Nina Granqvist, Aalto University School of Business, Finland
Stine Grodal, Northeastern University, USA
Markus A. Hoellerer, University of New South Wales, Australia
Ruthanne Huising, emlyon business school, France
Candace Jones, University of Edinburgh, UK
Sarah Kaplan, University of Toronto, Canada
Brayden G. King, Northwestern University, USA
Matthew S. Kraatz, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
Tom Lawrence, Oxford University, UK
Xiaowei Rose Luo, Insead, France
Johanna Mair, Hertie School, Germany
Christopher Marquis, Cambridge University, UK
Renate Meyer, Vienna University, Austria
William Ocasio, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
Nelson Phillips, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA
Prateek Raj, Indian Institute of Management Bangalore, India
Marc Schneiberg, Reed College, USA
Marc-David Seidel, University of British Columbia, Canada
Paul Spee, University of Queensland, Australia
Paul Tracey, Cambridge University, UK
Kerstin Sahlin, Uppsala University, Sweden
Sarah Soule, Stanford University, USA
Eero Vaara, University of Oxford, UK
Marc Ventresca, University of Oxford, UK
Maxim Voronov, York University, Canada
Filippo Carlo Wezel USI Lugano, Switzerland
Melissa Wooten, Rutgers University, USA
April Wright, University of Warwick, UK
Meng Zhao, Nanyang Business School & Renmin University, China
Enying Zheng, Peking University, China
Tammar B. Zilber, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
Title Page
The University of Sydney, Australia
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Norway
Heidelberg University, Germany
United Kingdom – North America – Japan – India – Malaysia – China
Copyright Page
Emerald Publishing Limited
Emerald Publishing, Floor 5, Northspring, 21-23 Wellington Street, Leeds LS1 4DL.
First edition 2024
Editorial matter and selection © 2024 Stewart Clegg, Michael Grothe-Hammer, and Kathia Serrano Velarde.
Individual chapters © 2024 The authors.
Published by Emerald Publishing Limited. This work is published under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) licence. Anyone may reproduce, distribute, translate and create derivative works of this work (for both commercial and non-commercial purposes), subject to full attribution to the original publication and authors. The full terms of this licence may be seen at
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British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data
A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library
ISBN: 978-1-83549-591-9 (Print)
ISBN: 978-1-83549-588-9 (Online)
ISBN: 978-1-83549-590-2 (Epub)
ISSN: 0733-558X (Series)
Vale Barbara Czarniawska (December 2, 1948–April 7, 2024) organization scholar and ethnographer, who will be greatly missed by researchers in the sociology of organizations community, especially those who knew and loved not only her work but also the person.
About the Editors | xi |
About the Contributors | xiii |
Foreword: Research in the Sociology of Organizations | xvii |
Sociological Thinking in Contemporary Organizational Scholarship | |
Stewart Clegg, Michael Grothe-Hammer and Kathia Serrano Velarde | 1 |
Revitalizing Organizational Theory Through a Problem-oriented Sociology | |
Brayden G King | 19 |
Organizational Sociology and Organization Studies: Past, Present, and Future | |
Leopold Ringel | 55 |
Facing Up to the Present? Cultivating Political Judgment and a Sense of Reality in Contemporary Organizational Life | |
Thomas Lopdrup-Hjorth and Paul du Gay | 85 |
Organizations within Society: Organizational Perspectives on Status and Distinction | |
Status in Socio-environmental Fields: Relationships, Evaluations, and Otherhood | |
Nadine Arnold and Fabien Foureault | 111 |
Organizations as Carriers of Status and Class Dynamics: A Historical Ethnography of the Emergence of Bordeaux’s Cork Aristocracy | |
Grégoire Croidieu and Walter W. Powell | 141 |
Society within Organizations: Organizational Perspectives on Social Integration and Marginalization | |
Organizations as Drivers of Social and Systemic Integration: Contradiction and Reconciliation Through Loose Demographic Coupling and Community Anchoring | |
Krystal Laryea and Christof Brandtner | 177 |
Why Organization Studies Should Care More about Gender Exclusion and Inclusion in Sport Organizations | |
Lucy V. Piggott, Jorid Hovden and Annelies Knoppers | 201 |
Reflexivity and Control | |
Narrating the Disjunctions Produced by the Sociological Concept of Emotional Reflexivity in Organization Studies | |
Bruno Luiz Americo, Stewart Clegg and Fagner Carniel | 229 |
The Promise of Total Institutions in the Sociology of Organizations: Implications of Regimental and Monastic Obedience for Underlife | |
Mikaela Sundberg | 253 |
Organizing and Organization | |
Why Organization Sociologists Should Refer to Tarde and Simmel More Often | |
Barbara Czarniawska | 273 |
Organization Systems and Their Social Environments: The Role of Functionally Differentiated Society and Face-to-Face Interaction Rituals | |
Werner Schirmer | 287 |
About the Editors
Stewart Clegg is Emeritus Distinguished Professor of Management and Organization Studies at the University of Technology Sydney, Australia, as well as Professor of Project Management at the University of Sydney. He is widely acknowledged as one of the most significant contemporary theorists on both power relations and organization studies.
Michael Grothe-Hammer is Associate Professor in Sociology (Organization and Technology) at the Department of Sociology and Political Science of the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway. He is also President of the Research Committee on Sociology of Organizations of the International Sociological Association.
Kathia Serrano Velarde is Professor of Sociology at the Max-Weber-Institute of Sociology at Heidelberg University, Germany. She is also Vice-President of the Research Committee on Sociology of Organizations of the International Sociological Association.
About the Contributors
Nadine Arnold, PhD in Sociology, is an Assistant Professor of Organizational Theory at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Her research centers on the organization and valuation of sustainable development efforts, paying particular attention to the role of standards and waste. Her recent work has been published in journals such as Critical Sociology, Environmental Policy and Governance, and International Sociology.
Christof Brandtner is an Assistant Professor of Social Innovation at EM Lyon Business School, a CIFAR Azrieli Global Scholar, and a Senior Research Fellow at Stanford’s Civic Life of Cities Lab. His research examines how institutions and organizations shape the emergence, diffusion, and implementation of social innovations in cities and their civil society. It has appeared in the American Journal of Sociology, Sociological Theory, Organization Studies, Socio-Economic Review, Urban Studies, Nature Energy, and the Journal of Business Ethics, among others. He received his PhD in Sociology from Stanford University in 2019 and was a Postdoctoral scholar at the University of Chicago’s Mansueto Institute for Urban Innovation.
Fagner Carniel is Professor at the Department of Social Sciences at the State University of Maringá, Brazil. He has a PhD in Political Sociology from the Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil and the Professional Master’s in Sociology in National Network, Brazil. His expertise lies in the field of sociology of education, with a focus on themes related to the teaching of sociology, diversity, and educational inclusion. He has also investigated topics related to disability, biosociabilities, and biopower.
Grégoire Croidieu is Professor of Entrepreneurship at emlyon business school. He recently published a special issue in Strategic Organization on category and place co-edited with Candace Jones and Robert David.
Barbara Czarniawska was Professor Emerita at GRI, School of Business, Economics and Law at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden, Doctor honoris causa at Stockholm School of Economics, Copenhagen Business School, Helsinki School of Economics, Aalborg University, and Turku School of Economics. She was a member of the Swedish Royal Academy of Sciences, the Swedish Royal Engineering Academy, the Royal Society of Arts and Sciences in Gothenburg, Societas Scientiarum Finnica, and British Academy. She took a feminist and processual perspective on organizing, recently exploring such phenomena as the future of the welfare state, the robotization of work, and personnel management of spies. She was interested in methodology, especially in techniques of fieldwork and in the application of narratology to organization studies. She wrote in Polish, English, Swedish, and Italian; her texts have been translated into Arabic, Chinese, French, Danish, German, and Russian.
Paul du Gay is Professor in the Department of Organization at Copenhagen Business School, Professor and Director of Research Impact in the School of Business and Management at Royal Holloway, University of London, and Visiting Fellow at Kellogg College, University of Oxford. He has a particular interest in bureaucracy and public service, the ethics of public office-holding, and the history and continuing significance of “classical” organization theory. He is the author of, inter alia, Consumption and Identity at Work (Sage), In Praise of Bureaucracy: Weber/Organisation/Ethics (Sage), Organizing Identity: Persons and Organisations “After Theory” (Sage), For Formal Organisation: The Past in the Present and Future of Organisation Theory (Oxford University Press, with Signe Vikkelsø), and For Public Service: State, Office and Ethics (Routledge, with Thomas Lopdrup Hjorth). His current research focuses on reason of state as a political morality for the present.
Fabien Foureault is a Sociologist, Associate Researcher at the Center for the Sociology of Organizations (Sciences Po) and a Consultant for works councils (Syndex). He specializes in economic sociology, organizations, and social networks. He has published on the financialization of the French economy and on financial elites in two books, several book chapters, and journal articles.
Jorid Hovden is Professor Emerita at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway. Her research has a main focus on the gendering of sport organizations, how gender power relations are done in sport policy and coaching, and the ways these discriminate and marginalize women.
Brayden G King is the Max McGraw Chair of Management and the Environment and a Professor of Management and Organizations at Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management. His research focuses on how social movement activists influence corporate social responsibility, organizational change, and legislative policymaking. His recent studies examine the change processes leading to improved corporate environmental and social sustainability. He has published research in the American Journal of Sociology, Administrative Science Quarterly, American Sociological Review, Organization Science, and numerous other scholarly journals. From 2012 until 2022, he was a Senior Editor at Organization Science. He has been a Guest Editor at Organization Studies and Research in the Sociology of Organizations.
Annelies Knoppers is Professor emerita at Utrecht School of Governance, Utrecht University in the Netherlands. Her research focus is on the ways gender is done and undone in sport organizations, how these processes shape how women navigate these organizations, and how this gendering marginalizes them in many ways.
Krystal Laryea is a PhD candidate at Stanford University, where she is a member of the Civic Life of Cities Lab and the Ethnography Lab. Her research interests lie at the intersection of culture, identity, and institutions. She uses qualitative methods to examine the microfoundations of inclusion, integration, and equity in organizations and cities. Her work can be found in American Sociological Review, Sociological Theory, Mobilization, Qualitative Sociology, NVSQ, and Global Perspectives.
Thomas Lopdrup-Hjorth is Associate Professor in the Department of Organization at Copenhagen Business School. His research interests include the history of organization theory as well as contemporary and historical problematizations of bureaucratic expertise and the state. His articles have appeared in numerous journals, including Organization, European Journal of Cultural and Political Sociology, Journal of Cultural Economy, Foucault Studies, and Ephemera. His most recent work is For Public Service: State, Office and Ethics, a book co-authored with Paul du Gay.
Bruno Luiz Americo, PhD in Management (UFES), including a period as a visiting research student (UTS), holds a Tenure-Track Professor position at the Academic Department of Management Sciences, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP). He is also part of the faculty at the School of Government and Public Policy and at the Doctorate in Strategic Management at PUCP. His interests lie in the social sciences and organization studies.
Lucy V. Piggott is an Associate Professor within the Department of Sociology and Political Science (ISS) at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). Her research interests are broadly centered around equality, diversity, and inclusion in and through sport. This work has had a particular focus on various forms of sport organizations, including national and international sport organizations, esports organizations, and sport for development and peace organizations.
Walter W. Powell is Jacks Family Professor of Education (and) Sociology, Organizational Behavior, Management Science, and Engineering and Communication at Stanford University, and an External Faculty Member of the Santa Fe Institute. His recent books include The Emergence of Organizations and Markets, with John F. Padgett (Princeton University Press) and The Nonprofit Sector, co-edited with Patricia Bromley (Stanford University Press).
Leopold Ringel is Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Sociology at Bielefeld University. Focusing on the relationship between institutions, fields, discourses, and practices, he has explored themes such as transparency, performance metrics, or expertise. His work has been published in Distinktion: Journal of Social Theory, Ephemera, Higher Education, Organization Studies, and Politics and Governance.
Werner Schirmer works at the Brussels Institute for Social and Population Studies (BRISPO) at the Vrije Universiteit Brussels VUB. He holds a PhD in Sociology from LMU Munich and a Docent title from Uppsala University. At BRISPO, he teaches courses on classical and contemporary social theory as well as modules on the link between digital technologies and social relations. He has written several articles, book chapters, and books applying Luhmannian systems theoretical thinking to topics such as organizations, interethnic relations, social work and social problems, inclusion/exclusion, international relations, priority setting in healthcare, and loneliness among older people. His current research focuses on the digitalization of everyday lives of older people. A special aspect of his research is the role of emotions in technology adoption and the possibilities and limitations of experiencing a sense of community online.
Mikaela Sundberg is Professor of Sociology in the Department of Sociology, Stockholm University, and Director of Stockholm Centre for Organizational Research. She is the author of Fraternal Relations in Monasteries: The Laboratory of Love (Routledge), A Sociology of the Total Organization: Atomistic Unity in the French Foreign Legion (Routledge), and numerous articles in both general and specialized sociological journals, such as Sociology, Current Sociology, and Social Studies of Science. Her present research project “The trajectory of cause of death data: How certainty concerns shape knowledge on causes of death” explores the production of register data from cause of death determination and certification by physicians to registration at the Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare.
Foreword: Research in the Sociology of Organizations
Research in the Sociology of Organizations (RSO) publishes cutting-edge empirical research and theoretical papers that seek to enhance our understanding of organizations and organizing as pervasive and fundamental aspects of society and economy. We seek provocative papers that push the frontiers of current conversations, that help to revive old ones, or that incubate and develop new perspectives. Given its successes in this regard, RSO has become an impactful and indispensable fount of knowledge for scholars interested in organizational phenomena and theories. RSO is indexed and ranks highly in Scopus/SCImago as well as in the Academic Journal Guide published by the Chartered Association of Business schools.
As one of the most vibrant areas in the social sciences, the sociology of organizations engages a plurality of empirical and theoretical approaches to enhance our understanding of the varied imperatives and challenges that these organizations and their organizers face. Of course, there is a diversity of formal and informal organizations – from for-profit entities to nonprofits, state and public agencies, social enterprises, communal forms of organizing, non-governmental associations, trade associations, publicly traded, family owned and managed, private firms – the list goes on! Organizations, moreover, can vary dramatically in size from small entrepreneurial ventures to large multinational conglomerates to international governing bodies such as the United Nations.
Empirical topics addressed by RSO include the formation, survival, and growth of organizations; collaboration and competition between organizations; the accumulation and management of resources and legitimacy; and how organizations or organizing efforts cope with a multitude of internal and external challenges and pressures. Particular interest is growing in the complexities of contemporary organizations as they cope with changing social expectations and as they seek to address societal problems related to corporate social responsibility, inequality, corruption and wrongdoing, and the challenge of new technologies. As a result, levels of analysis reach from the individual to the organization, industry, community and field, and even the nation-state or world society. Much research is multilevel and embraces both qualitative and quantitative forms of data.
Diverse theory is employed or constructed to enhance our understanding of these topics. While anchored in the discipline of sociology and the field of management, RSO also welcomes theoretical engagement that draws on other disciplinary conversations – such as those in political science or economics, as well as work from diverse philosophical traditions. RSO scholarship has helped push forward a plethora of theoretical conversations on institutions and institutional change, networks, practice, culture, power, inequality, social movements, categories, routines, organization design and change, configurational dynamics, and many other topics.
Each volume of RSO tends to be thematically focused on a particular empirical phenomenon (e.g., creative industries, multinational corporations, and entrepreneurship) or theoretical conversation (e.g., institutional logics, actors and agency, and microfoundations). The series publishes papers by junior as well as leading international scholars and embraces diversity on all dimensions. If you are scholar interested in organizations or organizing, I hope you find RSO to be an invaluable resource as you develop your work.
Professor Michael Lounsbury
Series Editor, Research in the Sociology of Organizations
Canada Research Chair in Entrepreneurship & Innovation
University of Alberta
- Prelims
- Sociological Thinking in Contemporary Organizational Scholarship
- Revitalizing Organizational Theory Through a Problem-oriented Sociology
- Organizational Sociology and Organization Studies: Past, Present, and Future
- Facing Up to the Present? Cultivating Political Judgment and a Sense of Reality in Contemporary Organizational Life
- PART 2. SOCIAL STRATIFICATION IN AND THROUGH ORGANIZATIONS: Organizations within Society: Organizational Perspectives on Status and Distinction
- Status in Socio-Environmental Fields: Relationships, Evaluations, and Otherhood
- Organizations as Carriers of Status and Class Dynamics: A Historical Ethnography of the Emergence of Bordeaux’s Cork Aristocracy
- PART 2. SOCIAL STRATIFICATION IN AND THROUGH ORGANIZATIONS: Society within Organizations: Organizational Perspectives on Social Integration and Marginalization
- Organizations as Drivers of Social and Systemic Integration: Contradiction and Reconciliation Through Loose Demographic Coupling and Community Anchoring
- Why Organization Studies Should Care More about Gender Exclusion and Inclusion in Sport Organizations
- Narrating the Disjunctions Produced by the Sociological Concept of Emotional Reflexivity in Organization Studies
- The Promise of Total Institutions in the Sociology of Organizations: Implications of Regimental and Monastic Obedience for Underlife
- Why Organization Sociologists Should Refer to Tarde and Simmel More Often
- Organization Systems and Their Social Environments: The Role of Functionally Differentiated Society And Face-to-Face Interaction Rituals