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Enhancing delivery: algorithms supporting performance management in the logistics sector

Khaldoon Al-Htaybat (Accounting Department, Faculty of Economics and Administration, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia)
Larissa von Alberti-Alhtaybat (Prince Mohammed Bin Salman College of Business and Entrepreneurship, King Abdullah Economic City, Saudi Arabia)

Qualitative Research in Accounting & Management

ISSN: 1176-6093

Article publication date: 2 December 2021

Issue publication date: 6 June 2022




The purpose of this study is to contribute an actor-network-theory (ANT) perspective of how algorithms are used and whether this reflects positively on organisational practices and related perceptions of organisation performance, by both customers and employees. Furthermore, the organisation’s view of adopting algorithms to manage their performance is explored.


The current study is a study set in this virtual space, as it seeks to use data available online from different stakeholders of the case organisation. Online “virtual space” studies have become more common over the past few years. Primary and secondary data are shared online, for instance on relevant rating websites for customers (such as TrustPilot) and employees (such as Indeed), which serve as a reflection of the organisational performance and the communication of their values. This type of study has become more prevalent, either as a study undertaken online fully (Hine, 2007) or partially (for instance Baxter et al., 2019), which provides a different perspective to traditionally carried out face-to-face interactions.


The current study has contributed insights from a global case organisation in the logistics sector originating in the Middle East (ME). The case organisation clearly indicates that its algorithm, in line with particular presentations and discussions on online platforms, is focussed on analysing limited factors, which are prediction of accurate delivery timeslot, preferred and precise location for delivery and speed of delivery overall. This reflects an inherent bias of the delivery industry, which the case organisation operates in, and may focus attention on delivering on those objectives, with a detrimental effect on the organisation’s broader organisational mindset. This refers to long-term values and sustainability-related objectives.


Findings will reflect on whether algorithms can be used to align a multi-national organisation to achieve its desired performance and related desirable results. This will be one of the main contributions of the current study, which engages with a multi-national organisation in the logistics sector that is based in the ME region.



Al-Htaybat, K. and von Alberti-Alhtaybat, L. (2022), "Enhancing delivery: algorithms supporting performance management in the logistics sector", Qualitative Research in Accounting & Management, Vol. 19 No. 3, pp. 305-322.



Emerald Publishing Limited

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