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USMCA could influence future trade deals’ focus

Thursday, August 20, 2020


US President Donald Trump has left the Trans-Pacific Partnership and escalated trade frictions with China. The USMCA, by contrast, shows a trade deal renegotiated, the implementation of which will be watched for its implications for other US trade activity, especially with the presidential election coming in November.


  • COVID-19 disruptions mean some aspects of the USMCA, such as rules of origin, will be delayed.
  • If Trump is re-elected, he will continue his tariff-driven efforts to secure Chinese economic reform for US firms.
  • Biden would aspire to strengthen US-Asian trade ties but would focus first on smoothing trade with existing partners.
  • China and neighbours should assume a Mexican challenge to their production, especially of autos, steel and textiles.
  • Trump will tout the USMCA as evidence his trade reform agenda works.

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