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Imperialism and Global South's Debt: Insights From Modern Monetary Theory, Ecological Economics, and Dependency Theory

Ndongo Samba Sylla (Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, Senegal)

Imperialism and the Political Economy of Global South’s Debt

ISBN: 978-1-80262-484-7, eISBN: 978-1-80262-483-0

Publication date: 20 March 2023


This chapter addresses the issue of the Global South external debt by mobilizing insights from Modern Monetary Theory, Ecological Economics, and Dependency Theory. It argues that the external debt problem of Southern governments is a reflection of their subordinate economic and monetary status. It shows why the argument of foreign currency shortage often used to explain the need for Southern governments to issue foreign currency debts remains superficial. In contrast to the usual focus on creditors, the chapter highlights the role played by foreign direct investment in the genesis of the chronic external indebtedness of most Southern countries. It argues then that the external debt of the South must be understood holistically not only as a manifestation of the unequal ecological exchange between the North and the South but also as an instrument that has contributed to reproducing and amplifying this pattern. Under these conditions, the cancellation or restructuring of the South's external debt stock and a few other unlikely concessions by the Northern countries will not be enough to abolish the “debt system.” This is an important lesson from the antiimperialist critique of the mid-1970s New International Economic Order (NIEO) agenda that current movements for Southern debt cancellation and Climate Justice would do well to remember.



Sylla, N.S. (2023), "Imperialism and Global South's Debt: Insights From Modern Monetary Theory, Ecological Economics, and Dependency Theory", Sylla, N.S. (Ed.) Imperialism and the Political Economy of Global South’s Debt (Research in Political Economy, Vol. 38), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 193-222.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2023 Ndongo Samba Sylla. Published under exclusive licence by Emerald Publishing Limited