Leading the Innovative and Creative Library Workforce: Approaches and Challenges
Innovation in Libraries and Information Services
ISBN: 978-1-78560-731-8, eISBN: 978-1-78560-730-1
Publication date: 8 December 2016
This chapter explores the roles that library leaders have in ensuring libraries demonstrate innovation and creativity in their services, systems and facilities. This is grounded in the pressures for innovation resulting from the ‘disruptive technologies’ identified by Christensen (1997). ‘Obliquity’ (Kay, 2011) is inter-related around how innovation can be used to meet the challenges. The areas proposed where library leadership can contribute to innovation are leading by example, shaping organisational culture/values, ensuring appropriate training/development takes place, helping develop appropriate organisational structures and establishing appropriate reward and recognition.
Both theoretical insight and practical experience are used to inform the chapter. Management and leadership theories/research provide the context within which library leadership and innovation is explored. This is complemented by the authors between them have experience in developing innovation in libraries and also in delivering leadership training on innovation.
Practical implications
For any library looking to demonstrate innovation and creativity, the chapter identifies some clear responsibilities for leaders. The five specific roles for the leader are crucial in libraries being innovative. A further element of the work is that it explores some of the challenges a library leader will face in moving in this direction.
Having joint authorship by people from different backgrounds ensures that the chapter is based on a blended insight of theoretical understanding and practical experience.
Walton, G. and Webb, P. (2016), "Leading the Innovative and Creative Library Workforce: Approaches and Challenges", Innovation in Libraries and Information Services (Advances in Library Administration and Organization, Vol. 35), Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 257-275. https://doi.org/10.1108/S0732-067120160000035018
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
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