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Chronic disease will constrain China's economic growth

Friday, February 20, 2015


Chronic diseases and their impact on China's economic prospects.


Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) are now China's number-one health threat, contributing more than 80% of the country's 10.3 million annual deaths and nearly 70% of its total disease burden. With less than one-fifth of the world's population, China already suffers more than one-quarter of its cancer deaths. NCDs have been a priority for China since the 12th Five-year Plan was launched in 2011. However, the rate at which the chronic disease burden is growing is alarming.


  • Greater investment in primary healthcare and social care is likely under the 13th Five-year Plan (2016-20).
  • Business opportunities will expand in the healthcare, pharmaceuticals and health insurance sectors.
  • As the challenge of chronic disease grows, the government is likely to extend market access to previously regulated sectors.

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