
Emerging Conceptions of Work, Management and the Labor Market

ISBN: 978-1-78714-460-6, eISBN: 978-1-78714-459-0

ISSN: 0277-2833

Publication date: 12 June 2017

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(2017), "Index", Emerging Conceptions of Work, Management and the Labor Market (Research in the Sociology of Work, Vol. 30), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 221-224.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2017 Emerald Publishing Limited


Affordable Care Act (ACA)
, 120, 129, 134

, 38, 61, 63, 77, 79, 81–82

, 189–190

Agency for Health Care Research And Quality
, 121

American Hospital Association
, 121

American Management Association (AMA)
, 191

, 212n2

Audience segregation
, 4, 17, 18, 24, 27

The Birth of Biopolitics (Foucault)
, 5

Boundaryless careers
, 37–38, 45, 47, 49, 52

Budros, A.
, 212n1

, 143, 149–151, 154–155, 157–159, 160, 167–169

, 60, 61, 63, 64, 66, 73, 75, 81–83

, 194, 195–198, 206, 208–211

Clinton, H.
, 22

“Company of one”
, 36, 44, 52

Context collapse
, 18, 29n7

Continuous improvement
, 88, 99, 101

Corporate governance
, 187–191, 208–211

Crew Resource Management
, 128

Crossing the Quality Chasm (Institute of Medicine)
, 119

, 89, 90, 102, 106, 110–112

Digital inequality
, 4

Digital technologies
, 2–4, 19

Disciplinary power
, 5

Dividend per share
, 198

Downsizing, dealing with
, 34–35

boundaryless careers and
, 37–38, 45, 47, 49, 52

co-management of career paths and
, 47–48

data and methods
, 39–43

, 51–53

financial service careers and
, 39

large financial firms becoming precarious and
, 43–44

new organizational careers and
, 38–39

in financial services
, 44–46

variation in
, 48–51

precarious work and insecurity and
, 35–37

, 8–9, 11, 17, 22

Flexible working
, 118, 119, 133

Foucault, M.
, 5, 20, 26–28, 28n1, 29n9

Gawande, A.
, 118

, 16–18, 28n1

Great Recession
, 143, 145–146, 148, 150, 151, 153, 170

Health care industry
, 118, 119, 122, 123, 129, 134

See also Lean production in healthcare, deployment of

Herfindahl index
, 199

, 142–144, 146–149, 151, 152, 154, 159, 167, 170–172, 173n5

Homosocial reproduction
, 144

Human resources
, 2, 101

, 125

, 34–35, 38–39, 43–44, 52–54

precarious work and
, 35–37

Institute for Healthcare Improvement
, 121

Institute of Medicine
, 119, 121

Institutional entrepreneurs
, 91–92

Institutional investors
, 198

Institutional Review Board (IRB)
, 124

Institutional theory
, 193

Institutional translation
, 88, 91

Intensive care
, 118–120

, 133–136

hospital restructuring and
, 129

ICU expansion
, 133

rationalizing labor
, 131–132

service lines
, 130

medical authority and rise of teamwork and
, 120–121

methods and settings
, 123–124

analytic process
, 125

, 124–125

, 124

and teamwork

as culture
, 127–129

in ICU
, 125–127

, 121–123

, 2, 4, 22, 23, 27, 29n8

Job search and digital intermediaries
, 3–6

Joint Commission
, 121

Labor queues
, 143, 144, 146–148, 167, 169–171

Labour process theory (LPT)
, 60

Lakeview Associates
, 89–90, 93, 102–103

frame alignment
, 104

, 104–111

Lean’s deployment organizing
, 103–104

Lane, C. M.
, 35

, 186, 188, 191–193, 195–197, 199, 200, 203, 206, 209–211

Lean production in healthcare, deployment of
, 87–90

cases and methods
, 92–94

Lakeview Associates and
, 102–103

frame alignment
, 104

, 104–111

lean’s deployment organizing
, 103–104

lean medicine and
, 90

management models and divergent change
, 91–92

Riverside Hospital and
, 94–95

frame alignment
, 96–100

, 100–102

Lean’s deployment organizing
, 95–96

, 8–11, 14, 15, 17–18, 29n4

membership rise of
, 9

Managing for Excellence (ME)
, 105, 109–110

Mass-customized services
, 60, 61, 63, 66, 82, 83

, 60, 63, 82

Microsoft OneNote
, 125

Model attenuation
, 89, 111

Model entrepreneurs
, 89–90, 94, 96, 97, 101, 102, 104, 107, 108, 111, 112

Model translations
, 89, 92
, 2

National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1997 (NLSY97)
, 143, 153

survey results

between-group differences
, 165–166

main effects and difference-in difference
, 159–165

variables and statistical analyses
, 153–154

Neo-normative control and value discretion, in interactive service work
, 60–62, 68, 72–73

case study and methods
, 66–67

control and discretion at work
, 62–66

, 80–83

management approach
, 70–72

recruitment and selection and
, 68–70

task discretion and
, 77–78

range and degree of performance offered and
, 79–80

range and degree of service offered and
, 78–79

value discretion and
, 73–77, 80–83

New organizational careers
, 38–39, 48, 52

in financial services
, 44

internal movement as evidence
, 44–45

loyalty as evidence
, 45–46

variation in
, 48–49

serial monogamy model
, 49–50

spiral staircase model
, 50–51

One-profile dilemma
, 16–21

One Stop center
, 7–8, 29n3

One-way honor system
, 36, 52

Outside director
, 199

Patient Safety Curriculum Guide
, 121

Practice managers
, 102–104, 106–111

, 27–28

, 120

Pugh, A. J.
, 36

Race, recession, and social closure, in low-wage labor market
, 142–143

, 169–172

field experiment results

between-group differences
, 157–159

main effects and difference-in-difference
, 154–157

limitations and strengths
, 166–169


field experiment
, 150

sampling and experimental procedures
, 150–151

survey data
, 153–154

, 151–152

NLSY97 survey results

between-group differences
, 165–166

main effects and difference-in difference
, 159–165

theoretical background
, 143

great recession effect on individuals
, 145–146

inequality durability
, 148–150

labor queues and social closure
, 146–148

racial discrimination and employment disadvantage sources
, 143–144

Racial inequality. See Race, recession, and social closure, in low-wage labor market

Recession. See Race, recession, and social closure, in low-wage labor market

Reciprocity, virtue of
, 70, 72

Responsible autonomy
, 62, 71, 82

Return on assets (ROA)
, 196, 208

Return on equity (ROE)
, 196, 208

Reverse networking
, 9, 24

Riverside Hospital
, 89, 92–95

frame alignment
, 96–100

, 100–102

Lean’s deployment organizing
, 95–96

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
, 121

Search engine optimization (SEO)
, 14

Serial monogamy career
, 48, 53

of new organizational careers
, 49–50

Shareholder value and workforce downsizing
, 190–194

orientation among U.S. corporations and
, 189–190

Social closure
, 142, 143, 146–149, 167, 169–171

Social networking sites and labor market
, 2–3

data and methodology
, 6–7

double-edged exposure of
, 10–11

exposure and one-profile dilemma and
, 16–21

exposure of one’s image and
, 11–16

, 24–28

job search and digital intermediaries and
, 3–6

lure and benefits of
, 7–10

social-political self exposure and
, 21–24

Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM)
, 2, 25

Spiral staircase model
, 50–51, 53

Stakeholder perspective
, 192

Stock repurchase
, 198

Street level bureaucrats
, 65

Task discretion
, 77–78

range and degree of performance offered and
, 79–80

range and degree of service offered and
, 78–79

Taylor, F. W.
, 62

, 121

Team work. See Intensive care

To Err is Human (Institute of Medicine)
, 119

Trust and care, as virtue
, 62, 65, 70–72, 74, 78, 80

, 21

U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
, 153, 174n10

U.S. Census Region
, 153

U.S. Department of Labor
, 153

U.S. National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER)
, 151

Valorization process
, 81

Value discretion
, 65–66, 73–77, 80–83

Wall Street Journal
, 195

Weberian closure theory
, 142

Workforce downsizing
, 186–189

data and methods
, 194–200

, 209–211

, 200–209

shareholder value and
, 190–194

orientation among U.S. corporations and
, 189–190

“Workforce 2015: Strategy Trumps Shortage” (American Hospital Association)
, 121

, 14, 21