About the Authors

Technical Services in the 21st Century

ISBN: 978-1-80043-829-3, eISBN: 978-1-80043-828-6

ISSN: 0732-0671

Publication date: 8 January 2021


(2021), "About the Authors", Hines, S.S. (Ed.) Technical Services in the 21st Century (Advances in Library Administration and Organization, Vol. 42), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 221-226. https://doi.org/10.1108/S0732-067120210000042016



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2021 Emerald Publishing Limited

Beth Ashmore is the Associate Head for Acquisitions and Discovery, Serials, at North Carolina State University Libraries. Her research interests include negotiation, troubleshooting metadata and electronic resources issues, instructional design skills for librarians, and the accessibility of electronic resources. She has an MS in Library and Information Science from the University of Illinois and an MSE in Instructional Design and Technology from Samford University.

Colleen W. Barrett is the Rare Books Librarian at the University of Kentucky within the Research Services and Education Department of the Special Collections Research Center. Previously, she was a cataloguer for the antiquarian bookseller Philadelphia Rare Books and Manuscripts Company and the Rare Book Cataloger for Transylvania University's Clara Peck Collection. She holds a Master's degree in Library Science from Indiana University and her research interests include special collections organizational structures, the history of American book collecting, mentorship, and printing in the Midwest.

Abigail Bibee is a Technical Services Librarian at the University of Arizona Libraries. She has worked in academic libraries for 10 years in a variety of technical services roles supporting acquisitions, electronic resources, and cataloging. She received her MLIS from the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, BC.

Whitney A. Buccicone is the Head of Technical Services at the University of Virginia where she oversees the staff responsible for the areas of Acquisitions, Archives, and Cataloging. Previously, she was the Special Collections Cataloging Librarian at the University of Washington and held multiple paraprofessional cataloging positions at the Lilly Library, Indiana University. She holds two Master degrees from Indiana University in the fields of Library Science and Arts Administration. Her research interests include Special Collections, all things Technical Services, metadata, reparative work, and management.

Mingyu Chen is the Head of Metadata Services at the University of Texas at Dallas. She received her MA in Education from Ohio State University and MLIS from Kent State University. She has more than 15 years' experience in cataloging and metadata management. She started her career with the Online Computer Library Center (OCLC) as a metadata specialist. Before joining the University of Texas at Dallas, Mingyu coordinated and developed multiple digital library projects at the University of Houston. Mingyu has published and presented on a variety of topics, such as digital object right management, metadata creation, and cataloging training strategy. Mingyu has been serving as an active committee member in various professional associations. In her spare time, she has been passionately involved in community services and youth education.

Maria Collins is the Head of Acquisitions and Discovery at North Carolina State University Libraries and has served in various capacities at NC State since 2005. Prior to her work at NC State, she worked as Serials Librarian and Serials Coordinator at Mississippi State University Libraries. She has over 20 years of library management experience. She is the current editor-in-chief for Serials Review, and she has published in the areas of electronic resource management, open access, and workflows.

Aimée deChambeau is Dean of University Libraries at The University of Akron. She has extensive experience in library services and systems in higher as well as K-12 education. She holds a PhD in Sustainability Education from Prescott College and an MLS from the University of Pittsburgh. Her research and professional interests center on the intersections of technology, communities of practice, feminist pedagogies, and collaboration.

Karen Diaz is Dean of Libraries and University Librarian at West Virginia University Libraries. She holds a BA in English and a Masters in Library and Information Science. She completed an 18-month President and Provost's Leadership Institute at Ohio State University and completed the 2019 UCLA Senior Fellows program.

Erin Gallagher is Associate Professor and E-Resources Librarian at the George A. Smathers Libraries at the University of Florida. She received her MLIS from Florida State University and chose roles in e-resources management and collections strategy. Her research interests include vendor/librarian collaboration, the intersection of user experience and collections, and polar exploration.

Christenna Hutchins is a University Library Specialist at North Carolina State University Libraries and manager of the serials unit staff with primary responsibility for keeping everyone's buckets full. Over her eleven-year tenure working with serials acquisitions and discovery, she led the initiative to develop the concepts of serials package management implemented at NC State. In her spare time, Christenna devises clever ways of using available tools to streamline the work of the unit.

David Isaak is the Director of Collection Services at the Reed College Library. He has worked in academic and special libraries for 12 years focusing on digital libraries, institutional repositories, and data services. He received his MSLIS from the Pratt Institute in New York, NY.

Misu Kim is the Assistant Head of Metadata Services at the University of Texas at Dallas. While taking on different roles at Technical Services – such as Media and Archives Cataloger, Special Collections Cataloger, Metadata Support for Digital Repository, and Database Management Librarian – Misu has been involved in various metadata creation and management activities. She develops and provides metadata training and explores new areas. As an active member of Texas Library Association, PCC, NACO, and the ALMA community, Misu has presented and published work on resource management and database maintenance. She has been selected for TALL Texans Leadership Development Institute class of 2020. She received her PhD from Texas A&M University and MIS from University of North Texas.

Kristin Browning Leaman is the Bicentennial Archivist for the Indiana University Archives, where she ensures the Archives is responsive to units, events, and initiatives for the bicentennial celebration. She is the director of the IU Bicentennial Oral History Project and the IU Archives Development and Deployment Project, both system-wide initiatives that include seven campuses. Prior to taking on her current role, she served as Special Collections Cataloger at the Lilly Library and was awarded a Mellon Grant to study English Paleography at the Folger Shakespeare Library in 2014. Kristin holds an MA in English Literature from Purdue University, an MLS from Indiana University, and is a PhD candidate in English Literature from Purdue University.

Angela Maranville is Director of Knowledge Access and Resource Management (KARM) and Associate University Librarian at the West Virginia University Libraries. She holds a BA in Sociology/Anthropology; an MS in Environmental Studies, Planning and Management; and a Masters in Library and Information Science. She completed the Library Management Skills Institute (LMSI) II: The Organization in 2018.

Ian McCullough was an Associate Professor of Bibliography at the University of Akron. He was physical sciences librarian, providing instruction, reference, and collection development for the departments of chemistry, chemical engineering, criminal justice studies, geosciences, mathematics, physics, polymer engineering, polymer sciences, and statistics.

Melanie McGurr is the Head of Electronic Services at the University of Akron. She previously worked in technical services departments at the Northeast Ohio Medical University, at The Ohio State University, and Urbana University. Her publications concentrate on cataloging education and technical services workflows. Melanie received both her MLIS and PhD in English Literature from Kent State University. She also has an MA in English from Slippery Rock University and a BA in English and History from Washington and Jefferson College.

Mike Monaco is Coordinator, Cataloging Services at The University of Akron University Libraries. He has worked as a cataloger in public and academic libraries for 19 years, his previous position being Senior Catalog Librarian at the Cleveland Public Library. He has served as chair of the ALCTS Catalog Form and Function Interest Group, Coordinator of the Ohio Library Council Technical Services Division, and Chair of the Northern Ohio Technical Services Librarians Board, and presented at the ALA Annual Conference in 2019 and the Library Collective's 2020 conference.

Debbie Montgomery, MLS, is the Associate Director for Technical Services at the University of Texas at Dallas. Her degree, from the University of North Texas, focused on organization of information and cataloging, now known as metadata creation. Her career at the University of Texas at Dallas began in 1995 as an information desk staff, then into the cataloging department, where she was the principal serials cataloger when electronic journals became all the rage. Her work transitioning her library's print journal collection to electronic format has propelled the library's collection to over 90% electronic. When she is not cataloging something, she spends her time as an avid gardener, growing orchids among almost anything else, in and around her North Dallas home.

Jessica Urick Oberlin is an Assistant Professor at the Pennsylvania College of Technology's Madigan Library as their Information Technology Initiatives librarian in Williamsport, PA. She received her MSLS with school media certification from Clarion University and her BA in English Literature before starting her academic librarian career at Lycoming College of Williamsport, PA. In addition to instruction and reference for the School of Engineering Technologies, she supports and develops emerging information technologies into the library's integrated library system and online resources. Jessica is interested in the technical advancement of services in academic libraries to enhance the user experience in a seamless, online environment.

Lindsey Reno has served as the Acquisitions Librarian and Liaison to the School of the Arts at the University of New Orleans since 2012. Previously, she has held positions at Occidental College in Los Angeles and the Massachusetts College of Art and Design in Boston. She earned her MS in Library and Information Science from Simmons College in 2003. Her research interests include the shifting paradigms of acquisitions and collection development and the emotional aspects of academic librarianship. Lindsey's previous works include articles and book chapters in these areas. She was the recipient of a Literati Award in 2018 for her coauthored book chapter Into the Weeds: Emotions and Deselection in the Library.

Nina Servizzi is Associate Dean for Knowledge Access and Resource Management Services for the Division of Libraries, New York University. She oversees the Archival Collections Management, Knowledge Access, Resource Management, and Data Analysis and Integration Departments. Her research interests include inflation modeling, systems interoperability, and global-local workflow optimization. She is currently chair of the ALCTS Technical Services Directors of Large Research Libraries Interest Group.

Joseph J. Shankweiler has been the Special Collections Catalog Librarian for Western Kentucky University Libraries since 2015. He is responsible for original cataloging, complex copy cataloging, and classification of monographs and continuing resources in a variety of formats in all subjects for the Kentucky Library Research Collections. Joseph earned his Master of Library Science Degree (MLS) from Indiana University, Bloomington, specializing in Rare Book and Manuscript Librarianship (2014). He also holds a Master of Arts in English Literature from James Madison University (2012).

Sarah Theimer is an Assistant Professor, Catalog and Metadata Librarian, at the University of New Hampshire. She has a Masters in Library Science from the University of Maryland and a Masters in Liberal Studies from the University of New Hampshire. Her research interests include increasing effective intra-library communication and the application of creativity to Technical Services.

Kristy White is currently Acquisitions Librarian and faculty member at Duquesne University's Gumberg Library. She has more than 20 years library experience, at both academic institutions and corporate law firm libraries. Kristy has Masters Degrees in both Library Science from Clarion University and Law and Public Policy from California University of Pennsylvania. She also has a Certificate of Advanced Studies in Library Science from Clarion University. Her primary research interests include organizational and management theories in libraries, workflow management, contract negotiations, and data privacy and analysis.

Lynn Whittenberger is currently the Associate Head of Acquisitions and Discovery, Monographs, at North Carolina State University Libraries. She manages a staff of seven in licensing, acquiring, and cataloging monographic resources in all formats, and database maintenance activities in the ILS including batch loading MARC records. Lynn serves as a member of the ALCTS continuing education team and as secretary for COSUGI (the Sirsi/Dynix customer user group). Lynn's areas of interest include keeping up with changes to RDA, exploring linked data and other metadata formats, learning Python, and rare book cataloging.

Jo Williams is an Associate Professor, Cataloging Librarian in the Collection Development and Management Department of the James E. Walker Library at Middle Tennessee State University, Murfreesboro, TN, USA. Ms. Williams is a graduate of Florida State University. Her librarianship includes cataloging, subject analysis, classification, authorities data, special formats, and related troubleshooting for a broad range of disciplines. Her research interests include classification, subject analysis, bibliographic database management, and metadata interoperability.