
Essays in Honor of M. Hashem Pesaran: Prediction and Macro Modeling

ISBN: 978-1-80262-062-7, eISBN: 978-1-80262-061-0

ISSN: 0731-9053

Publication date: 18 January 2022

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(2022), "Index", Chudik, A., Hsiao, C. and Timmermann, A. (Ed.) Essays in Honor of M. Hashem Pesaran: Prediction and Macro Modeling (Advances in Econometrics, Vol. 43A), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 341-350.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2022 Alexander Chudik, Cheng Hsiao and Allan Timmermann



Note: Page numbers followed by “n” indicate notes.

Adaptive Lasso
, 116–117

Advanced Central bank interventions
, 368–369

, 121

, 90

Agnostic shocks
, 330, 336–338

Agnostic structural disturbances (ASDs)
, 336

, 10

Alternative frequentist model averaging approaches
, 264

American Statistical Association (ASA)
, 101

Approximate Bayesian Computation approach
, 348n4

Approximate bias
, 185

Asymmetric Laplace densities (ALD)
, 114

Augmentation strategy
, 340

Autoregressive density (AR density)
, 123

Autoregressive distributed lag model (ARDL model)
, 391

Autoregressive processes
, 226

Average daily temperature (AVG)
, 10

Average forecast accuracy
, 144–148, 152–154

Average-type test
, 180

Bank of England
, 354

Bank of Japan
, 354

Bates-Granger approach
, 91

Bayes factor
, 332

Bayesian approach
, 94

Bayesian estimation
, 332

for VAR models
, 134–135

Bayesian framework
, 348n4

Bayesian Lasso
, 116

Bayesian MIDAS quantile regression
, 3

, 112

Bayesian model averaging (BMA)
, 261

Bayesian model fit
, 332

Bayesian quantile regression (BQR)
, 112, 114–115

Bayesian MIDAS quantile regression
, 113

density nowcasts
, 120

, 119

global-local shrinkage priors
, 117–119

likelihood and conditional posteriors
, 115

, 3

MIDAS quantile regression
, 113–114

mixture normal prior
, 119

nowcasting Euro area GDP growth
, 122–129

parameter-specific shrinkage priors
, 116–117

real-time data
, 121–122

shrinkage priors
, 115–116

Bayesian VAR (BVAR)
, 3, 134, 139–140

Behavioral model weight statistic
, 265

, 228–230

, 239–248

Big data
, 112, 129

Block matrix
, 311–312

Blue Chip forecasts
, 103–104

Break points estimation
, 180

Business cycle synchronization
, 278

Caixa Economica Federal
, 1

Ceteris paribus
, 90

Chicago Merchantile Exchange (CME)
, 16

, 304

China Industrial Productivity (CIP)
, 315

Cholesky decomposition
, 284–285

Classic ANOVA method
, 98

Classic theory
, 388

Climate change
, 10

CMR model
, 333–334, 339

Cobb-Douglas panel production function
, 307

Combined estimator, structural breaks model and
, 181–184

Common factors
, 281–282

Conditional bias
, 226, 239–248

Conditional forecast(ing)
, 171, 228

bias and MSE
, 228–230

forecast error decomposition
, 230–231

simulation-based estimators
, 231–232

unknown break dates
, 232–233

Conditional MSE
, 235–239

Congressional Budget Office (CBO)
, 103

Constant parameters
, 227

Consumer Confidence Indicator (CONS)
, 121

Cornwell, Schmidt, and Sickles model (CSS model)
, 314

Country-specific QE effectiveness
, 373

Dollar factor
, 377–378

GVAR model
, 373–375

QE interventions contains real effects
, 378–380

spillover effects from country-specific long-term interest rate changes
, 375–377

world interest rate factor and loadings
, 375

, 354

, 354, 356–357

bond yield and exchange rate impacts
, 365–366

, 377

emerging market interventions
, 369–371

Fed interventions
, 367–368

financial market impact of COVID-19 QE announcements
, 364

other advanced Central bank interventions
, 368–369

, 127–129, 387

, 360

, 371–373

Cross-section dependence
, 391

CSS model with time-varying fixed effects (CSSW)
, 316

CSS model with time-varying random effects (CSSG)
, 316

Cumulative ranked probability score (CRPS)
, 123

Data generating process (DGP)
, 162–163, 205, 259

, 387


, 388–389, 396

, 388

Decomposition method
, 306

Dense data environments
, 116

Density forecasting
, 141–143 (see also Conditional forecast(ing))

Density forecasts
, 152. (see also Point forecasts)

average forecast accuracy
, 152–154

forecast accuracy for individual series
, 154

tests for equal predictive accuracy
, 154–156

Density nowcasts
, 120

Diagonal blocks
, 312

Dimension reduction techniques
, 134, 137

, 139–140

factor augmented VAR
, 137

, 139

partial least squares
, 137–138

random compression
, 138

random projection
, 138

random subset regression
, 139

Direct forecasts
, 140

Dirichlet-Laplace (DL)
, 116

, 121

, 92–94

Discrepancy measures
, 320, 333

general and specific
, 333–334

system wide
, 334–338

Distributed lag functions
, 113–114

Distributional temperature variation
, 10

Diurnal asymmetry
, 11

Diurnal temperature range (DTR)
, 2, 10–11

Dollar factor
, 377–378

Downward DTR
, 12–13

Duration statistic
, 265

Dynamic stochastic general equilibrium models (DSGE models)
, 5, 286, 330–332

general and specific discrepancy measures
, 333

measure of fit
, 332

modifying straitjacket
, 340–342

moments matter
, 333–334

purpose of straitjacket
, 342–347

specific measures
, 334

Staitjacket fit for purpose
, 339–340

system wide discrepancy measures
, 334–338

, 1

, 2

, 1–2

of heterogeneous dynamic panels
, 1

macro modeling and policy analysis
, 5–6

model instability and breaks
, 4

, 2–3

, 204

Economic Sentiment Indicator (ESI)
, 121

Elastic Net
, 117

prior distributions
, 117

Endogenous priors
, 334

Equal predictive accuracy, tests for

density forecasts
, 154–156

point forecasts
, 151–152

Equal Weights (EW)
, 123

Equilibrium-correction models
, 210

Error correction model (ECM)
, 391

Estimated posterior probability
, 258

European Central Bank (ECB)
, 1, 354, 360

European Commission (EC)
, 121

European sovereign debt crisis
, 278

European Union
, 279

Event set
, 363–364

Event study methodology
, 361–363

EViews code
, 20n3

Ex ante real rate
, 393

Ex post real rate
, 393

Exchange rate
, 5, 258

, 281

characterizing exchange rate determination for five currencies
, 265

comparison with alternative frequentist model averages
, 269–271

, 258

disconnect puzzle
, 258

exchange rate fundamentals and structural uncertainty
, 259

meta modeling
, 261–265

meta-NNT models
, 267–269

meta-NNT models forecasting performance
, 271–272

model averaging techniques
, 258–259

modeling structural uncertainty
, 261

, 260

Exponential-type test
, 180

Factor augmented VAR (FAVAR)
, 3, 134, 137

Factor-augmented classical quantile regressions
, 123

Factor-augmented quantile regressions
, 113

Financial crisis
, 148

Financial institutions
, 1

Financial market impact of COVID-19 QE announcements
, 364–373

Financial time series
, 180

Financial Times
, 2

Finite sample

, 248

conditional forecasting
, 228–233

constant parameters
, 227

forecast error decomposition
, 226–227

forecast properties
, 227

, 2229

parameter instability
, 227–228

, 185–187

replication of Hansen and Johansen
, 248–250

sample extension
, 250–251

window length selection
, 233–248

First-order autoregressive model
, 4

Flash estimates of quarterly GDP growth
, 112

Forecast error
, 92

, 226, 230–231

Forecaster heterogeneity
, 91–92

aggregate uncertainty
, 90

measures of forecast uncertainty and asymptotic properties
, 95–96

measures of historical uncertainty and tests for
, 95

Monte Carlo simulation
, 99–100

tests for forecaster homogeneity and asymptotic distribution
, 97–99

uncertainty and disagreement
, 92–94

underestimation of uncertainty in US GDP and inflation forecasts
, 100–105

, 3, 90

homogeneity and asymptotic distribution
, 97–99


, 136

after break with misspecified model
, 205–206

choice of instruments
, 170

, 228–233

density forecasting
, 141–143

dimension reduction techniques
, 137–140

, 143–144

expected gains from switching between forecasts
, 161–162

gains from switching between models
, 162–166

iterated and direct forecasts
, 140

, 3, 160

, 160, 169

persistent regressors
, 167–168

sources of specification error
, 168–170

structural break
, 187

switching rule
, 160–161

time varying parameter forecasts
, 140–141

, 112, 204

, 90

uncertainty and asymptotic properties
, 95–96

Foreign and International Monetary Authorities (FIMA)
, 382n2

FRED-MD database
, 3

Free capital mobility
, 279

Frequentist quantile regressions
, 114

Gaussian nowcast density using principal components (Gau PCA)
, 125

, 123, 125

, 227

Generalized impulse responses functions (GIRFs)
, 294–296, 378

Gibbs sampler
, 119

Global financial crisis (2008)
, 125, 217, 278

Global Historical Climate Network database (GHCN)
, 11

Global interest rates
, 394

Global QE
, 354

Global value chain (GVC)
, 304

, 306

US–Sino Decoupling simulation in
, 322–324

Global vector autoregressive modeling (GVAR)
, 1–2, 281

Global-local shrinkage priors
, 117

DL Priors
, 117–118

HS Prior
, 118–119

, 358–359, 373–375

Government debt, deficits and interest rates

advanced economies
, 386

, 388–390

baseline model
, 395–396

, 392–395

dependent variable
, 399

empirical results
, 395

, 391–392

lagged debt
, 397–398

long-run effect of world interest rate
, 396–397

World real interest rates
, 387–388

Government deficits
, 386

, 279

Great Recession
, 354

, 279

Gross domestic product (GDP)
, 5, 279, 373, 386

GDP-at-Risk nowcasts
, 113, 125–127

Growth-at-risk estimates
, 112

Hausman-Wu statistic
, 317

, 305

Heterogeneous learning model
, 102

Heterogeneous technical progress in Solow residual
, 307–308

, 98

Heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation consistent (HAC)
, 11

Hicks-neutral technical change
, 306, 310–311

High–order VARs
, 330

Homogeneous productivity growth
, 305

, 98

Horseshoe (HS)
, 116

Hypothesis testing
, 1

Idiosyncratic error variances
, 104

Impulse response function (IRF)
, 279, 283–284

Indicator saturation methods
, 213

Individual forecasts
, 3

Industrial Confidence Indicator (INDU)
, 121

Industrial production (IP)
, 121

Inflation puzzle
, 279

Information set as within-quarter data accrue
, 121–122

Inter-temporal budget constraint
, 389–390

Interest rates
, 278, 386–387

parity fundamentals
, 260

International Association of Applied Econometrics (IAAE)
, 2

International Monetary Fund
, 1

International spillovers

of economic growth
, 305

effects on productivity
, 306

International trade
, 304–305

, 315

Iranian Economy
, 1

Ireland’s model
, 336–337

IS–LM model
, 331

Iterated forecasts
, 140

Joint probability distribution
, 10

Jorda–Schularick–Taylor macrohistory database (JST macrohistory database)
, 386, 391–392

Kalman filter
, 331, 339, 347

KLEMS database
, 315

2-norm-based loss function
, 279

, 116–117, 139

, 134

shrinkage approaches
, 3

Law of one price
, 260

, 315

Levene test
, 98


and conditional posteriors
, 115

, 314

Linear mixed-effects model
, 102

Linear Opinion Pool (LOP)
, 123

Location shifts
, 204

Logarithmic score (logS)
, 123

Long differencing
, 204

Low-order VARs
, 330

Macro modeling
, 5–6

Macro policy maker
, 90

, 180, 278

, 280

Marginal data density (MDD)
, 5, 330, 332

Markov chain Monte Carlo techniques (MCMC techniques)
, 102

Markov Switching models
, 331

Maximum temperature (MAX)
, 10

Mean group estimator (MG estimator)
, 391, 395

Mean square error (MSE)
, 181, 226, 228–230

, 235–239

Mean squared forecast errors (MSFE)
, 181, 206

Membership in monetary union
, 278

Meta modeling
, 5, 259, 261–262

alternative frequentist model averaging approaches
, 264

meta approach
, 263–264

meta-NNT model
, 265

model averaging
, 262

model weights
, 262

Meta-NNT models
, 265, 267–269

forecasting performance
, 271–272

Michigan Survey of Consumers
, 91, 185

MIDAS quantile regression
, 113–114

Minimum temperature (MIN)
, 10

Missing at random (MAR)
, 107n9

Misspecified functional form
, 168–169

Mixture normal prior
, 119

Model averaging
, 5, 258, 262

Model checking
, 330

Model confidence set (MCS)
, 264

Model instability
, 258

Model misspecification
, 135, 168

Model selection
, 1

Model uncertainty audit
, 94

Model weights
, 262

Modeling structural uncertainty
, 261

Monetary policy
, 278

empirical results
, 288

free capital mobility
, 279

French independent
, 293–294

generalized IRFs
, 294–296

impulse response functions
, 283–284

literature review
, 280–282

matching weights
, 289–291

, 282

New Keynesian theory
, 291

, 284–288

, 291–292

synthetic control
, 282–283

Monte Carlo simulations
, 4, 99–100, 188–190

Monte Carlo study
, 91

Monthly indicators
, 121

Moran tests
, 325n8

Moran’s I test
, 317

Most recent best forecasts (MRB forecasts)
, 264

Multi-step forecasting

Bayesian estimation for VAR models
, 134–135

density forecasts
, 152–156

forecasting approaches
, 136–143

forecasting exercise
, 143–144

point forecasts
, 144–152

Multidimensional physical systems
, 10

Multiple imputations (MIs)
, 102

Multi–Sector model
, 348n5

Multivariate time series
, 180

N-dimensional VEC model
, 227

Naïve forecasting methods
, 4

Naive robust forecasts
, 206. (see also Robust forecasts)

random walk
, 206–207

robust predictor
, 207–209

Naive time–series models
, 204

National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER)
, 101

National debt
, 386

Neoclassical growth paradigm
, 305

Nested case
, 165–166

New Keynesian models
, 335, 347

New Keynesian theory
, 291

New York Federal Reserve model
, 330

Non-nested case
, 163–165

Non-parametric approach
, 287

Non-nested hypothesis–testing method (NNT method)
, 5, 259

Non-nested testing approach
, 263–264

Non-sovereign assets
, 362

Nonspatial model
, 310

Not elsewhere classified (NEC)
, 322

, 113

Nowcasting Euro area GDP growth
, 122

covid-19 pandemic
, 127–129

evaluating nowcast densities
, 123–125

, 125–127

, 112

NY Fed DSGE model set
, 348n11

Office of Budget Responsibility (OBR)
, 204

Pair-wise comparisons of forecasts
, 162–163

Parameter instability
, 227–228

Parameter-specific shrinkage priors
, 116–117

Parametric method
, 287

Partial least squares (PLS)
, 3, 134, 137–138

Partial spatial Durbin model
, 325n4

Persistent regressors
, 167–168

Philadelphia airport (PHL)
, 11

, 11–12

evolving seasonality
, 15–16

fixed seasonality
, 13–14

sequential and joint regression results for Philadelphia
, 23–28

, 12–13

Point forecasts
, 144. (see also Density forecasts)

average forecast accuracy
, 144–148

forecast accuracy for individual series
, 148–151

tests for equal predictive accuracy
, 151–152

Policy analysis
, 5–6

Policy response equation
, 297

Policy variable
, 392

, 278

Pooled mean group estimator (PMG estimator)
, 391

Posterior predictive tests
, 333

, 354

, 5

, 279–280

Principal components
, 3

Production functions, estimations of
, 316–319

Production model
, 5

Production technology
, 309

Productivity growth

of industries and spillovers
, 320–322

sector-level analysis of
, 306

Professional forecasters, survey of
, 101–104

Public debt
, 387–388

Purchasing power parity (PPP)
, 260

, 291–292

Quantile regressions
, 112–113. (see also Bayesian quantile regression (BQR))

Quantile-weighted probability score (QWPS)
, 123

Quantitative easing (QE)
, 6, 354

adoption in emerging markets
, 360–361

advanced economies
, 358–359

country-specific QE effectiveness
, 373–380

impact of country-specific QE interventions
, 354–355

COVID-19 QE Announcements
, 356–357

event set
, 363–364

event study methodology
, 361–363

financial market impact of COVID-19 QE announcements
, 364–373

global QE under COVID-19
, 355

Quasi-maximum likelihood estimation method (QMLE method)
, 314

Random compression
, 3, 138

Random number generator (RNG)
, 252n11

Random projection
, 3, 138

Random subset regressions
, 3, 139

Random subspace methods
, 136

Random walk
, 206–207

produce good out-of-sample forecasts
, 4

, 210–211

Real Time Data Set for Macroeconomists (RTDSM)
, 101

Real-time data
, 121–122

Recursively weights (RW)
, 123

Regime uncertainty
, 258

Reinterpreting robust forecasts
, 209–210

Riksbank of Sweden
, 354

, 185

Robust forecasts

, 209–210

, 210–213

Robust optimal weighting
, 141

Robust predictor
, 207–209

, 211–213

, 371–373

Root mean square forecast errors (RMSFE)
, 218

Root mean squared error (RMSE)
, 95, 123

Root trace square error (RTSE)
, 249

Schmidt and Sickles model (SS model)
, 314

, 19

, 15–16

, 13–14

Sector-level analysis of productivity growth
, 306

Semi-parametric approach
, 287

Semiparametric factor model
, 325n8

Sequential modeling approach
, 17

Sequential regression results for Philadelphia
, 23–28

Sequential tests
, 180

Shannon entropy statistic
, 274n10

Shrinkage priors
, 115–116

global-local shrinkage priors
, 117–119

parameter-specific shrinkage priors
, 116–117


, 233–235

simulation-based estimators
, 231–232

Single-equation time-varying parameter models
, 258

Skew-t density
, 120

Smets and Wouters model (SW model)
, 340

Smooth random walk
, 210–211

Smooth robust multi-horizon forecasts

additional simulation results
, 222

empirical examples
, 217

forecasting after break with misspecified model
, 205–206

historical data vintages of UK Productivity
, 223

naive robust forecasts
, 206–209

reinterpreting robust forecasts
, 209–210

robustify forecasts
, 204

simulation evidence
, 213–217

smooth random walk
, 210–211

smooth robust forecasts
, 210

smooth robust predictor
, 211–213

UK Productivity
, 217–219

US 10-year Treasury yields
, 217–219

Social insurance programs
, 386

Solow residual, heterogeneous technical progress in
, 307–308


production model
, 325n1

residual productivity
, 314

Sovereign debt
, 390

, 280

Sparse data

, 116

sparse data-generating-process
, 113

Spatial Durbin model (SDM)
, 306

Spatial econometric techniques
, 305

Spatial interdependence
, 308–309

Specification error
, 168

misspecified functional form
, 168–169

time-varying parameters
, 169–170


effects from country-specific long-term interest rate changes
, 375–377

productivity growth of industries and
, 320–322

of technology through factor input and technical change
, 309–311

Stochastic frontier analysis (SFA)
, 314

Stochastic Search Variable Selection (SSVS)
, 116, 119

Structural breaks
, 180, 204

empirical analysis
, 190–194

estimation of regression parameters
, 180–181

finite sample properties
, 185–187

model and combined estimator
, 181–184

Monte Carlo simulation
, 188–190

of vector error correction
, 226

Structural model
, 333

Structural uncertainty
, 259–261

Structural VAR (SVAR)
, 279

Supremum-type test
, 180

Survey of Professional Forecasters (SPF)
, 91, 204, 217

Swiss National Bank
, 354


gains from switching between models
, 162

nested case
, 165–166

non-nested case
, 163–165

pair-wise comparisons of forecasts
, 162–163

, 160–161

, 3

Synthetic control
, 282–283

System priors
, 335

System wide discrepancy measures
, 334

targeting component parts of system
, 334–335

targeting VAR covariance matrix
, 336–338

targeting VAR dynamics
, 335–336

Targeted discrepancy measures
, 330

Targeting VAR

covariance matrix
, 336–338

, 335–336

Taylor rule
, 260

, 267

, 281

Technology spillovers
, 305, 308–309

through factor input and technical change
, 309–311


, 16

, 10

, 10

Theory of war finance
, 390

Time-varying parameters (TVP)
, 169–170, 341

, 140–141

, 304–305

Two-block VAR model
, 285

U-MIDAS BQR application
, 115

, 1

UK Productivity forecasts
, 217–219

historical data vintages of
, 223

, 92–94

survey of professional forecasters
, 101–104

underestimation in US GDP and inflation forecasts
, 100

Uncovered interest parity (UIP)
, 258, 358

Uniform policy making
, 90

Unknown break dates
, 232–233

Unrestricted mixed data sampling (U-MIDAS)
, 113

US 10-year Treasury yields
, 217–219

US Federal Reserve
, 354, 381

US Federal Reserve Bank
, 6

US monetary policy
, 279

US temperature dynamics, evolution of

15 Cities
, 16

historically traded cities
, 16–17

joint regression results for fifteen cities
, 29–88

, 11–16

, 19

sequential and joint regression results for Philadelphia
, 23–28

serial correlation
, 19

, 17–19

US Unconventional Monetary Policy Spillovers
, 373–380

US–Sino decoupling analysis
, 307

, 315–316

direct and indirect effect of input factors
, 319–320

empirical results
, 316

, 314–315

estimations of production functions
, 316–319

, 306–307

heterogeneous technical progress in Solow residual
, 307–308

intermediate product share in gross export between United States and China
, 305

, 307

productivity growth of industries and spillovers
, 320–322

sector-level analysis of productivity growth
, 306

simulation in global value chain
, 322–324

spatial interdependence and technology spillovers
, 308–309

spillovers of technology through factor input and technical change
, 309–311

spillovers within country and across border
, 311–314

US–Sino trade
, 304

Variable-lag space FAVAR model
, 152

VECM model
, 332

Vector autoregressions (VARs)
, 3, 134, 330–331, 336

Vector error correction (VEC)
, 226

, 10

War debt
, 390

Wilson-Hilferty cube root transformation
, 99

Window length selection
, 233

conditional bias
, 239–248

conditional MSE
, 235–239

, 235

simulation design
, 233–235

World Input–Output tables
, 306

World interest rate
, 386–387, 394

WORLD KLEMS database
, 315

Yield curve
, 249