Consolidated References

The Theory of Monetary Aggregation

ISBN: 978-0-44450-119-6, eISBN: 978-1-84950-849-0

ISSN: 0573-8555

Publication date: 30 June 2000

This content is currently only available as a PDF


(2000), "Consolidated References", Barnett, W.A. and Serletis, A. (Ed.) The Theory of Monetary Aggregation (Contributions to Economic Analysis, Vol. 245), Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 617-648.



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2000, Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Preface to The Theory of Monetary Aggregation
Editors' Introduction to Volume
Section 1.1: Overview of Part 1
The User Cost of Money
Economic Monetary Aggregates: An Application of Index Number and Aggregation Theory
The Microeconomic Theory of Monetary Aggregation
Understanding the New Divisia Monetary Aggregates
Section 2.1: Editors' Overview of Part 2
Divisia Indices
Divisia Monetary Aggregates
The Optimal Level of Monetary Aggregation
New Concepts of Aggregated Money
Section 3.1: Editors' Overview of Part 3
A Dispersion-Dependency Diagnostic Test for Aggregation Error: With Applications to Monetary Economics and Income Distribution
Exact Aggregation Under Risk
Monitoring Monetary Aggregates Under Risk Aversion
CAPM Risk Adjustment
Stochastic Volatility in Interest Rates and Nonlinearity in Velocity
A Reply to Julio J. Rotemberg
Partition of M2+ as a Joint Product: Commentary
Section 4.1: Editors' Overview of Part 4
New Indices of Money Supply and the Flexible Laurent Demand System
The New Divisia Monetary Aggregates
Consumer Theory and the Demand for Money
Section 5.1: Editors' Overview of Part 5
The Regulatory Wedge Between the Demand-Side and Supply-Side Aggregation-Theoretic Monetary Aggregates
Financial-Firm Production of Monetary Services: A Generalized Symmetric Barnett Variable-Profit-Function Approach
Financial-Firms' Production and Supply-Side Monetary Aggregation Under Dynamic Uncertainty
Estimating Policy-Invariant Deep Parameters in the Financial Sector When Risk and Growth Matter
Section 6.1: Editors' Overview of Part 6
Recent Monetary Policy and the Divisia Monetary Aggregates
Which Road Leads to Stable Money Demand?
Perspective on the Current State of Macroeconomic Theory
Section A.l: Editors' Overview of Appendix
Introduction to the St. Louis Monetary Services Index Project
Consolidated References
Index by Name
Index by Subject