Just Work: Sex Work at the Intersections
Rethinking Class and Social Difference
ISBN: 978-1-83982-021-2, eISBN: 978-1-83982-020-5
Publication date: 30 September 2020
Examining paths into and out of sex work followed by three women in Bangalore, India, this essay argues that the struggles of sex workers to secure a livelihood highlight the interlocking relationships of caste, class, and gender, as well as forms of autonomy and agency within these systems. Interview narratives reveal how gendered marginalization leads to precarious work; and precarious work leads to sexual stigma. They show how intersectionality theory can be placed in conversation with Marxist feminisms and Indian feminist scholarship on caste, class, and gender to illuminate patterns of gendered economic marginalization in urban India. Such an analysis offers a way to articulate the relationships of caste, class, and gender in the lives of sex workers and to illustrate how intersectionality theory can be extended when engaged transnationally.
Vijayakumar, G. (2020), "Just Work: Sex Work at the Intersections", Eidlin, B. and McCarthy, M.A. (Ed.) Rethinking Class and Social Difference (Political Power and Social Theory, Vol. 37), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 135-154. https://doi.org/10.1108/S0198-871920200000037007
:Emerald Publishing Limited
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