
Health Econometrics

ISBN: 978-1-78714-542-9, eISBN: 978-1-78714-541-2

ISSN: 0573-8555

Publication date: 30 May 2018

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(2018), "Index", Health Econometrics (Contributions to Economic Analysis, Vol. 294), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 381-391.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2018 Emerald Publishing Limited


Accident insurance
, 68

ADF test
, 331, 332

Administrative data
, 285–300

ex-ante assessments
, 288

ex-post assessments
, 288–292

health care services, assessment of
, 286–288

hospital efficiency measurement, methods of
, 292–294

relative efficiency assessment, methods of
, 294–297

Adopted children, effect of health endowment at birth of
, 183

Adverse selection
, 23–25, 34, 47, 48, 51

Affordable Care Act
, 65

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)
, 290, 292, 293

, 318–320

Aikaike information criterion (AIC)
, 90, 368

Ambulatory Care Sensitive Conditions (ACSC)
, 312, 319

Anchoring vignettes
, 145–166, 169–174

, 151–157

objective measures of mobility
, 153–154

self-reported mobility
, 152–153

socio-demographic variables
, 154–155

study design
, 155–157

non-parametric estimation
, 148–150

parametric estimation
, 150–151

, 157–164, 169–174

Antibiotic consumption
, 314–315

Artefactual field experiments
, 4

Assortative matching
, 181

Atomistic fallacy
, 296

Attribute non-attendance (ANA)
, 93–96

Average treatment effect (ATE)
, 2, 61

Bayesian information criterion (BIC)
, 90, 368

Bayesian methods
, 89, 314, 318

Behavioral data linking
, 5

Behavioral econometrics
, 3, 8

applications to health
, 14–15

choice under risk
, 11

, 12–14

experimental design and tests
, 12

general framework
, 10

identification problem
, 10

individual discounting
, 11–12

Behavioral experiments in health
, 3–6

Behavioral insights teams
, 2

Belief elicitation
, 27–28

Benefit package
, 27

Body mass index (BMI)
, 108, 313–314

, 121

Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)
, 68

Canadian Institute for Health information (CIHI)
, 290, 293, 299

Canadian Patient Experiences Survey
, 292

Caps on contingency fees
, 242

Caps on damages
, 242

Causal effects
, 57

Certainty equivalent (CE) method
, 8

Certificate of merit
, 242

Child’s health endowment at birth, parental investments to
, 175–193, 197–199

conceptual framework
, 178–179

data and sample selection
, 184–185

econometric strategy
, 179–183

estimation results
, 186–193

Chilling effect
, 109

Choice architecture
, 2

Choice under risk
, 11

Clinical governance
, 290

Cobb Douglas production function
, 293

Column-by-column approach
, 364–365

Commission for Health Improvement (CHI)
, 290

Common Correlated Effects (CCE)
, 312, 315, 334

Common Correlated Effects Mean Group (CCE MG) estimator
, 316

Common Correlated Effects Pooled (CCEP) estimation
, 315–316

Compound hierarchical ordered probit model. See Hierarchical ordered probit (HOPIT) model

Conditional autoregressive (CAR) model
, 360, 362

Contagious presenteeism
, 67

Conventional lab experiments
, 4

Corrected ordinary least squares (COLS)
, 292

Cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA)
, 6, 119–141

case study
, 130–140

incremental cost-effectiveness ratio
, 120–122

incremental net benefit
, 122–123

net benefit regression framework
, 124–141

seemingly unrelated regression, critique of
, 126–127

Cost-utility analysis (CUA)
, 6

Cox Proportional Hazard (PH) model
, 208–211

Cross-country comparison

anchoring vignettes
, 151–164, 169–174

healthcare expenditures
, 327–344, 349–358

Cross-sectional dependence of healthcare expenditures
, 331–334, 341–343

Cross-sectionally augmented distributed lag (CS-DL)
, 334

Cross-Validation (CV)
, 368–369

Cultural assimilation
, 107–109

Database of State Tort Law Reforms (DSTLR)
, 249–251

Data envelopment analysis (DEA)
, 292

Defensive medicine

empirical analysis
, 244–247

liability pressure and
, 253–254

, 236–237

, 236

Delta method
, 122

Demand of health care services, immigration and
, 110–111

Diagnosis-related groups (DRG)
, 263–267, 274–275, 278, 289, 291, 299

Difference-in-Difference-in-Difference (DDD)
, 59, 65

Disability insurance (DI)
, 69–70

Discrete choice methods, in health economics
, 85–96

attribute non-attendance
, 93–96

multinomial logit and mixed logit models
, 86–91

scale heterogeneity
, 91–92

willingness to pay space, in estimation of
, 92–93

Domain-Specific Risk-Taking scale (DOSPERT)
, 7

Drug expenditure, insurance coverage on
, 202

Drug innovation
, 203, 205

Duration models
, 201–228

Ecological fallacy
, 296

Econometric strategy

parental investments to child’s health endowment at birth
, 179–183

, 289

, 289

, 292–294

, 294–297

Emergency department (ED) visits, geographical accessibility to
, 318

Empirical models of hospital competition
, 267–271


of child health
, 176, 177, 179, 180, 188, 192, 193

hospital’s quality competition
, 267–271

immigration and health
, 113

Endogenous attribute attendance (EAA) model
, 94–95

, 95–96

English Care Quality Commission
, 292

Enterprise liability
, 237

Episode splitting
, 209

Equality-constrained latent class (EC-LC) model
, 94, 95

Equation-by-equation estimation
, 134–136


subjective expectations of medical expenditures and insurance
, 23–52

Évaluation des pratiques (EPP)
, 290

Ex-ante assessments
, 288

Expectation-Maximisation (EM) algorithm
, 90, 370, 371

Expectations, of medical expenditures and insurance
, 23–52

Expected Utility Theory (EUT)
, 8–9

Expenditure externality hypothesis
, 317

Experimental design
, 12

Experimental tests
, 12

Experimenter demand effects
, 4

Ex-post assessments
, 288–292

Extended Bayesian Information Criterion (EBIC)
, 368

Extended Cox Model
, 209

Face validity
, 35–42

Failure of R&D process
, 204–210

estimation strategy
, 208–209

hazard function
, 205–208

time-varying characteristics and effects
, 209–210

Father’s birth endowment
, 181

FMOLS (Fully Modified OLS) estimation
, 339–341

Forecast expenditure
, 24

Framed field experiments
, 4

Gamble tradeoff (GTO) method
, 8

Gamma Pseudo Maximum Likelihood (GPML)
, 26, 42, 44

Gauss–Hermite quadrature
, 370, 371

Gaussian graphical models
, 360, 361–362

Generalised Linear Model (GLM)
, 26, 42, 311

Generalised-multinomial logit model (G-MNL)
, 91, 92

Generalized Cross-Validation
, 368

Generalized Method of Moments (GMM)
, 127–129, 140–141, 306, 321

relationship with SUR and OLS
, 129–130

German Socioeconomic Panel (SOEP)
, 111, 112

Gesundheitsberichterstattung des Bundes (GBE)
, 290

Gibbs sampling
, 371

Granger causality test
, 340

Graphical discrete choice models
, 370–371

Graphical LASSO (GLASSO)
, 321, 360, 366, 367, 372

Graphical modeling, for large network inference
, 359–373

applications of
, 371–373

discrete random variables

graphical discrete choice models
, 370–371

Ising graphical model
, 369–370

, 363–369

column-by-column approach
, 364–365

model selection
, 367–369

penalized log-likelihood approach
, 365–367

Gaussian graphical models
, 361–362

in spatial econometrics
, 362–363

Great Migration
, 106

Hansen–Sargan test
, 178

Hausman’s test
, 311

Haute Autorité de Santé (HAS)
, 290

Hawthorne effects
, 4

Hazard function, of R&D process
, 205–208

Health, defined
, 61

Healthcare Costs and Utilization Project (HCUP)
, 290

Healthcare expenditures (HCE), cross-country modeling of
, 315–318, 327–344, 349–358

data and variables
, 334–335

panel ARDL modeling studies
, 327–329, 331, 335–339, 349–351

study methodology
, 331–334

technology effects on
, 329–330

unit root tests
, 335–339

Healthcare services, assessment of
, 286–288

Health insurance. See Insurance

Health of migrants
, 101–114

Health outcomes
, 285–300

Health resources, allocation of
, 315–318

Health selectivity
, 107

Healthy immigrant effect
, 103, 110

Heart attack survival rate and expenditure
, 313

Herfindahl-Hirschman Index (HHI)
, 268–271, 319

Heteroskedasticity-autocorrelation consistent (HAC) estimator
, 313

Hierarchical ordered probit (HOPIT) model
, 146–148, 154, 157, 165

cross-country comparison
, 158, 163, 164, 169–170

health equation
, 151

reporting behavior
, 150–151, 156

HIV prevalence
, 314

Hospital competition on quality
, 263–279, 318–320

DRG tariffs and
, 274–275

empirical models of
, 267–271

non-profit hospitals
, 275–278

spatial approach to
, 271–273

Hospital discharge chart (HDC)
, 286

Hospital efficiency measurement, methods of
, 292–294

Hospital mergers
, 273–274

Identification problem
, 10

Immigration and health
, 101–114

administrative records
, 104–105

cultural assimilation and language skills
, 107–109

demand of health care services
, 110–111

health insurance coverage
, 109

health of those left behind
, 113

health selectivity
, 107

healthy immigrant effect
, 103, 110

immigration policy
, 107

natural and quasi-natural experiments
, 105–107

selection and regression toward the mean, modeling
, 104

supply of health care services
, 112

visa status
, 107

working conditions and work-related risks
, 111–112

Immigration and Refugee Protection Act of 2002
, 107

Immigration policy
, 107

Immunisation decisions
, 183

Incentive-compatible (IC) tests
, 8

Income elasticity
, 329, 335, 339

Incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER)
, 120–122, 123

Incremental net benefit (INB)
, 122–123, 140–141

Individual discounting
, 11–12

Information technology
, 330

Inpatient hospital admissions
, 312–313

Institutional accreditation
, 287

Instrumental variables (IV)
, 60, 176, 178, 180, 183, 242, 248, 269, 277, 306, 311


, 68


on drug expenditure
, 202

for immigrants
, 109

, 69–70

health, subjective expectations of
, 23–52

long-term care
, 70–71

sick leave
, 66–67

statutory pension
, 71–72

, 71

Insurance market choices
, 7

Intent-to-treat (ITT)
, 60

Interactive fixed effects estimator (IFE)
, 334

Intergenerational mobility
, 178, 181

Intrahousehold resource allocation
, 178

Irrelevant alternatives (IIA) property
, 88, 89

Ising graphical model
, 369–370

ISO-9000 certification
, 288

John Henry effects
, 5

Joint and several liability (JSL) rule
, 242, 249, 250

Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO)
, 287

Joint Commission on Accreditation of Hospitals
, 287

Key performance indicators (KPI)
, 289

Kolmogorov–Smirnov (KS) test
, 155–156

Kulback–Leibler divergence
, 368

Lab-field experiments
, 5

Labor market, immigration effect on
, 111

Language skills
, 107–109

Large network inference, graphical modeling techniques for
, 359–373

applications of
, 371–373

discrete random variables

graphical discrete choice models
, 370–371

Ising graphical model
, 369–370

, 363–369

column-by-column approach
, 364–365

model selection
, 367–369

penalized log-likelihood approach
, 365–367

Gaussian graphical models
, 361–362

in spatial econometrics
, 362–363

Latent class (LC) model
, 89, 90

Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator (LASSO)
, 321, 360, 364, 365, 372

Liability and medical decisions
, 236–241, 249, 251, 255

empirical analysis
, 240–241, 244–247

existing evidence and limitations
, 242–252

future research
, 255–257

liability pressure
, 252–255

theoretical expectations
, 238–240

Likert scale
, 7

Lind, James
, 3

Local Average Treatment Effect (LATE)
, 59, 61, 72

Long-term care insurance
, 70–71

Market structure, impact on price reaction function
, 318–319

Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm
, 366

Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE)
, 8, 306, 311, 321

Mean group (MG) estimator
, 332–333

, 64–66, 109

Medical expenditure
, 23–52

Medical malpractice
, 235–257

empirical analysis
, 240–241, 244–247

existing evidence and limitations
, 242–252

future research
, 255–257

liability pressure
, 252–255

theoretical expectations
, 238–240

, 65, 274

Part B program
, 106

Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey
, 70

Mental health expenditures
, 316–317

Mental health outcomes
, 314

Metropolis-Hastings algorithm
, 371

, 59, 60

“Minimum Standards for Hospitals” program
, 287

Mixed EAA (MEAA) model
, 95–96

Mixed logit (MXT) model
, 88–91, 92

Mixed proportional hazard (MPH) model
, 207–208, 209

Monte Carlo integration
, 370, 371

Moral hazard
, 24, 46, 57

Mortality of deprivation
, 313

Mother’s labour supply, effect of child health at birth on
, 176, 178, 180–181

, 86

Multinomial logit (MNT) model
, 86–88

, 91, 92

hospital’s quality competition
, 268

Multiple price list (MPL) method
, 8, 9

National Health Interview Survey
, 107–109

National Health Service (NHS)
, 2, 110, 290

Natural field experiments
, 4, 5

Neighbourhood, effect on health
, 313–314

Net benefit regression framework (NBRF)

to cost-effectiveness analysis
, 124–141

criticisms of
, 125–126

New Chemical Entities (NCEs)
, 202

Newton–Raphson algorithm
, 370

No fault system
, 237

Non-parametric estimation

anchoring vignettes
, 148–150

R&D hazard function
, 207

Non-profit hospitals, quality of
, 275–278

Objective health measures
, 62–63

Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
, 68

OECD countries, healthcare expenditures in
, 327–344, 349–358

Offset effects
, 65

Ontario Hospital Association
, 290

Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) estimation
, 125, 126, 144, 186–190, 192, 193, 272, 292, 309, 313

FMOLS (Fully Modified OLS) estimation
, 339

relationship with SUR and GMM
, 129–130

Oregon Health Insurance Experiment
, 64–65

ORYX program
, 290

Out-of-pocket (OOP) payments
, 46, 47

Outpatient expenditure
, 28

Outpatient hospital admissions
, 312–313

Overuse of treatments
, 237, 238, 240–241

Pain and suffering (P&S)
, 242, 249–251

Panel ARDL modeling
, 327–329, 331, 349–351

long-and short-run estimation of healthcare expenditure with
, 335–339, 352–357

Panel cointegration tests
, 339, 341–354, 358

Parametric estimation

anchoring vignettes
, 150–151

Parental investments to child’s health endowment at birth
, 175–193, 197–199

conceptual framework
, 178–179

data and sample selection
, 184–185

econometric strategy
, 179–183

estimation results
, 186–193

Partial Likelihood method
, 209, 210

, 329–330

Patient satisfaction
, 289–290

Peer review
, 290

Penalized log-likelihood approach
, 365–367

computational costs of
, 367

Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996
, 109

Pharmaceutical R&D
, 201–228

determinants of
, 214–225

, 204–210

estimation strategy
, 208–209

hazard function
, 205–208

time-varying characteristics and effects
, 209–210

measures of innovation
, 223–225

nature of
, 203–204

, 202

successful transition to next stage
, 210–225

, 212–213

estimation strategy
, 212

Phillips-Perron (PP) test
, 331, 332, 335

Piano nazionale esiti (PNE)
, 291

Pooled mean group (PMG) estimator
, 333

Predictive value of expectations
, 42–46

Pretrial screening
, 242

Probability equivalent (PE) method
, 8

Program in Assertive Community Treatment
, 130–140

background of data
, 131–132

background of study
, 130–131

characterizing uncertainty
, 138–140

equation-by-equation estimation
, 134–136

estimation strategies
, 132–134

simultaneous equations estimation
, 137–138

Prospective payment systems (PPS)
, 291, 299

Public Health England
, 2

Public health expenditures
, 316, 317

Quality Adjusted Life Years (QALY)
, 6

Quality-related life measures
, 63

Quasi difference-in-difference (DiD) model
, 269–270

Quasi-experimental design
, 147

Quasi-maximum likelihood estimator (QMLE)
, 334

QUIC algorithm
, 367

RAND Health Insurance Experiment (RAND HIE)
, 63–64

Randomized controlled trials (RCTs)
, 1–6

bias in
, 5

types of
, 4–5

Random utility models
, 87

Reduced-form methods
, 59–61, 69, 71

Regional malpractice liability funds
, 237

Regression analysis
, 306

Regression Discontinuity (RD)
, 59

Regression Kink (RK)
, 59

, 66–67

Relative efficiency assessment, methods of
, 294–297

Reporting heterogeneity
, 146–148, 156, 165

Research and development (R&D)

, 330

in pharmaceutical industry
, 201–228

, 212–213

determinants of
, 214–222

estimation strategy
, 212

, 204–210

measures of innovation
, 223–225

nature of
, 203–204

, 202

successful transition to next stage
, 210–225

Response consistency
, 147

Revealed preference (RP) data
, 86

Reverse causality
, 273

Risk adjustment
, 290, 295, 298

Risk aversion
, 47

Risk preferences
, 6–7

Risk-taking measurement
, 7–9

SARAR model
, 306, 315

SARMA (spatial lag and moving average model) model
, 317

SAR-Seemingly Unrelated Regression (SUR) model
, 312, 317, 320

Scale-based self-assessed approach
, 7–8

Scale heterogeneity
, 91–92

Scale of reference bias
, 62

Schedules damages
, 252

Seemingly unrelated regression (SUR)

critique in cost-effectiveness analysis
, 126–127

relationship with GMM and OLS
, 129–130

Self-reported mobility (SRM), empirical assessment of
, 145–166, 169–174

SEM-GMM model
, 313

Semi-parametric models

R&D hazard function
, 207–208

SEM-SUR panel model
, 312

, 298

, 298

Sick leave insurance
, 66–67

Simultaneous equations estimation
, 137–138

Smoothly clipped absolute deviation (SCAD) penalty
, 366, 368

Social insurance
, 57–73

accident insurance (workers compensation)
, 68

disability insurance
, 69–70

health econometric evidence

empirical methods
, 59–61

objective health measures
, 62–63

quality-related life measures
, 63

subjective self-reported health measures
, 62

long-term care insurance
, 70–71

Oregon health insurance experiment
, 64–65

RAND Health Insurance Experiment (RAND HIE)
, 63–64

sick leave insurance and rehabilitation
, 66–67

statutory pension insurance
, 71–72

unemployment insurance
, 71

Social Security Administration
, 106

Social Services Performance Rating (SSPR)
, 317

Socio-Economic Panel Study (SOEP)
, 63, 70

Spatial approach to hospital competition
, 271–273

Spatial autoregressive model
, 360

Spatial dependence
, 305–307, 311, 314, 316–318

Spatial Durbin lag model
, 306, 317, 320

Spatial econometrics, graphical models in
, 362–363

Spatial error model (SEM)
, 306, 310, 314, 316

Spatial health econometrics (SHE)
, 305–322

health care expenditures
, 315–318

health needs
, 314

health outcomes, risk factors and health needs
, 312–315

health resources, allocation of
, 315–318

hospital competition and agglomeration
, 318–320

risk factors
, 313

spatial models
, 309–312

spatial weights
, 307–309

Spatial lag autoregressive model (SAR)
, 306, 310–314, 316, 319, 362

Spatial lag operator
, 309

Spatial models
, 309–312

Spatial panel data model
, 310–311, 316

Spatial weight matrix
, 307, 308

Spatial weights
, 307–309

Standard Gamble (SG) method
, 6

, 295

State dependent reporting bias
, 62

Status of limitations
, 242

Statutory pension insurance
, 71–72

Stochastic dominance
, 156, 158–160, 170–174

Stochastic frontier approach (SFA)
, 292, 293

Structural methods
, 60, 61, 67, 70

Subjective probability, of medical expenditures and insurance
, 23–52

belief elicitation
, 27–28

expectations influence on insurance decision
, 46–50

face validity and formation of expectations

household-specific mean, predictors of
, 35–41

revisions to expectations
, 41–42

forecasts and realizations, comparison of

expected and realized expenditures, correlation between
, 34–35

forecast medical expenditure distributions, moments of
, 32–34

medical expenditure data
, 28–29

predictive value of expectations
, 42–46

sampling design
, 26–27

validity of

distribution of responses
, 31–32

illogical responses
, 30–31

response rates
, 29–30

Subjective self-reported health measures
, 62

Supply of health care services, immigration and
, 112

Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE)
, 145, 148, 151, 153, 154, 165

Synthetic Control Group Method (SCGM)
, 59, 60

Tariffs, effect on quality
, 274–275

Taylor approximation
, 122

Technology, effects on healthcare expenditures
, 329–330

Temporary Disability Insurance
, 67

, 369

Time preferences
, 6–7

measurement of
, 9–10

Time Trade Off (TTO) method
, 6

Tort reforms
, 242, 243, 248

Trade-off approach
, 8

Transportation costs
, 265, 266

Treatment selection, medical liability effects on
, 241

Truncated Normal distribution
, 371

Truven Health Analytics
, 290

Two-stage least square estimation (2SLS)
, 186–193

Ufficio federale per la sanità pubblica (UFSP)
, 290

Underuse of treatments
, 237, 238, 240–241

Unemployment insurance (UI)
, 71

UNI-EN-ISO-9000 certification
, 288

United Kingdom (UK)

Cabinet Office
, 3

Nudge Unit
, 2

Department of Health
, 2

Labor Force Survey
, 112

United States (US)

Earned Income Credit
, 59

Health and Retirement Survey
, 8

Social Security Notch
, 59

Unit root tests
, 335–339

Vignette equivalence
, 147

Virtual experiments
, 5

Visa status
, 107

VISION-2000 version
, 288

Westerlund ECM test, for panel cointegration
, 341–343

Willingness to pay (WTP)
, 87–88

space, in estimation of
, 91–93

Workers compensation (WC)
, 68

Workhorse models
, 86–91

Working conditions, immigration effect on
, 111–112

Work-related risks, immigration effect on
, 111–112