Lindridge, A. (2015), "Editorial", Qualitative Market Research, Vol. 18 No. 1.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Article Type: Editorial From: Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal, Volume 18, Issue 1
Welcome to 2015 from the Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal Team!
I begin this issue by exploring how consumers in differing contexts understand the market they exist within and the products they consume. As the world becomes a smaller place with diaspora populations, marketers developing global brands and the rise of the anti-consumption movement are topics that are increasingly becoming important issues. The first three papers in this issue go some way in helping us understand these issues.
In the first paper by Chen and Lambreti entitled “Entering the dragon’s nest: exploring Chinese upper-class consumers’ perception of luxury”, the authors encourage us to explore what constitutes a luxury product in the Chinese market? As the authors rightfully stress, China’s continued demand for Western luxury goods requires a greater understanding of what China’s upper and middle classes are seeking. In answering this question, the authors provide a number of interesting insights that will be of value to both marketing academics and practioners.
Yet, not all consumers may demand, let alone be willing to purchase luxury products. In the second paper entitled “Drivers of Consumer Purchase Intentions for Remanufactured Products: A Study of Indian Consumers Relocated to the USA”, the authors Gaur, Amini, Banerjee and Gupta research the emerging market for remanufactured products. That is, products that have been previously used and then refurbished to look new. Their paper identifies five factors that influence how a migrant population engages with these products, thus offering an interesting insight into an increasing popular topic.
While countries like China may actively seek out and favour Western products, this may not always hold true for those countries whose experience of the West is rooted in historical imperial oppression. The authors Touzani, Fatma and Mouna Meriem address this theme in their paper, entitled “Country-of-origin and emerging countries: revisiting a complex relationship”. By studying Tunisian consumers and their cultural and historical associations of Western products, the authors argue that the country-of-origin symbolism of certain Western countries is inherently associated with Tunisia’s imperial occupation – an observation that challenges our current understanding of country-of-origin research.
The next three papers all focus on the continuing popular topic of branding. In Moussa’s paper entitled “I may be a twin but I’m one of a kind: Are brand attachment and brand love different names for the same construct?”, the author takes a critical perspective to two hot topics of branding – brand attachment and brand love. In reviewing these constructs, the authors encourage us to view these two constructs as the same as core knowledge product. A conclusion that I am sure will provoke an interesting response from the branding community.
The theme of branding is continued in the next paper entitled “Exploring the corporate image formation process”. In this paper, the authors Melewar, Tran, Nguyen and Bodoh explore the complex relationships between corporate image, corporate reputation, corporate communication and corporate personality. The seven model dimensions that emerge from their findings offer new insights into this interesting area.
At the time of writing this editorial, Britain is six months away from a general election. From a reflective perspective, an increasing trend among political parties has been their almost desperate need to ensure their brand image reflects not their values, but what voters think it should be – an issue discussed in the next paper – “Qualitative projective techniques in political brand image research from the perspective of young adults”. Using the British political party – The Conservative party – the authors Pich and Dean explore the role of projective techniques in political brand development. No doubt this paper will be eagerly read by the various political parties' spin doctors.
I conclude this issue with a topic close to my heart – music. In a paper entitled “My-Music My-Self”, the authors Greenacre, Freeman and Filhy explore the importance of music consumption in understanding our identity. Drawing upon a varied range of research works, they provide a convincing argument of how music assists consumers in building their aesthetic, actualized and transcendent selves – a finding that may go some way to explain this editor’s eclectic musical tastes.
I hope you enjoy this issue and continue to read forthcoming issues of Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal.
Andrew Lindridge - Editor