The social political role of Muslim scholars (ulamas) in the Acehnese society
Journal of Global Responsibility
ISSN: 2041-2568
Article publication date: 16 September 2020
Issue publication date: 21 January 2021
The purpose of this study is to critically understand and to find out the social political role of the Acehnese ulamas (Muslim scholars) in solving and coping with social issues faced by contemporary Acehnese society.
This study was conducted in the province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, especially in the districts of Aceh Utara, Pidie, Aceh Besar, Aceh Selatan and Aceh Timur. The locations were chosen based on the consideration of the objective conditions that many ulamas are dwelling and easily be found within these areas. Besides, the locations are historically believed as the origins of the Acehnese that are so diverse. In addition, a large number of social problems frequently arose within those regions. The subjects of this research study were a number of community determined by purposive sampling technique. The instruments used for the data collection in this research were observation, in-depth interview and library study; and interpretative understanding was also used to analyze the data.
The existence of the Acehnese ulamas represents the government’s recognition to word the traditional institutional in Aceh. However, some people think that institutions are used by government to exploit ulama as the mediator between government and society. For the Acehnese ulamas, the presence of the institution could be used to consolidate their power for the benefit of the people.
The originality of this research can be seen from the effort to explain how contemporary Acehnese society views Theologian (ulama) in solving social problems, which were little studied by previous researchers. This question is important to examine, given the position of ulama in people’s lives since the pre-independence period and during the social revolution that had occurred in Aceh until the early 1970s was very dominant. That is, even the symbolic world of Acehnese society formed through the dominance of ulama discourse has structured how people’s responses typically must be expressed.
In this study, the authors used personal funds. The author realizes that in writing this journal, he has received guidance and support from various parties, and for this reason, the author would like to thank Syiah Kuala University, Banda Aceh and related colleagues in completing this journal.
, R. (2021), "The social political role of Muslim scholars (ulamas) in the Acehnese society", Journal of Global Responsibility, Vol. 12 No. 1, pp. 1-21.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
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