World hunger is likely to rise as 2030 UN target nears
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Prospects for ending global hunger.
The number of people classed as 'hungry' increased to 821 million in 2018, from 811 million in 2017, and a low of 785 million in 2015, according to a recent report by the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO). This continues a recent trend of a slow increase in global hunger since 2015, although the proportion of hungry people globally is largely unchanged (around 11%). The trend is being compounded by a rise in obesity and overweight.
- Climate-sensitive agriculture will generate more interest as extreme weather events rise in intensity and frequency.
- Taxes on high-sugar, high-fat foods will rise, but without access to healthier options, the problem of poor nutrition is intractable.
- Governments will face pressure to increase investment in nutrition education to help people make healthier choices.